eLaw launches call for workshop papers on fairness and AI in the labour market
Carlotta Rigotti and Eduard Fosch-Villaronga launch a call for workshop papers on fairness and AI in the labour market at the 16th JSAI International Symposia on AI as part of the Horizon Europe BIAS project.

Carlotta Rigotti and Eduard Fosch-Villaronga are happy to announce a workshop on 'The ambitions and limitations of AI-driven recruitment and selection: Unfolding fairness and diversity bias' as part of the BIAS project, the aim being to create new synergies and connect with other research and experiences around the globe.
The workshop will take place during the 16th JSAI International Symposia on AI in Hamamatsu, Shizuoka (Japan) from 28 to 31 May 2024.
Call for Papers: Exploring Fairness and Diversity Bias of AI Applications in the Labour Market
Carlotta and Eduard invite researchers interested in the fairness and diversity bias of AI applications in the labour market, particularly in recruitment and selection, to submit papers for consideration.
Workshop Format: A dynamic and interactive forum
During the workshop, a balance of paper presentations and in-group discussions will provide the audience with a comprehensive and nuanced understanding of AI applications in the labour market. For this reason, the workshop aims to be a dynamic and interactive forum, and its format is designed to encourage collaborative discussions, knowledge exchange, and the exploration of innovative ideas, potentially involving the following panel discussions:
- Ambitions and limitations of AI applications in the labour market, especially for recruitment and selection.
- Exploring fairness and diversity bias through interdisciplinary, cross-sector, and cross-cultural lenses.
- Discussing practical insights into the design and use of AI applications in real-world scenarios.
To foster a collaborative and inclusive environment for knowledge exchange with the workshop audience, please keep in mind that preference will be given to abstracts that incorporate interactivity or gamified elements in their explanations.
Additionally, selected papers will be published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) proceedings volume thanks to the JSAI International Symposia on AI website.
How can you contribute to this workshop?
Carlotta and Eduard are interested in a broad range of topics navigating the global landscape of diversity in AI-driven recruitment practices. You can contribute to the workshop by writing a paper on any of the suggested following topics:
- Global Perspectives on Diversity and Inclusion in AI Recruitment
- Legal and Regulatory Frameworks for Fair AI-driven Hiring
- Algorithmic Bias and Mitigation Strategies in Global Hiring
- Human Rights and Dignity in the Age of AI Recruitment
- Trustworthy AI: Ensuring Fairness and Accountability in Hiring Globally
- The Role of HR Practitioners in Responsible AI Adoption
- Data Protection and Privacy Concerns in Global AI Recruitment
- New Discriminatory Practices Arising from AI in Hiring
- Measuring and Evaluating Fairness in AI Algorithms: Metrics and Standards
- Surveying workers' experiences of AI-driven practices.
And feel free to contribute any additional and innovative ideas within the realm of AI and fairness in the labour market - your creativity is greatly appreciated!
Full papers (12-15 pages) and short papers (no less than 6 pages) written in English are eligible. Please note that at least two thirds of the papers published in the Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) proceedings volume will be full papers. Your contribution may be prepared in LaTeX or Microsoft Word. Please use the templates provided on the authors’ page.
How can you submit your workshop paper?
You can send your workshop paper to: callforpapers@biasproject.eu.
Please use the following template for the subject of your email:
[JSAI-isAI 2024 BIAS Workshop_Your name_Short title of your contribution]
For further information, feel free to drop a message at: c.rigotti@law.leidenuniv.nl
Some important dates!
Submission deadline for workshop papers |
31st January 2024 |
Notification of acceptance of workshop papers |
29th February 2024 |
Submission deadline for camera-ready papers |
25th March 2024 |
Workshop dates |
28th-31st May |
About the 16th JSAI International Symposia on AI
Sponsored by the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, JSAI-isAI an event that brings together multiple international workshops at a single location, creating a unique and intimate forum for colleagues specializing in various disciplines within AI. Previous editions have delved into new frontiers in AI, exploring topics such as the social, ethical, and legal aspects of robotics in healthcare, juri-informatics, and AI for business. JSAI-isAI serves as a significant opportunity for AI researchers to convene, fostering knowledge-sharing and collaboration. The upcoming JSAI-isAI 2024 will be held concurrently with the JSAI annual conference (JSAI2024).
About the BIAS project
Co-funded by the EU Commission and the Swiss Government, the Horizon Europe BIAS Project addresses diversity bias of AI applications in the labour market through the following, interrelated outcomes. First, the BIAS project is gaining a detailed understanding of diversity biases and the fairness of AI applications in the labour market from different perspectives (including AI developers, HR practitioners, and workers) to advance the cross-disciplinary field of worker studies and contribute to impactful capacity building within the HR community. Second, the project is developing the Debiaser, an innovative and trustworthy technology based on natural language processing (NPL) and case-based reasoning (CBR) for recruitment and selection. If you would like to learn more about the BIAS project and would like to be further involved in the BIAS project, join our national pool of stakeholders, by clicking on this link.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe programme under the open call HORIZON-CL4-2021-HUMAN-01-24 - Tackling gender, race and other biases in AI (RIA) (grant agreement No. 101070468)