76 search results for “suicide ideation” in the Staff website
Christina Kalampouka
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
c.kalampouka@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Podcast: Starting the conversation on trauma and suicidality
What do you do if you suspect someone around you is struggling with suicidal thoughts but aren’t sure how to bring it up? And how can we support loved ones who’ve experienced trauma? In this episode, Dr. Joanne Mouthaan shares valuable insights on how to approach these topics and offer support.
Podcast: Starting the conversation on trauma and suicidality
What do you do if you suspect someone around you is struggling with suicidal thoughts but you aren’t sure how to bring it up? And how can we support loved ones who’ve experienced trauma? In this episode clinical psychologist Joanne Mouthaan shares valuable insights on how to approach these topics and…
Suicide prevention: gatekeeper
ew research: Sleep plays key role in predicting suicidal thoughts
A restless night aggravates symptoms in those experiencing suicidal thoughts, as psychologists Liia Kivelä and Niki Antypa have found in their study on the short-term risk factors of suicide. They argue that targeting sleep could thus be essential for suicide prevention.
Dynamics of Despair: Examining Suicidal Ideation Using Real-Time Methodologies
PhD defence
Renske Gilissen
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
r.gilissen@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Liia Kivelä
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
l.m.m.kivela@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6668
Renske Gilissen Professor by Special Appointment of Suicide Prevention
Every day, 5 people die by suicide in the Netherlands. Suicide is a complex phenomenon and consequently many questions remain about how to reduce the number of suicides. Renske Gilissen will strengthen both research and education on suicide prevention at Clinical Psychology in Leiden. From June 1,…
What works in suicide prevention? Lessons from the 113 Helpline
113 Suicide Prevention gave a guest lecture about suicide prevention at the Spanish Steps in Wijnhaven
How Finland managed to halve its suicide rate
Finland reduced its suicide rate from 30 deaths per 100,000 citizens. Marieke Liem and Leah Prencipe discuss this in The Conversation.
Niki Antypa
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
nantypa@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6677
Psychology education on suicide prevention honoured with Casimir prize
'We are very happy with this recognition! The great thing about this prize is that it celebrates team effort', Joanne Mouthaan responds to the Casimir Prize for the education project 'E-learning Suicide Prevention'. Colleague Maartje Schoorl calls the prize the icing on the cake of good education in…
Handing out conversation cookies to raise awareness for suicide
‘You don’t have to be a doctor or psychologist to talk openly about suicide’
You might not have gone to medical school but you can still help someone with suicidal thoughts. This is what three staff members who took training from 113 Suicide Prevention Foundation are keen to emphasise. ‘I’ve got a better idea of what warning signs to look for and how to refer students to the…
113 campaign: ‘It’s okay to feel uncomfortable about talking about suicide’
Talking about suicide is important, but anything but comfortable. To make this difficult subject easier for students and staff to discuss, the university is organising a campaign week in line with the national campaign ‘1K Z1E J3’ (I see you) being run by Stichting 113 Zelfmoordpreventie (113 is the…
scope of the Social Resilience & Security programme: investigating suicide prevention skills and mental health of Ukraine refugees
The Social Resilience & Security interdisciplinary programme broadens its scope by embedding two research projects lead by Dr. Joanne Mouthaan. The projects adress suicide prevention skills and mental health of Ukraine refugees. Both projects will be integrated in the programme with the aim to improve…
What Works in Suicide Prevention? Lessons from the 113 Helpline
Suicide prevention training: Gatekeeper
Training for staff members
Guest lecture by 113 on suicide prevention
Referral options
If you’re unsure where to refer students to for well-being support, this page should help. It provides an overview of the support available at Leiden University.
1K Z1E J3 bench placed on Wijnhaven Rooftop Garden: ‘Don't be afraid to start a conversation'
‘Een goed gesprek begint met iemand écht zien.’ (A good conversation starts with truly seeing someone). That text is written on a plaque that was screwed onto a IK Z1E J3 (I see you) bench on the Wijnhaven Rooftop Garden on Monday morning. The bench acts as a symbol to create room for discussions about…
Training and workshops for staff
Staff development is important to promoting the well-being of both students and staff at Leiden University. Following training and workshops can be a good way to gain knowledge beyond your field of expertise.
1K Z1E j3 bench in Huygens building should inspire people to listen to each other about how things are really going
A 1K Z1E j3 bench has been in the Huygens building since Thursday. The bench symbolises making suicide, depression and despair negotiable. 'We hope this bench invites people to start the conversation about how they are really doing,' says student wellbeing officer Elly van Laar. 'But it all starts with…
1K Z1E J3 benches at Faculty of Humanities
As part of Leiden University’s aim to be a safe and healthy environment for all staff and students, several activities and lectures were organised in an action week around suicide prevention. Dedicated benches were also placed at several university buildings, including at the Faculty of Humanities.
1K Z1E J3 benches and conversation cookies at Leiden Law School
Nominees Casimir Prize (award ceremony is 5 September 2023)
An iterative regulatory process for robot governance
Eduard Fosch-Villaronga from eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies, together with Hadassah Drukarch and Carlos Calleja, explores how compliance tools could be used as data generators for policy purposes to optimise regulatory frameworks for existing and emerging robot technologies.
Nominate colleagues for the Casimir Prize 2023-2024 before Friday 7 June 2024!
Update and reminder: Call for proposals Social Resilience & Security programme
On behalf of the interdisciplinary programme Social Resilience & Security, we would like to remind you of the call for proposals for seed funding (up to €4.000) to boost interdisciplinary research.
Social Resilience & Security: Yearbook 2021 - 2022
With the start of the new academic year, the Social Resilience & Security programme proudly presents their yearbook. In the yearbook, you read about the programme’s interdisciplinary research building bridges between institutes, its educational activities such as the new Minor ‘Violence Studies’ and…
Explore how to make an impact with your research by starting a company
Education, Research
The Social Resilience & Security programme is inviting proposals for seed funding for interdisciplinary research
The interdisciplinary programme Social Resilience & Security is inviting proposals for seed funding. The programme aims to combine knowledge and expertise from five different faculties to study transgressive behaviours, its dimensions, aetiology, and effects of interventions with a multidisciplinary…
Court as a theatre: ‘There are great similarities between drama as an art form and the legal world’
The Lucia de Berk case or the suicide of Slobodan Praljak at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia: certain trials keep popping up in media. In her dissertation, Tessa de Zeeuw examines the cultural appeal of such cases and analyses artistic responses. ‘Artworks sometimes have…
Marieke Liem explains that the typical Hollywood serial killer image is not scienfically valid
In Belgium Radio 1, Marieke Liem (professor of Violence and Interventions) gives a scientific perspective on serial killers and explains the typical Hollywood image of serial killers is not in line with reality.
Marieke Liem releases podcast NRT DOCS: Hotel met tralies
What does it mean to be in a Dutch prison? What is true about the prejudices about being in jail? Criminologist Marieke Liem has released a podcast on Dutch national broadcaster NPO Radio 1: Hotel met tralies.
Marieke Liem talks about the term 'troubled person' in Dutch magazine Elsevier
In Dutch magazine Elsevier, Marieke Liem explains the issues with using the term ‘troubled person‘ in reports on homocide.
Europaeum Summer School: The Politics of Heritage (Leuven)
Mariëlle Bruning and colleagues on cry for help concerning secure residential youth care
Practice and science show that secure residential youth care in the Netherlands should no longer be used as a catch-all solution. This is the conclusion of several professionals including Professor of Child Law Mariëlle Bruning in Dutch newspaper NRC.
Marieke Liem in The Economist on drug-related murders in Europe
Marieke Liem, professor at ISGA, discusses how the number of drug-related murders has not decreased in the last years
Bart Schermer: ‘Bedreigingen via internet zijn ook strafbaar’
Oostenrijk wil online bedreigingen en haat harder aanpakken. Aanleiding is de dood van huisarts Lisa-Maria Kellermayr. Zij maakte eind juli een einde aan haar leven, nadat ze maandenlang werd bedreigd door mensen die tegen coronamaatregelen en vaccinaties zijn.
Leiden Classics: Leiden University’s first women students
It was not until 1878 that the first female students enrolled at Leiden University, but the discussion on whether women were suited to study was by no means over. 8 March is International Women's Day. BBC correspondente Kim Ghattas will deliver a lecture on 6 March on the struggle by Arabic women for…
‘Pretend student’? Tell others and get help
In the documentary ‘Pretend Student’, former students talk about why they let everyone believe they were still studying. How can you make sure you don’t end up in such an impossible situation? Four questions for Leiden Student Dean, Romke Biagioni, who worked on the documentary.
Young people’s experience of mental health problems help improve medical training and practice
LUMC Curium and the Dutch National Youth Council (NJR) have been working on integrating young people’s lived experiences of mental health problems in medical research and training. The aim is to broaden doctors' and researchers’ perspectives and improve the care offered.
Nerve stimulation effective in patients with untreatable cluster headaches
Extremely painful chronic cluster headaches – sometimes referred to as ‘suicide headaches’ – can be prevented by stimulating the occipital nerve in the back of the head, according to research conducted by Professor Emeritus of Neurology Michel Ferrari from Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC). The…
Queen Máxima talks to students in Leiden about mental health
How do you know if your idea has succeeded? The Queen coming to call a year and a half later might just be a clue. This happened to the Leiden student foundation ‘Door Het Geluid’, which promotes student well-being.
Vidi grant for research into childhood trauma, friendship and mental health
Anne-Laura van Harmelen has received a Vidi grant from the Dutch Research Council (NWO). This talent programme will enable Van Harmelen to research the social and neurobiological mechanisms of resilience in young people with childhood trauma.
'Science works better when you are diverse'
Aske Plaat is the scientific director of LIACS, the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Systems. He is also an ambassador for Leiden University's LGBT+ Network. His enthusiasm shines through when he explains why.
Anne-Laura van Harmelen nominated for Huibregtsen Prize
Professor of Brain, Safety and Resilience Anne-Laura van Harmelen has been nominated for the Huibregtsen Prize. The winner of the prize will be announced on the Evening of Science & Society (4 October).
Escaping from a sarcophagus: students from the Living Education Lab minor create an educational tool
How do students start asking more questions on a museum visit? Let them free an Egyptian princess from a sarcophagus! In the minor Living Education Lab, students from TU Delft, Leiden University and Erasmus University Rotterdam designed an escaperoom.