Universiteit Leiden

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Career preparation

One ambition of the university’s vision on teaching and learning is employability enhancement. The career preparation framework details what is needed to ensure that students feel prepared for the job market they enter when they finish their studies. 

To that end, the university has set up the Career Service. Every faculty has its own branch to ensure that field- and programme specific support can be offered. Faculty of Science students can make use of the Science Career Service and the online environment, the LU Career Zone, throughout their studies.

The Science Career Service offers support integrated in study programmes and extra-curricular activities. This helps student orient and prepare for a career that suits them.

If you would like to incorporate more explicit career preparation support or activities into your course or study programme, contact: career@science.leidenuniv.nl. In addition, the university has a best practices page (in Dutch) of educationally innovative that provide substance to career preparation in our education.

13 shared transferable skills

Transferable skills are an important element of the career preparation framework. Leiden University has defined 13 shared transferable skills that every student should get the chance of developing during their studies. 
At the Faculty of Science, students can do so with the help of the Science Skills Platform.

Find more information about the Science Career Service

Science Career Service

Find more general information about career planning and preparation

LU Career Zone

Find more information about the Science Skills Platform

Science Skills Platform
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