Internal communication tools
An organisation the size of Leiden University requires careful internal communication.
Website and newsletters
Our most important internal communication tool is the staff website. For editorial information, please consult the web editorial section.
In addition, every Tuesday all staff members receive a newsletter with news and information.
Responses and suggestions are always welcome at
Leiden University in the news
If you wish to find out what the media write about Leiden University, its researchers and its students, you can register for the digital clippings collection ‘Leiden University in the news’. The links in this overview expire after three months. If you wish to archive an article for personal use, make sure you copy it immediately.
Narrowcasting is one of the university's internal communication tools. The university uses screens in the buildings to disseminate information that specifically applies to students and staff members in that building. This method of communication is called narrowcasting. The university currently uses two types of narrowcasting systems: screens in coffee vending machines and screens at building entrances.
The coffee machine screens are used for dynamic content. These screens disseminate information in a visually attractive way in busy locations and thereby immediately catch the eye. The content is divided into two parts: general information on sustainability, health and safety, and faculty information for the faculty's students and staff members. The screens are managed by the UFB. The decentral communication departments provide content for the faculty part.
If you want to post a message or information on the coffee screens, please contact your faculty's communication department. Make sure that your submitted content has a format of 1920 x 1080 pixels.
The screens at building entrances are mainly used for displaying static information, such as information from the room reservation system, building opening hours and public transport timetables. If you have questions or would like more information about the screens at building entrances, please contact your faculty's communication department.
Staff website
The staff website homepage contains all announcements that may be interesting for staff members as well as news announcements from the Faculty news page. In short: all the news are bundled on a single page. On the staff website you can access all practical information, such as facilities, ICT manuals, information about salary and leave, procedures, etc. The Faculty of Humanities staff website is set as the homepage in Internet Explorer.
The newsletter appears once every two weeks. It contains a selection of the announcements and news reports on the staff website. It also contains an agenda of activities planned at the Faculty in the next two weeks.
You can consult the newsletter archive here.

The newspaper appears twice a year: in June and in December. It contains extensive interviews with staff members on relevant topics for the Faculty. The newspaper also offers context and background information on Faculty themes and emphasises the link between Faculty strategy and day-to-day operations.
You can consult the newspaper’s archive here (in Dutch and in English).
Other internal communication channels at Leiden University
Leiden University disposes of a number of communication channels. For more information, see the general tab.