Liesbeth Eurelings-Bontekoe was knighted in the Order of Orange-Nassau
Emeritus professor Liesbeth Eurelings-Bontekoe received the royal award from the Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam for her great contribution to the quality of care, especially to clinical and health care psychology.
This year it is exactly 25 years ago that the title of health care psychologist became a formally recognized profession under the Act on Professions in Individual Health Care. Liesbeth Eurelings-Bontekoe has played a major role in obtaining legal recognition for both the basic profession of health care psychologist and later on in 2005 for the specialisation as a clinical psychologist.

On 27 August this year, Eurelings-Bontekoe received the award from Deputy Mayor of Amsterdam Reinier van Dantzig at the celebration of her 25th anniversary as a teacher, head of education and confidential counsellor at Leiden University. Her colleague Philip Spinhoven: 'As you can see from the picture, this royal award came as a total surprise to her.'
Until her retirement in 2016, Eurelings-Bontekoe was an endowed professor of 'Professional training as a psychologist in individual health care' in the Clinical Psychology Unit. Currently, she is still active in teaching and training.