Universiteit Leiden

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Union fees

If you are a member of a union, you may offset your union fees against your gross holiday allowance or end-of-year bonus.

Offsetting union fees

  1. Log on to Remote Workplace  
  2. Choose SAP Self Service  
  3. As of 1 February, fill in the "Offsetting the union fees" application form via the Selection Model tab
  4. Add your digital proof of payment

More information about applying, please read this Knowledge Item.

What do you need?

Digital proof of payment of your union fees


You can offset your union fees against your end-of-year bonus or holiday allowance. If you wish to offset your union fees against your holiday allowance, you should submit your application at the latest 30 April. If you wish to offset your union fees against your end-of-year bonus, you should submit your application at the latest 31 October.


  • The choice you make only applies to the current calendar year, so that you have to re-apply every year.
  • You can only use this scheme to pay your union fees for the current calendar year.

Trade union membership fees contribution 

Did you become a union member for the first time in the month of September or October? If so, you may also be eligible for reimbursement through the 'trade union contribution' scheme. The amount you receive for the contribution will automatically be deducted from the amount to be offset against your end of year bonus. You can find more information here.

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