Universiteit Leiden

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Reimbursement of expenses for business trips in the Netherlands

If you want to travel on business in the Netherlands, you must request permission to do so from your manager. If you travel for work, you are entitled to an allowance for travel and subsistence expenses.

In principle, you travel by public transport, unless that is not possible, in which case you may use your own means of transport, a taxi, or a rental car, but you should discuss this beforehand with your manager.

From 1 November 2024, we have a new mobility policy that encourages sustainable commuting. You can keep track of your trips and allowances in the Shuttel app. The new mobility policy also has consequences for your home-working allowance, your internet allowance, and the kilometre allowance via the Terms of Employment Individual Choices Model.


  • If you travel by public transport, you will be reimbursed for the actual costs incurred. If travelling by train, you should travel second class. You can use your Shuttel card, which will automatically register your journey in the app/My Shuttel. Please indicate in Shuttel that this is a business trip. Then select ‘business’.
  • If you use your own means of transport, you will be reimbursed €0.23 per kilometre. Please register this trip in Shuttel to receive the allowance.
  • When entering a business trip in Shuttel, you will see a field for a project code. Here you can enter the SAP number  to which the costs can be booked. The system automatically checks whether the number you entered actually exists. You can ask your manager which SAP number you should use.

If you cannot get to your destination by public transport or some other means of transport, you can, exceptionally, hire a taxi or rental car in consultation with your manager. The procedure you need to follow is as follows:

  • Discuss the option with your manager.
  • Once they have approved your request, you can book the taxi/rental car, and claim the expenses via the expenses application in Self Service.
  • When claiming a taxi or rental car, make sure you include your receipts and your trip statement, so we can reimburse your expenses in full.

Reimbursement rates as of 1 January 2025

Type Amount

€ 32,37


€ 152,19


€ 14,87


You will receive an allowance for dinner, accommodation and breakfast untaxed and regardless of the amount you actually spent, provided you meet the following conditions:

  • You actually incurred these expenses in a designated establishment.
  • You do not need to include receipts for these expenses in your claim. However, dinner time (between 6 p.m. and 9 p.m.) must fall within your business trip.
  • The breakfast allowance and accommodation allowance only apply to overnight stays during a business trip.

Claim your business trip in the Netherlands

You can claim your travel expenses in Shuttel. You can claim a taxi/rental car (exceptionally) via the expenses application in Self Service. Subsistence expenses (dinner, accommodation, and breakfast) can also be claimed via the expenses application in Self Service.

Staff that are not employed by the University

Assessors are not employed by the University and are entitled to reimbursement of commuting expenses. Assessors can file their claim via the expenses claim form for staff that is not employed by the University.

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