Podcast - Marieke Liem releases 'Hotel met tralies' on Dutch national broadcaster NPO Radio 1
What does it mean to be in a Dutch prison? What is true about the prejudices about being in jail? Criminologist Marieke Liem has released a podcast on Dutch national broadcaster NPO Radio 1: Hotel met tralies.
Marieke Liem investigates acts of violence and homocides. Despite the severity of such deliquencies, she always sees the human being behind the crimes shes studies. Curiosity in the human aspect of the system that punishes criminals forms is key to the podcast. In conversation with prisoners, prison staff and relatives of the victims, Marieke creates a remarkable portrait of everyday life under unusual circumstances.
Listen to the podcast here.
Marieke Liem is professor of Violence and Interventions at Leiden University, where she and her team coordinate the European Homicide Monitor. A graduate of University of Cambridge in the U.K., Marieke Liem completed her PhD in Forensic Psychology from Utrecht University, the Netherlands. Before joining the Institute of Security and Global Affairs, she was a Marie Curie fellow at Harvard University. Her research interests involve interpersonal violence, with specific research projects on domestic homicide (including intimate partner homicide), homicide by the mentally ill, homicide followed by suicide, the effects of confinement on violent offenders, and international comparative research on lethal violence.