The Annual Interview: simplified & renewed

This past year, our faculty has experimented with a new type of employee assessment using an Annual Interview pilot. From November 2022 to January 2023, our faculty’s staff and supervisors tried the new Annual Interview. Then, we gathered information about how people had experienced the pilot and requested feedback. Using this feedback, we have now improved the forms and the toolkit.
In May, we informed you that at Leiden Law School we will continue with the new procedure. The intention is that the whole university will start using the new procedure in the course of 2024.
What has changed?
- The Annual Report and the Interview Report have been combined, so they are now one document.
- To make the PDF formats more user-friendly, they are now provided as Word files;
- The procedure and forms for the Start Interview have been created;
- The forms now correspond better to policy on career development and PhDs;
- The documents correspond better to developments we as an organisation wish to make (e.g. recognition and rewards, leadership, etc.);
- There is room to discuss specific work agreements (including e.g. leave/annual agreements/size of appointment, etc.).
Where can I find the new forms?
The new forms and toolkit (in Dutch and English) are available at Start and Performance and Development Interview. This includes for example;
- Annual Interview report (for non-academic staff, academic staff, and PhD candidates);
- Initial Review Interview report (for non-academic staff and academic staff);
- Checklists to help you prepare for the Initial Review Interview and the Annual Interview (for staff and supervisors);
- Interview cards with ideas for questions to use during the interview.
What should I do?
- If you are going to hold an Annual Interview or have your own one, check the website and download the correct form;
- There, you will find checklists that will help you to prepare for the interview, so read them carefully;
- Once the interview has been held, the supervisor and employee agree on the report. Then, the supervisor uploads the report in Self Service.
Where can I get help?
- Help with the interview
Would you like to discuss something during the Annual Interview with your supervisor or with your member of staff, but are not sure how to go about it? Get help from a Sparring partner. By doing a 1 on 1 coaching session, you can make a plan. Getting help from a sparring partner is easy to arrange and free.
- Training programme ‘A good conversation’
If you are a supervisor, and you would like more tools to help you hold an open interview focussed on development, sign up for the course Het Goede Gesprek (in Dutch). There are still places available for the course on 14 November 2023.
- HR advisor
Do you have questions about the procedure or the forms for the Annual Interview, or do you just want to discuss them? Contact your HR advisor.
- Service Point Personnel
Do you have questions about Self Service or are you having technical problems? Contact Service Point Personnel.
Suggestions for improvements?
Of course, we would always like to hear about your experiences with the Annual Interview procedure and receive your feedback. If you would like to share something, please contact: Marijn Stipdonk.