Universiteit Leiden

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Strict bachelor-before-master rule

The strict bachelor-before-master rule (harde knip) means that students may only start their master’s programme when they have completed their bachelor’s programme. It also means that bachelor’s students are not permitted to use their elective credits to already follow one or more master’s courses.

What is the strict bachelor-before-master rule?

The strict bachelor-before-master rule (harde knip) means that students may only start the master’s programme after completing their bachelor’s programme. A bachelor’s programme has been completed when the student has passed all the courses of the approved bachelor’s final examination curriculum and this has been established by the Board of Examiners. It is therefore not intended that a student should already follow courses from a master’s programme during the bachelor’s programme; not even as an elective course or as a ‘try-out’.

Who is subject to the strict bachelor-before-master rule?

The strict bachelor-before-master rule applies to all Leiden University bachelor’s students, including those who are taking a pre-master’s programme, regardless of when they started their bachelor’s programme. Bachelor’s students from other universities may only follow a master’s programme at Leiden University after they have received their bachelor’s diploma.

Does the strict bachelor-before-master rule also apply to students in a pre-master’s programme?

Yes. Students that have applied for a pre-master’s programme are only permitted to follow the courses in the specified pre-master’s programme. Enrolment for a pre-master’s programme is for a maximum of two academic years. If students want to follow other courses at Leiden University in addition to their pre-master’s programme, they will be enrolled as a regular bachelor’s student.

When can a student start a master’s programme?

When someone has registered as a student at Leiden University and has been assessed as admissible to a master’s programme, they are permitted to follow master’s courses. 

Are students permitted to start master’s courses if they have not yet been admitted to the master’s programme?

No. Students may only follow courses from a master’s programme if they have been admitted to the master’s programme and are registered as a student at Leiden University. The Regulations for Admission to Master’s Programmes provide for the possibility that a student who already has a bachelor’s diploma, but does not (yet) fully meet the admission requirements stated in the Course and Examination Regulations (OER) of the master’s programme, may nevertheless be permitted to start the master’s programme. Such a student can be admitted to the master’s programme if the deficiency is not more than 15 EC. The Board of Admissions will specify the components that must be completed before the student is permitted to take the final examination of the master’s programme. These components of the final examination will be stated in the admission decision. 

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