859 search results for “started and plants formation” in the Staff website
LLX Roundtable on antirust liability for refusals to deal
In what circumstances can EU competition law impose on a dominant firm a duty to supply a competitor? On 19 May 2021, the Europa Institute organised a virtual Leiden Law Exchange (LLX) Roundtable to discuss the European Court of Justice’s recent clarifications on the matter.
- Jaargesprek
Fun opening of the second semester: 'Let's support each other'
On the first day of February, employees of the Faculty of Humanities gathered in the Faculty Club. They were there to usher in the new semester, while enjoying refreshments and drinks.
KNIR Calls March 2024
Education, Research
Jorrit Rijpma over asielbeleid toekomstig kabinet
Ontwikkelingshulp- en migratiedeskundigen zien dat er lessen zijn geleerd in het nieuwe regeerakkoord op het gebied van asielbeleid. Maar aan veel toezeggingen kleven cynische voorwaarden.
'Hesitancy in implementing what is already meagre asylum policy’
The Moria deal has been marked as a controversial issue in the formation process for a new Dutch government – a development that fits with the government’s hesitancy in implementing what is already a meagre asylum policy, writes master’s student Nina Fokkink in an article in Dutch newspaper NRC.
- evaluatie jaargesprek
Languages and Cultures of the World Page is now online
In accordance with the Faculty Strategic Plan, the thematic page on Languages and Cultures of the World has been launched. It provides an overview of the university's expertise in the field of Languages and Cultures. This theme is one of the four core areas that position the expertise of the Faculty…
Lecture series 'Reconsidering the Socio-Legal Gaze'
The Van Vollenhoven Institute is organising a year-long public lecture series entitled 'Reconsidering the Socio-Legal Gaze'. The lecture series aims to spark critical debates about the visions of justice and positions of power that inform Law and Society scholarship at Leiden and beyond.
ISGA Contributes to Training African Officers in Military Diplomacy
The Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) of Leiden University contributed to the design and teaching of modules of this year’s edition of the Ministry of Defence’s ‘International Military Cooperation Course Africa’.
- benoeming Dean Leiden Law Academy
Teaching Fair: No more boring lectures with Jasmijn Mioch's workshop
The Teaching Fair is coming up again. On Thursday afternoon, 20 June, you can let your colleagues inspire you about educational innovation. In the workshop ‘No more boring lectures’, Jasmijn Mioch will show you how to incorporate interactive workshops in your lectures.
CEO of Tata Steel: ‘We have a debt of honour as a company’
Hans van den Berg, CEO of Tata Steel NL, is in the eye of the storm. He continues to believe in connection, debate and knowledge that will make green steel possible.
Somayah Elsayed
s.elsayed@biology.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4561
Centering the Marginalized: Migration, Marginal Areas, Commodities
Lecture, Seminar
Leiden University researchers receive Vidi grants
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded Vidi grants to Leiden researchers.
Webb reveals new details in Pandora’s Cluster
Astronomers have captured a new deep field of Pandora's Cluster (Abell 2744) with the James Webb Space Telescope. The images show never-before-seen details. The results are described in four scientific papers. Leiden astronomers Marijn Franx and Mariska Kriek collaborated on the study. 'This opens a…
eLaw launches call for workshop papers on fairness and AI in the labour market
Carlotta Rigotti and Eduard Fosch-Villaronga launch a call for workshop papers on fairness and AI in the labour market at the 16th JSAI International Symposia on AI as part of the Horizon Europe BIAS project.
Journal of the LUCAS Graduate Conference - Call for Papers
This is a call for papers for the upcoming tenth issue of the Journal of the Lucas Graduate Conference (JLGC), intended to be published by the end of this year.
The social roots of radicalisation: What Europe’s largest extremism study reveals
The rise of extremism in Europe has increased polarisation. The EU-funded DRIVE project, led by Tahir Abbas, Professor of Radicalisation Studies from Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs, explores how social, structural, and individual factors contribute to radicalisation, offering…
High response to NSE 2021: Leiden students fairly satisfied despite coronavirus
Leiden students are fairly satisfied with their degree programme. This is clear from the first results of the National Student Survey 2021, which was held this spring. The scores are somewhat lower than the national average. Students are most positive about their lecturers, their contact with them and…
'Especially now, in-depth knowledge about Judaism and Jewish history is important'
The newly established Leiden Jewish Studies Association aims to bring together Leiden scholars working on Judaism. The first annual conference will take place in Leiden on 6 and 7 December. Leiden professors and co-organisers of the LJSA Sarah Cramsey and Jürgen Zangenberg talk about their plans.
Leiden University to join Una Europa
Leiden University is joining the Una Europa European University. Together with other partner universities Leiden University will draw on their collective strengths to shape the future of Europe through innovative education, research and international exchange.
Out-of-control behaviour: why do youngsters sometimes go so far? View the vodcast by NeurolabNL
Earning some quick money by drug trafficking, committing an act of violence or almost collapsing under performance pressure. In the four-part NeurolabNL Young vodcast young people talk openly with neuroscientists about high-risk behaviour and performance pressure. How did they find their way back?
Webb detects icy ingredients for making potential habitable worlds
An international team of astronomers, led by Will Rocha of Leiden Observatory, using the NASA/ESA/CSA James Webb Space Telescope have discovered that the key ingredients for making potentially habitable worlds are present in early-stage protostars, where planets have not yet formed.
Workshop series Ocean Governance – Call for contributions
The University of St Andrews and Leiden University, with the support of a network grant from the Royal Society of Edinburgh, will be hosting a workshop series in 2022 about Ocean Governance. Academics, policy makers, and practitioners are invited to contribute via working papers. Deadline abstract:…
Engaging society in our research and teaching: what's the status at Leiden University?
You may know it by the umbrella term 'citizen science'. You may also use terms such as volunteer mapping, patient co-researcher, or even community engaged learning to describe participatory practices in your research or teaching. No matter what you call it, there’s plenty going on when it comes to this…
‘Vastgelopen formatie te wijten aan afrekencultuur'
Expert in public affairs and politics Arco Timmermans advised the informer Kim Putters.
‘The Senior Teaching Qualification allows you to reflect on your teaching and interact with other lecturers’
Fifteen passionate lecturers from Leiden University were awarded the Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO) on Thursday 27 January. One of them is Frank Takes, as of 1 February Associate Professor of Computer Science. For him the SKO was a good opportunity to reflect on how he teaches.
D&I Symposium 2024: What have we achieved with a decade of diversity policy?
How has progress been made on diversity and inclusion at Leiden University over the past decade? Attendees reflected on this at the D&I Symposium 2024: Untold Stories. And in the workshops, students and staff discussed the next steps toward a more inclusive community.
No legal career but a food truck on Bonaire instead
If you study law, you won’t necessarily end up striding round a law firm in tailor-made suits. Alumnus Harrie Schoffelen certainly hasn’t: he made the conscious decision to follow another path in life. Together with his fiancée he runs a successful food truck on the tropical island of Bonaire. ‘Return…
ESOF2022: Leiden Law School
EuroScience Open Forum – ESOF - is Europe’s biggest multidisciplinary and prestigious scientific conference. ESOF2022 will take place from 13-16 July 2022 and is hosted by Leiden as the European City of Science (in the Netherlands). The Kamerlingh Onnes Building is one of the locations of the ESOF and…
Survey on annual interview launched
Starting this academic year, the regular Performance and Development interview (ROG) has for academic staff been replaced by an annual interview. A survey will be held in early December to evaluate this pilot.
Publication on the design of multifunctionalized nanoparticles
Despite considerable progress in the design of multifunctionalized nanoparticles (NPs) that selectively target specific cell types, their systemic application often results in unwanted liver accumulation. The exact mechanisms for this general observation are still unclear.
Call for Applications Tiele Fellowships 2024
Have you already signed up for one of the Let’s Connect webinars?
Human resources
Let your students practice digital skills and science communication with Medialab+ workshops
The Medialab+ offers interactive workshops for students in which they practice digital skills and science communication and become acquainted with professional equipment from the Humanities Hub in Huizinga. These workshops take place as part of courses and are planned in consultation with the course…
- Online master thesis assessment form is live
Executive Board and University Council discuss security measures
In a confidential meeting, the University Council (UR) and the Executive Board (CvB) have discussed security within our buildings, partly as a result of media reports on this topic that appeared during the summer. The University Council has shared concerns expressed by staff and students concerning…
FLO Training sessions
Education, Organisation
And the winner is… Results of the annual physics image competition
Salt crystals, a nano-sized golf stick and molten glass. The LION Image Award competition of 2023 yielded a lot of beautiful images once again. But in the end, only one can be the winner.
Students can now submit to The New Scholar (Leiden Student Journal of Humanities)
Colonial Bureaucrats, the Metropole and the making of the 1875 East Indies’ Land Alienation Prohibition
On Thursday 9 December, Dr Upik Djalins presented an online lecture, entitled 'The Colonial Bureaucratic Network versus the Metropole: The Origin Story of Land Alienation Prohibition in the 1870s East Indies'.
Three Leiden researchers receive ERC Synergy Grant
Leiden researchers Arjen Doelman, Tom Huizinga and Manfred Wuhrer have been awarded ERC Synergy Grants worth millions of euros for their research on preventing tipping points being reached in ecosystems and helping eradicate rheumatism.
Philosophising by making films: ‘I’ve never understood the material so well before.’
There was a time when student Lelani Antar wanted to go to film school. She ended up studying International Studies, yet she didn’t quite say goodbye to film. For her minor, she and three other students made an essay film.
Tiele Fellowships 2025: Call for Applications
First Lustrum for PhD Workshop on European/International Insolvency Law
From Wednesday-Thursday 19-20 April 2023 the Stichting Bob Wessels Insolvency Law Collection (BWILC) invites PhD students from Europe and beyond to participate in the 5th edition of the PhD workshop on European/International Insolvency Law. Following four successful editions, PhD students are invited…
‘India in the World’: An Interaction with Rahul Gandhi and Sam Pitroda
Rahul Gandhi, former president of the Indian National Congress, was on the Hague Campus on 10 September.
ESOF 2022: Tax justice in Europe and beyond
On the occasion of Euroscience Open Forum 2022, Professor Attiya Waris (Director of Research and Enterprise and Professor of Fiscal Law and Policy in Eastern Africa, University of Nairobi, Kenya), Professor Irma Mosquera Valderrama (Professor of Global Tax Governance, Lead Researcher GLOBTAXGOV ERC…
Succesful online conference: Imperial Artefacts
On January 28 and 29, 2021 the conference ‘Imperial Artefacts: History, Law and the Looting of Cultural Property’ took place online. This first of its kind event at Leiden University was an interdisciplinary online conference and brought together (post-)colonial historians, legal historians, curators,…