536 search results for “recognition role” in the Staff website
Our vision on teacher development
Teachers at Leiden University are experts in their field and passionate about educating students in their discipline. It is also important that they can work effectively as a member of a team, together with colleagues and students, and that they feel committed to our organisation. We will therefore…
Liesbeth Eurelings-Bontekoe was knighted in the Order of Orange-Nassau
Emeritus professor Liesbeth Eurelings-Bontekoe received the royal award from the Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam for her great contribution to the quality of care, especially to clinical and health care psychology.
Cesare Figari Barberis
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
c.figari.barberis@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009500
- University Teaching Qualification (BKO)
Editing workflow
Whatever editing programme you choose to work with, an editing project generally follows the same workflow. Below you will find more information about each step in the editing process.
Work Balance in Action
Many people at the Faculty of Humanities engage in their work with great passion and enthusiasm. It is important that employees enjoy their work and create a healthy work balance. Work Balance in Action is intended to keep the theme of ‘work balance’ on the agenda. By engaging in dialogue around this…
Dissertation layout requirements
The layout of a dissertation must meet certain requirements. Special rules also apply if the dissertation was written with others or if a commercial edition will be published.
PhD candidates spend most of their time on conducting research. However, teaching is another skill you need to acquire as an academic.
- The Annual Interview: simplified & renewed
Kiem grant
On this page you will read all about the Kiem funding tool.
Want to find out more about Academia in Motion? The programme team can come and tell you more
An open academic culture, where quality beats quantity, where science and society are closely linked and where we recognise and reward everyone’s contribution is the aim of the university-wide Academia in Motion (AiM) programme.
Matthias Haentjens and the second conference on bank resolution
On 3 February 2021, Prof. Matthias Haentjens spoke at the second conference on bank resolution, jointly organised by the European Banking Institute (EBI) and the Single Resolution Board (SRB).
Hester Bijl reappointed as Rector Magnificus
Leiden University’s Rector Magnificus, Professor Hester Bijl, has been reappointed for a second term by the Board of Governors.
Leren van crises: onderzoek en verandering in crisisbeheersing
Evaluaties en onderzoeksrapporten bieden waardevolle inzichten na crises, maar hoe zorgen we ervoor dat deze lessen daadwerkelijk leiden tot verbeteringen in crisisbeheersing en rampenbestrijding? Dit vraagstuk staat centraal tijdens de bijeenkomst Leren van crises: van onderzoek naar verandering, op…
Paul Wouters receives RISE Award
Paul Wouters received the RISE Award, an award by the women’s network RISE, for his commitment to increasing gender equality at the Faculty of Science. ‘It makes it clear that it is possible to truly make a change in 9 months. That is why I am happy with this award.’
Tamara Danilyuk wins the EUROTOX 2023 Early Career Award
I am thrilled to share the exciting news of being honored with the 2023 Early Career Award at the EUROTOX conference held in Ljubljana, Slovenia. This recognition, presented by ECETOC (European Centre for Ecotoxicology and Toxicology of Chemicals) and dedicated to the memory of Dr. Christa Hennes, holds…
New HR pilot ‘Annual Interview’ aims for a team oriented approach
Together with Leiden University’s central HRM department, the department of Health-, Medical- and Neuropsychology has started a new HR pilot. For all colleagues a simplified and improved ‘Annual Interview’ is being introduced.
Birth of beautiful brides: Rise and transformation of the female gender roles and responsibilities among the Maasai pastoralists of Kenya
Minister wants to learn from dissertation on veteran policy
Theo van den Doel received his PhD in January for his research on veteran support. This showed that for long the government learned little from past missions. He has since presented his dissertation to the Lower House of Representatives, and the Minister for Defence, Kajsa Ollongren, has responded to…
European Grant for Mariska Kret's Virtual Reality emotion training tool
Teaching people to recognize subtle, real-world expressions will help them understand and trust others better. The aim of Mariska Kret is to develop an interactive virtual-reality training tool (E-VIRT) for a broad group of users, including patients. Kret provides a brief description of her idea for…
Kamaran Palani: ‘Completing my PhD at Leiden University is a dream of me and my deceased father’
Starting your PhD during two major crisis in your country; it happened to Kamaran Palani, PhD student at the Dual PhD Centre and ISGA who lives in Erbil, the capital of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. In spite of the difficulties in his county, Palani (34) stuck to his PhD-research about the fluidity…
Open Science in Recruitment and Promotion Policies
Dutch knowledge institutions are taking steps to recognise and reward open science. On 13 December, the Open Science NL Steering Board approved a total of 1.2 million euros in grants to 23 institutions. The Centre for Science and Technology Studies (CWTS) will lead the national coordination of the local…
Freya Baetens awarded Francqui Chair
Freya Baetens, Professor of European Law, has been awarded a Chair by the Francqui Foundation in Belgium for the impact of her work on lawmaking and policymaking in Europe and beyond.
- LUCAS “Role of Experience” reading group with Nidesh Lawtoo
Leiden University receives Prime Minister's Award from Korea for Korea Studies program
Ambassador Hyoung Chan Choe of South Korea paid his first visit to Leiden University Nov. 22, where he was received by President Annetje Ottow and Professor of Korea Studies Remco Breuker.
Irene Groot appointed professor of Surface and Interface Science
Dr Irene Groot (LIC) has been appointed professor of Surface and Interface Science with effect from 1 March. The appointment is an honour for Groot. 'It feels like recognition of your research, teaching and leadership qualities.'
- LUCAS "Role of Experience" reading group: Conceptual Metaphor Theory
Call 6th meeting reading group "The Role of Experience"
Public lecture: 'The ocean’s role in mitigating climate change'
Citizen science project Heritage Quest wins European Heritage Award / Europa Nostra Award 2022
Gelderland Heritage and Leiden University’s Faculty of Archaeology have won the European Heritage Award / Europa Nostra Award 2022 in the ‘research’ category with the Heritage Quest citizen science project. ‘Heritage Quest has shown that citizens can play an active role in protecting cultural heritage…
Historian Nadia Bouras: ‘I wanted to succeed, for my parents and myself’
In the Pioneers of Leiden University series, we talk to past and present students who were the first in their family to go to university. In this second instalment: historian and university lecturer Nadia Bouras (1981). ‘Although I only found out later that was my mother’s dream, it was as though I…
Academia in Motion Festival: ‘We’re in a changing world of academia’
How can we continue to work on an open university culture where everyone’s contribution is recognised and rewarded? Over 120 university staff spoke about breaking academic barriers at the first Academia in Motion Festival in PLNT.
Vincente Fischer de Miranda Rodrigues wins KHMW Brouwer Thesis Prize for History
Master's student Vincente Fischer de Miranda Rodrigues is the winner of the KHMW Brewer Thesis Prize for History. He was awarded the prize for his research on donatism.
Arianne Pen combines knowledge and network in new job
After sixteen years in various roles, Arianne Pen knew straight away: 'This is my chance.' As the new head of department at SOSZ, she uses her extensive network and experience to improve educational processes – and to give the support staff the recognition they deserve.
The situation in Israel/Palestine and the role of courts
Inaugural panel discussion
- 5th Meeting reading group 'The Role of Experience'
Hanneke Hulst on realistic expectations for researchers: ‘Let’s stop expecting people to be experts at everything.’
‘Am I setting a good example myself?’ Hanneke Hulst wonders. As Recognition and Rewards project leader, she maintains that we should stop expecting researchers to be experts at everything, even though she herself keeps a lot of balls in the air.
Modelling the role of mycorrhizal associations in soil carbon cycling
PhD defence
A Society in Distress, The Role of Museums
Valedictory lecture
PhD-Student Maia Casna receives two awards for osteoarchaeological research
PhD-student Maia has received multiple awards regarding her research on the impact of tobacco on the respiratory health of past Dutch populations.
Hundredth Senior Teaching Qualification awarded
Twenty-one dedicated teachers were awarded their Senior Teaching Qualification (SKO) on 21 January. Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl congratulated them in a ceremony in the Academy Building with an extra celebratory touch as the milestone of the 100th SKO certificate was reached.
Nina Schmal wins Political Science Master’s Thesis Prize 2024
Successfully completing a master’s thesis in Political Science is no small feat. Not only is this for most students the most extensive and in-depth research report they have ever written, the work is also held to very high standards. Yet, every year students manage to impress their instructors and demonstrate…
Sustainability prize for research into the effects of a plant-based diet
Paul Behrens and his team have won the Frontiers Planet Prize of half a million euros for their research into the effects of switching to a plant-based diet.
Psychology Science Day 2022
‘Very interesting’ is what two bachelor students have to say about the stories by Liesbeth van Vliet and Niki Antypa during the Psychology Science Day. The icing on the cake were the poster presentations about the bachelor's theses, admired and commented on by scientists and fellow students. Teachers…
Sarah de Rijcke new dean Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Prof. Sarah de Rijcke will succeed Paul Wouters as dean of Leiden University's Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences (FSW) from 1 January 2024. Paul Wouters will retire at the beginning of January.
The role of good RDM in accelerating scientific progress
Have your teaching portfolio assessed for the Senior Teaching Qualification
Education, Human resources
Jan Reedijk receives honorary doctorate at Polish university
He had been emeritus for 13 years when he suddenly received an email from Poland. Professor of Inorganic Chemistry Jan Reedijk was awarded an honorary doctorate from Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. During the celebration of the 550th anniversary of the birth of patron Nicolaus Copernicus,…
GROW interviews
The Performance & Development interview is changing to GROW: Conversations on Performance, Development and Well-being (Gesprekken over Resultaat, Ontwikkeling en Welzijn). The new GROW interviews offer an opportunity to speak openly with each other about your work, development and well-being.
Information and training
If we want to show the impact of our research, we can’t do so without science communication. But how do you go about communicating science? Where do you start as a science communication novice? And how do you take your communication to a higher level? On this page, you will find websites, articles,…