Testing platform Ans

Starting in the academic year 2024-25, Ans will be the university's digital testing platform. Read more about the transition from Remindo to Ans. With Ans you can create a question bank with questions that can be used for both formative and summative tests. This video shows digital test in Ans with different question types.
Log in to Ans
- Go to https://ans.app/
- Choose ‘Log in with your school account’
- Search and select ‘Universiteit Leiden’
- Log in with your ULCN account (if you get the message: “View your information that will be shared”, scroll down and click on the blue button “Continue”)
What does Ans offer?
- User-friendly interface
- Plagiarism check on open questions using a Turnitin integration
- Large variety of question types
- An item bank with a collection of questions to draw from while composing exams
- Options to dictate the order and grouping of questions or to randomly assign students questions from a larger pool
- Integration of formative tests into Brightspace, with easy synchronisation of results into the Brightspace Gradebook
- Analytical feedback at question and test level
- Correction work can be easily assigned between teachers, either randomly or by assigning specific questions to specific assessors
Learn more about Ans at one of the faculty workshops or check out the Ans support site.
Other assessment tools
Not sure is Ans is the right tool for your course? Check out this toolpicker or contact solo@fsw.leidenuniv.nl for advice.