352 search results for “recognition rol” in the Staff website
Recognition and appreciation for academic staff: time for concrete steps
A uniform and transparent career policy for our academic staff. A working group led by Marcellus Ubbink may provide advice to the faculty board on this matter. ‘We have been discussing recognition and appreciation for a while, and now it's time to turn words into action.’
Guilherme D'Andrea Curra
Faculteit Archeologie
g.dandrea.curra@arch.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Stimulating Open Science and Recognition & Rewards
Greater transparency in science. Broader career paths. Less work pressure. A dynamic conversation at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FSW) focused on these goals.
'Fiscaliteit speelt rol bij vertrek DSM uit Nederland'
Na Shell en Unilever is DSM het derde grote bedrijf dat vertrekt uit Nederland. Fiscalisten zijn niet verbaasd: het sentiment over het vestigingsklimaat hier is momenteel minder gunstig.
Tinder match? Use facial recognition first
Recent developments in AI mean nobody is anonymous nowadays. The search engine PimEyes can find any photo of anyone that’s ever been placed online. No more Tinder Swindlers… or personal privacy. Everyone’s findable now. But is that even allowed?
Bart Custers discusses fake news on facial recognition at Jumbo
Misleading social media posts are falsely claiming that the Dutch supermarket chain Jumbo uses facial recognition at self-service checkouts. Jumbo denies this, although it has launched trials with AI cameras to combat shoplifting without using facial recognition.
Recognition & Rewards: share your experiences in this national survey
Annemarie Samuels in podcast 'Boldcast' over de veranderende rol van de bibliotheek
Episode 5 of BOLDcast, the podcast of the Leiden-Delft-Erasmus Centre for BOLD Cities, discusses the evolution of libraries from simple lending points for books to places where people can come together and brush up on their digital skills. The guests in this episode are Frank Huysmans, associate professor…
Eric De Brabandere over rol EU in kwestie rond Westelijke Sahara
Marokko zegt het contact met de Duitse regering op. Volgens Marokkaanse media is ministeries en andere overheidsinstanties per brief gevraagd direct de samenwerking op te schorten met de Duitse ambassade in Marokko.
Psychology Connected over de rol van onze biologische klok in depressie
Begin oktober vond de eerste Psychology Connected van dit nieuwe academische jaar weer plaats. Met de vallende herfstbladeren voelen velen zich ook somberder. Onderzoekers delen hoe je een winterdepressie verzacht, en hoe je als ouder het beste kunt omgaan met de depressieve klachten van je kind.
‘Recognition and appreciation are also for non-academic staff’
Better recognition and rewarding for support staff. Organisations tend to overlook this, despite the crucial role this group plays. A new initiative is set to change this for our faculty. Paul de Hoog explains how FWN support staff will soon have even better opportunities for growth.
Verena Ly
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
v.ly@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Petra Sijpesteijn: 'Membership of foreign academies is incredible recognition'
When Petra Sijpesteijn became a member of the Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, she was the only Dutch member with an appointment at a Dutch university. Two years later, she is also the only Dutch member of the Austrian Academy and officially joined the British Academy on 7 October.
Sander Wezenberg
s.j.wezenberg@lic.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 4541
Antwerp Honorary Doctorate for Marc Koper: Significant recognition for sustainable energy research
A festive and honourable visit to our southern neighbours for professor Marc Koper. On Thursday 23 March, he received an honorary doctorate at the University of Antwerp. Koper gets the title in recognition of his expertise in the field of electrochemistry. ‘An important recognition for our research…
For Ayo Adedokun, gratitude prevails: 'Happy with national recognition for my passion in teaching'
Ayo Adedokun, Assistant Professor at Leiden University College The Hague (LUC), was one of the four finalists for the National Teacher of the Year Prize for 2022. The National Prize is an annual event organized by the Dutch National Students Association (Interstedelijk Studenten Overleg, ISO), and the…
Onzekerheid beïnvloed - de rol van emoties tijdens conflicten en strafbepaling
do we offer more space for diversity and talent? Sign up for the Recognition & Rewards Festival
Education, Research
Lips pouted or not? How improved speaker recognition can help forensic investigations
Police investigations use wiretapped phone recordings as investigative material fairly regularly. But how do they know that the voice on the recording actually belongs to the suspect? PhD student Laura Smorenburg is trying to answer that question.
Carlijn Bergwerff
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
c.e.bergwerff@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
This board game helps navigate the dilemmas of academic life
How did you get to where you are now? This is a key question in the Academic Life Course board game, developed by and for academics. ‘In a normal working week we hardly ever talk about the career choices we make, but with this game, we do.’
‘Don’t assess academic CVs on autopilot’
Hiring academics is more than just tallying up publications, says academic director and history professor Jeroen Duindam. He and his colleagues have come up with tips and guidelines for interview committees that align with the new system of recognition and rewards.
Five questions on the new annual appraisal
No more ones, twos or threes, but focusing on development opportunities. This summer, the Faculty of Humanities will start a pilot for the new Performance and Development Interviews (PDI). HR adviser Marion Sluijs tells us more about it.
Promoting early recognition of persistent somatic symptoms in primary care
PhD defence
Important findings in plain language: Leiden University introduces lay talk
PhD ceremonies in the Academy Building will be much easier for family, friends and other non-specialist audience members to follow after the summer. The Doctorate Board is pleased to have decided that as of 1 September, all Leiden PhD candidates will begin their PhD defence with a lay talk. ‘It can…
What will this new interview cycle do for me? And four other questions about GROW
The announcement was made shortly before the summer break: from 1 September the annual Performance & Development (P&D) interview will have a new format and also a new name. The P&D interview will be changing to GROW (Gesprekken over Resultaat, Ontwikkeling en Welzijn): Conversations on Performance,…
Lifelong development centers at Leiden University
Leiden University will recognize and reward open science more
Leiden University has received a €50,000 grant from Open Science NL to develop a roadmap for integrating open science into the strategic priorities of various institutes and translating this into human resource (HR) policies.
Share your ideas on development opportunities for support staff
OSCoffee: Rethinking Publishing: Alternative Outputs and Platforms
Adrian Heier wins Political Science Master’s Thesis Prize 2023
Ramsey Albers wins Political Science Master’s Thesis Prize 2022
Programme directors meet again: ‘We are all working towards the same goal: good teaching’
They are responsible for a wide range of bachelor’s and master’s degree programmes but have more than enough in common to discuss: the programme directors and chairs. They met for the second time on 25 April to share knowledge and experiences and receive an update from Hester Bijl on strategic developments…
Culture change at Archaeology: a conversation with Breinkorf coaches Kasper and Daniëlle
The Faculty of Archaeology is working on a culture change, with the aim of creating a socially safe working environment. Agency Breinkorf was asked to supervise this transition. From Breinkorf, coaches Kasper and Daniëlle, among others, are involved in the process. Their observations provide insight…
Digital Tools for Sign Language Research: Towards Recognition and Comparison of Lexical Signs
PhD defence
Not only full professors: the entire examining committee can now wear academic dress
Permission was recently given for all members of the examining committee and co-supervisors at PhD ceremonies to wear academic dress, even if they’re not full professors. How historic is this change?
Teachers' Academy
In 2014, Leiden University launched the Teachers’ Academy to reward top talents in education and stimulate educational innovation. Lecturers who are selected as Teaching Fellows join the Teachers' Academy and are awarded a grant for educational innovation projects. The Teachers’ Academy also organises…
Parking lot Maliebaan North
, Maliebaan 30, 2311 CC, Leiden
GROW development menu
Would you like to develop your discussion skills? We provide a variety of training resources for staff members and managers. The topics covered include making a connection, listening, giving feedback and reflection.
Iconclass for Image Analysis
Frequently asked questions Kiem-beurs
Do you have questions about the Kiem grant? You can find answers to frequently asked questions on this page.
The annual interview is changing: from scores and numbers to more human dimensions
Speaking with your manager more often, focusing explicitly on well-being and giving more recognition and rewards for teamwork and team performance: the annual Performance & Development (P&D) interview will have a new format and also a new name. With the acronym GROW (Gesprekken over Resultaat, Ontwikkeling…
Political Science Master’s thesis prize 2023: the nominees
Towards the graduation ceremonies, you sense an increasing nervousness. Not only because all the tradition and glamour surrounding the event, also because that will be the day that the winner of the Political Science master’s thesis award will be announced. For 2022-2023, the jury is considering seven…
Leiden Law Cast: Slavery & the Somerset Case with Egbert Koops
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Kiem grant
On this page you will read all about the Kiem funding tool.
Dissertation layout requirements
The layout of a dissertation must meet certain requirements. Special rules also apply if the dissertation was written with others or if a commercial edition will be published.
PhD candidates spend most of their time on conducting research. However, teaching is another skill you need to acquire as an academic.
Leiden Law Cast: BONJO & an ex-prisoner
Leiden Law Cast is a podcast made by Leiden Law School, Leiden University, for everyone who wants to learn more about current legal issues.
Matthias Haentjens and the second conference on bank resolution
On 3 February 2021, Prof. Matthias Haentjens spoke at the second conference on bank resolution, jointly organised by the European Banking Institute (EBI) and the Single Resolution Board (SRB).
Academia in Motion Erkennen en waarderen
Erkennen en Waarderen Academia in Motion
Tamara Danilyuk wins the EUROTOX 2023 Early Career Award
I am thrilled to share the exciting news of being honored with the 2023 Early Career Award at the EUROTOX conference held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This recognition, presented by ECETOC (European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals) and dedicated to the memory of Dr. Christa Hennes, holds…