From Remindo to Ans: an update

Starting with the 2024-2025 academic year, FSW will use testing platform Ans for digital testing. To ensure a smooth transition, a lot of work has already been done. However, the bulk of the work comes this summer. We asked Digital Testing team members Rosanne van den Berg and Arie in 't Veld for an update and answers to the most pressing questions.
At what point in the transition are we now?
The migration of the question banks of Semester 1 subjects started June 1. The coordinators of these subjects had previously all been requested to review the questions from Remindo and indicate whether any changes were needed. Work has now begun on transferring the questions. We expect the bulk of the work this summer.
So no vacation for the Digital Testing team?
We will be working hard with an expanded team this summer so that on 2 September everything will be ready for Semester 1. Quite a job, but it's nice that we have reached this stage: we are now actually filling Ans!
What help will lecturers get?
Lecturers will have to deal with Ans mainly as course coordinator and as reviewer. For both roles good, extensive manuals will be available. That will take you a long way. For those who still have questions, or just want some guidance, we organize training sessions and consultation hours. Good to know: the application process for a test will remain just the same at the start of next year: six weeks before a test, course coordinators will receive a request to complete a form and send in the questions. The DT team will take care of entering the questions if required. Obviously, working in Ans will take some getting used to for lecturers and support staff.
Will it also take some getting used to for students?
Of course we will also inform the students about the new platform. In September all students will receive an e-mail. There will be a practice test, and an explanation of the features, such as the online calculator and digital scrap paper. That way we'll all be ready to start working with Ans.
Do you have any questions? Don't hesitate to email us at