Universiteit Leiden

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If you are no longer able to do your current job, we investigate whether we can redeploy you. This involves examining within a reasonable term whether there is another suitable job for you within the organisation.

Who qualifies for redeployment?

You become a redeployment candidate if you are threatened with redundancy for one of the following reasons:

  • Your job will cease to exist or is surplus to requirement.
  • You prove to be incompetent or unsuited to your position and this is not due to misconduct or negligence.
  • You are ill and will not be able to return to work.
  • A reason other than the above, unless this is due to misconduct or negligence.

The redeployment process

During the redeployment investigation, we look at whether we can find a suitable job for you. This usually takes between three and six months, depending on how long you have worked for us. If your job has been discontinued following a reorganisation, the investigation takes three months. If you are ill or incapacitated, the investigation takes as long as is needed to redeploy you or until you are made redundant. If you have been ill for over a year, we consider what work you are still able to do.

As a redeployment candidate, you are given priority when it comes to filling internal vacancies. You receive a weekly bulletin with the latest jobs. For a number of days, these are only visible to redeployment candidates. A redeployment coordinator helps you during the redeployment investigation.

If at the end of the redeployment investigation no suitable job has been found for you and you are still employed by Leiden University, you retain the status of redeployment candidate. You continue to receive the weekly job bulletin and to be given priority in terms of filling vacancies until your date of redundancy.

What constitutes a suitable position?

A suitable position is one that corresponds with your qualifications, experience and skills. We apply the following criteria to assess this:

  • You possess the knowledge and skills that are deemed necessary to perform the work or you will be able to bring your knowledge and skills up to the required level within one year.
  • We think that if you retrain or receive extra training you will possess the required knowledge and skills within a year.
  • Your new position is no more than two salary scales lower than your old position.
  • The position is a structural role within the organisation.
  • You can reasonably be expected to be entrusted with the job, given your personality, circumstances and prospects.

If there is uncertainty as to whether you really are suited to the position, we can decide on a trial period of up to 12 months.

More information

For questions on redeployment, please mail herplaatsing@bb.leidenuniv.nl.

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