Universiteit Leiden

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During a reorganisation, the University does its utmost to avoid redundancies, regardless of whether these relate to the University as a whole, to an institute or to a department of a faculty or service.

Seeking a solution

If it becomes clear that there will be no role for you following a reorganisation, you become a redeployment candidate. An investigation is conducted to discover if there is another suitable job for you at the University. If, after three months, one has not been found nor have you been able to find a job outside the University, you will be made redundant.

Reorganisation Code of Conduct 

A scrupulous procedure is applied to reorganisations at the University. This is set out in the Leiden University Reorganisation Code of Conduct. This code of conduct based on the CAO NU and is fine-tuned to our university. It specifies such matters of how to draw up a social plan for staff who are threatened with redundancy and what shape the reorganisation process, the right to a say and the decision making will take.

More information

For questions on a reorganisation, please contact your HR adviser.

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