3,168 search results for “starting” in the Staff website
Registering new programmes
If you have an idea for a new degree programme, be aware that the registration procedure is complex and time-consuming. Your faculty, the Executive Board, the Efficiency Committee for Higher Education (CDHO) and the Accreditation Organisation of the Netherlands and Flanders (NVAO) must all approve.
Communication in Science for PhDs (from Science and LUMC)
Communication, Research
Payments to research participants
You can find information about making payments to research participants on this page.
Van Haersolte Fund
Bachelor, Master, PhD, Staff
Mental health
The most common problem areas PhD students face are listed below, as well as how one can begin to fix these problems.
Grading and recording grades
Examiners are responsible for formulating grading criteria and for ensuring that assessments are graded fairly and consistently. This page presents the guidelines for using grading models, dealing with fraud and plagiarism, recording grades, and the grading time limits you need to observe.
Tips & tricks for online meetings
Most of us are spending more time looking at computer screens due to remote working and online meetings. Video calls have become a popular way of keeping in touch for professionals but it’s not without its problems. The two most frequently heard complaints are a general sense of fatigue and a lack of…
Birth leave
If your partner is pregnant, you are entitled to various forms of leave, including birth leave. You can also take leave during the period surrounding your child’s birth, so as to be sure that you are there when your child is born.
Courses and training programmes
As a PhD candidate, you are expected to follow certain courses and training programmes in the context of your training as researcher.
Social media
Making use of social media is a good way to meet others or to hear about the latest news and developments. But it also has its downsides: disinformation, trolling, disrespectful comments and even the misuse of (personal) data.
ASCL Seminar: Neoliberal Authoritarianism in Rwanda: A Feminist Analysis
Motherhood and Unfreedom in the Islamicate World
Conference, workshop
Overview of terms and conditions of employment
Leiden University offers its staff members an attractive package of benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% and a end-of-year bonus of 8.3%. Using the Individual Choices Model it is also possible to opt for personalised benefits. Here we have summarised the most important terms and conditions.
Active Learning Classrooms
If you want your students to be actively involved in your lecture or tutorial, book an Active Learning Classroom!
Research from home
On this page you will find a list of all research and teaching applications that are available for use outside the University network. The list will be updated regularly.
- Educational design
Expat tax facility
The Expat facility is a tax measure for employees from abroad and employees sent abroad by the University. Under specific conditions the employer may provide a maximum of 30% of your income in the form of an allowance for a temporary stay in the Netherlands or abroad. This allowance for so-called extra-territorial…
BA in Italian Language and Culture to continue
Leiden University will continue to offer its BA in Italian Language and Culture. The Board of the Faculty of Humanities has reversed its decision to stop admitting new students as of the 2026/2027 academic year.
All Roads Lead to Rome? New Reflections on Ecology and Mobility in the Roman Empire
Lecture, Global Questions Seminar
Save the date: Inter- en transdisciplinary event 'Knowledge Orchard' 28 november 2025
Knowledge Orchard is a jubilee event at Leiden University to highlight, stimulate and strengthen inter- and transdisciplinary cooperation inside and outside the university. The event is aimed at Leiden University researchers and social partners. Put it in your diary!
Leiden/Africa Partners: Fair Partnerships and Equal Exchange in Education
Study information
In Memoriam: Sabine Luning (30 augustus 1959 - 6 maart 2025)
Last Thursday, March 6, Sabine Luning passed away after an illness of more than six months. Sabine was an inspiring teacher who enthused generations of anthropology students with both the theoretical side of social science and the practice of intensive fieldwork. As a researcher, she produced innovative…
- GROW jaargesprek voorbereiden
Archaeology Student Assessor Imen el Idrissi reflects on the upcoming academic year
Education, Organisation
Word from the LUCSoR Chair
Welcome to 2024! I hope this message finds you doing well and reenergised following the holiday season. With that said, I can imagine that many of us are not quite ready to be back in the classroom (either as a student or a lecturer)! The good news is that we have plenty of activities to jump start…
New commission investigates Russia's crimes of aggression against Ukraine
Can Russia be prosecuted for war crimes against Ukraine? The International Criminal Court does not have this jurisdiction. To fill this void in jurisdiction, a new commission has been created: an International Centre for the Prosecution of Crimes of Aggression, the ICPA.
- bezoek aanmelden LU-Card check entree
- interim-bestuur opdracht CvB
Young Academy Leiden (YAL) is looking for new members
Organisation, Social
Are you taking part in the Leiden Marathon this year? Win a Leiden Law Running shirt!
- Online module for new employees Faculty of Humanities
From Remindo to Ans: an update
Menu of activating teaching methods: are you using it?
Earlier this year, we proudly presented the menu of activating teaching methods. Are you using it yet? We want to encourage you to apply activating teaching methods within the courses you teach, and therefore promote active participation among students.
Specialising in quantum? New Leiden-Delft master's degree launched
Quantum technologies are in demand worldwide, but until now Leiden students could not specialise in them. The new master’s program QIST (Quantum Information Science and Technology) is going to change that. Researcher and professor Jordi Tura i Brugués: ‘We need to train the next generation of quantum…
Robo-bird teaches young zebra finches to sing
How do young zebra finches learn to sing? A research team led by researcher Katharina Riebel has developed a ‘RoboFinch’ to study just that. She and colleagues in the 'Seeing voices' research consortium have spent the past four years designing the robotic bird. And with success: young zebra finches…
Kick-off HU “Time to Recharge” Week!
This week is the annual Healthy University Week at Leiden University and the LUMC , and the theme this year is: “Time to Recharge”! It’s going to be a week filled with lively activities ranging from brief energizers and interesting lunch lectures to interactive workshops about things that can help us…
Relocation bike parking University Library
Facility, Library
Lies Bouwman appointed as Director of Education at the LIC
Starting 1 August Lies Bouwman has been appointed as Director of Education at the LIC. She will combine this role with her position as the Programme Director of the Master's programmes in Life Science and Technology (LST) and Chemistry. By doing so, she joins the new collegial institute board of the…
- Short online course: Plagues and Epidemics in Archaeology
Subsidie voor gezondheidsrechtelijk onderzoek
Mirjam Sombroek-van Doorm heeft in samenwerking met de interventie ‘Nu Niet Zwanger’ een derde geldstroomonderzoek gegund gekregen. Het betreft advisering over gezondheidsrechtelijke kwesties binnen de betreffende interventie.
Erik Danen new Dean of the Graduate School of Science
The Graduate School of Science starts 2024 with a new Dean. The Faculty Council appointed Erik Danen for the coming four years. He succeeds Eric Eliel, who has held the position since May 2020.
Green makeover for Gorlaeus Building courtyards: work in progress
Belangrijke informatie deadlines boekbestellingen bij Juridische Bibliotheek
Gorlaeus Building construction workers spotlighted at highest point celebration
On Thursday 8 December, the project teams of Leiden University and Heijmans Utiliteit, together with the construction workers of the project, celebrated reaching the highest point of phase 2a of the Gorlaeus Building. An important milestone in the construction and traditionally the moment to put the…
A new academic year, new colleagues at the faculty
- Kernvisie bachelor rechtsgeleerdheid
BPS MSc course Design, Analysis, and Practical Use of Biologicals
BPS MSc student Guus Ruiter: This year I followed this new course called Design, Analysis, and Practical Use of Biologicals at the LUMC given by Rawi Ramautar and developed for both BPS MSc and Pharmacy students. During this course, there were many different speakers, in particular from biotech companies…
Update process of cultural change Faculty of Archaeology
Alumnus, rechtsfilosoof en wereldreiziger Bart Jansen: ‘focus je niet, maar verstrooi jezelf’
Stilzitten doet alumnus Bart Jansen niet graag. Zo geeft hij les in onder meer Nederland, Maleisië en Curaçao, houdt hij zich naast het recht ook graag bezig met kunst en mystiek en vindt hij naar eigen zeggen ‘alles wat fout gaat’ wel interessant aan de rechtsfilosofie. ‘Ik ben gek op veelzijdige mensen;…
Construction projects
If you wish to find out about current construction projects, you will find an up-to-date overview of Leiden University construction projects below.