Universiteit Leiden

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Your online profile page

All University employees and researchers have a personal profile page on the website. This page will show where you work and how you can be reached.

Finding a colleague

If you are looking for the contact details of a colleague, you can use the university website search function. You can search by last name, first name, or the combination of first and last name.

Changing your personal profile

The information on your profile page is generated by different underlying systems. You can (request to) change or delete it. Please note that it may take some time before the adjustments are shown.

What you can change yourself

Mention your first name instead of your initials
  • Log in to Remote Workplace
  • Go to SAP Self Service
  • Click on Eigen gegevens, and then on the pencil next to your name and date of birth
  • Enter your first name in the Roepnaam entry field
  • Press Opslaan en terug to confirm
Reporting ancillary activities
  • Log in to Remote Workplace
  • Go to SAP Self Service
  • Click on Ancillary activities, and then on the button Report activity
  • Fill in the form
  • Press submit to report the ancillary activity
Reporting publications and scientific results
  • Go to LUCRIS 
  • Click on Add new (above right) and then Publications
  • Follow the steps in the manual
  • Via the LUCRIS-website connection, your publications are generated and shown under the publication tab

What can you have adjusted via the Service Point Personnel?

Do you want to change your job title or department? Your manager can do this for you via the Service Portal. Do you want to change your telephone number or room number? You can do this yourself via the Service Portal.

How do you report a mutation?

  • Go to the Service Portal
  • Click on 'my staff movements'
  • Click on 'new application' at the bottom right
  • Choose 'modification of an existing registration' and fill in the requested information

What the Service Point Personnel can change for you

  • Only if you are an external employee, the Service Point Personnel can change your contact and address details for you
  • In exceptional cases, after consultation with your manager, removal of contact and address details.

Please contact the Service Point Personnel.

What your faculty or unit's web editor can change for you

  • Add or change your profile picture
  • Link research descriptions 
  • Link to your department or institute, so that your profile is shown on the overview page of the department where you work
  • To hide your profile from external search engines. Employees will still be able to find your profile via the website search engine

Please contact your faculty or unit's web editor.

The Humanities editorial team can update (parts of) your profile page for you. Please note that - due to some information being generated by different underlying systems - we are not able to adjust everything on your profile page for you. Below is an overview of what we can adjust for you, and what we cannot (including how you can (request to) change/delete this information within these systems yourself)

What we can adjust for you

  • Your profile picture (see below for the photo requirements)
  • Overview tab: a short abstract (max. 150 words) detailing who you are and what you do.
  • Profile tab: fields of interest, current research, grants and awards, short CV, etc.
  • Links to your department or institute, or any connected study programmes
  • Add linked research project/book items (see below how we can create these for you)
  • Links to your personal website(s) or social media accounts

You can request these changes via our profile page form. We will update your profile as soon as we can.

We are also able to hide your profile page from external search engines. Please note that people can still find your profile page through the university website's internal search engine.

What we cannot adjust for you

  • Your name and job title 
  • Your contact and workplace details
  • Publications and ORCID ID 
  • Ancillary activities

This information is loaded in through other systems that we cannot access. More information on how you can (request to) change/delete this information within these systems yourself can be found below. Please note that it might take some time (up to 24 hours) before the adjustments are shown on the website.

  • Go to the Service Portal
  • Click on 'my staff movements'
  • Click on 'new application' at the bottom right
  • Choose 'modification of an existing registration' and fill in the requested information

For more information, please view the detailed instruction in the Helpdesk Portal.

  • Go to the Service Portal
  • Click on 'my staff movements'
  • Click on 'new application' at the bottom right
  • Choose 'modification of an existing registration' and fill in the requested information

For more information, please view the detailed instruction in the Helpdesk Portal.

  • Go to LUCRIS 
  • Click on Add new (above right) and then Publications
  • Follow the steps detailed in the internal manual

The items should be automatically added to the Publications tab on your profile page (if you didn't have one yet, it will be created after you add your first publication) within 24 hours. If you have problems adding your publications or other LUCRIS related questions, please contact the key-user of your institute or mail the general Humanities helpdesk via lucris@hum.leidenuniv.nl

Leiden University asks all researchers to create an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identifier) and to register their ORCID identifier in LUCRIS. ORCID is an international system for persistent and unambiguous identification of academic authors. With an ORCID you will be able to improve the visibility of your research output.

Don't have an ORCID yet? You can create one easily via https://orcid.org/register. This process should not take more than 5 minutes of your time.

To register your ORCID in LUCRIS, please follow the instructions in this short manual (pages 1-2) or in this video tutorial.

  • Go to SAP Self Service
  • Click on Ancillary activities, and then on the button Report activity
  • Fill in the form
  • Press Submit to report the ancillary activity

Please note that the link to SAP Self Service only works if you are on the university network. If you are working remote, you may need to access it via the Remote Workplace or by using EduVPN.

Update your profile page

Want to update your profile page? Please let us know which changes you would like to make via the button below.

Update your profile page

More information

You can add a photo of yourself to your profile page to help it stand out. This photo should meet the following requirements:

  • The photo is full-colour
  • The photo is at least 200x250px
  • The photo is high-resolution and in focus
  • The photo is a portrait photo where you are looking straight into the camera
  • The photo is representative for the university (it should not contain any distracting objects like sunglasses, instruments, pets, etc. or filters, stickers and other (disruptive) effects)

You can add your photo via the profile page form or send it to us via webredactie@hum.leidenuniv.nl.

Staff photoshoots

If you don't have a (high-quality) photo, there is the possibility to have your photo taken. The faculty organises photoshoots for employees each semester with a professional photographer. If you are interested in having your photo taken, please indicate this when filling out the profile page form or send an email to our events team (events@hum.leidenuniv.nl). We will contact you sometime before the next photoshoot.

Research project

If you want to have a project page made for your research project, please download the research project template (found here) and send the filled out template, along with any other attachments, to the editors.

Book item

We are also able to create pages for your research publications ("book items"). Please note that we can only create pages for books or journals. Other publications such as book chapters and/or articles in journals can be added to the "Publications" tab on your profile page via LUCRIS.

To request a research publication page, please send the below information to the editors.

- Title
- Category (book/journal)
- Date of publication
- Blurb/ short synopsis

The synopsis should be provided in English or Dutch (or both). You may also add a link to the publisher's page.

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