Podcast: Starting the conversation on trauma and suicidality
What do you do if you suspect someone around you is struggling with suicidal thoughts but you aren’t sure how to bring it up? And how can we support loved ones who’ve experienced trauma? In this episode clinical psychologist Joanne Mouthaan shares valuable insights on how to approach these topics and offer support.
Leiden Psychology Podcast
This podcast series is a special project within the department of Psychology at Leiden University. It gives a platform for people to discuss topics within the field of psychology from different perspectives; the perspective of students, of university staff, alumni, experts, and different researchers.
In this episode you’ll learn
- How to start the conversation when you suspect someone might deal with suicidal ideation;
- What role teachers can play when support is needed in academic settings;
- How to support someone who experienced a traumatic event, but is not ready to talk about it;
- Which gaps there are between education and clinical practice.
Thinking about suicide or worried about someone? Talking about suicide helps and can be done anonymously via the chat at www.113.nl or by phone at 113 or 0800-0113.