Tools and support
Under tools and support you will find information intended to support you in your teaching such as the FLO team, available services and support for students, various tools for teaching and assessment, rules & regulations, and inspiration.

The Future Learning Office (FLO team) supports the use of ICT systems and tools in teaching within FGGA. The FLO team combines didactic and technical knowledge. Together with other faculties and central support, FLO provides optimal support for lecturers and support staff.
The FLO team is available for questions about blended and hybrid education, the Learning Management System Brightspace, video tool Kaltura, Teams, (digital) testing system Ans, thesis testing tool. FLO is also always on the lookout for possible new tools in education. FLO can be reached via: or via the Teams channel FGGA-FLO.
You can contact LLInC for questions about teacher professionalisation. LLInC supports, among other things, curriculum revision, strengthening teaching skills, digitalisation, teacher coaching, intervision processes, AI in education and much more! Questions? Then contact LLInC via:
- Marijne Scherjon, educational advisor & trainer, via
- Najat El Hani, educational advisor & trainer, via
FGGA has several service and support point focused on practical questions, study progress, community building, and student welfare to which you can refer students.
OSC (Onderwijs Service)
For the registration of educational and study matters and the organisation of classes and exams.
Study Advisor
The first point of contact for students who need help with their studies, both for practical questions as well as personal study problems.
Board of Examiners
For individual questions: exemptions and petitions.
Student Care
Online answers to frequently asked study and student questions.
Mentor and tutor
Most undergraduate programmes have a mentor or tutor programme.
Trail - Internship bank
Online matching tool to find an internship.
The (physical) meeting place to train skills, meet students and where students can actively engage in an inclusive community. Popcorner offers: social activities, training and 1-on-1 coaching.
Online coaching programme especially for FGGA students for issues such as: fear of failure, insecurity, stress, procrastination, sleep problems and mood swings.
Student welfare
Leiden University webpage with tips & tricks, workshops and professional support.
Student Info FGGA
Overview of all student services at FGGA
Brightspace is the digital learning environment of Leiden University. Other applications are also accessed via Brightspace.
Questions? Brightspace is supported by FLO. or via the Teams channel FGGA-FLO. Here you will find instructional videos about Brightspace.
FLO is responsible for all faculty web lectures in the lecture halls (Wijnhaven 2.01 and 2.02, Anna van Bueren 2.21 and Schouwburgstraat A0.06). This includes scheduling, editing the recordings afterwards and sharing the links of these web lectures with the lecturers.
If you would like to know more about how FLO plans weblectures, see the weblecture principles document.
Online tools
Overview of available tools for teaching support
Hybrid rooms
Five rooms in Wijnhaven and three rooms on Anna van Buerenplein are equipped as hybrid rooms. In these rooms, equipment is present which makes it possible for the lecturers, the chair of presentations and/or meetings to remain in contact with all persons in the room as well as those who are participating online. The FLO team provides support for didactic skills to support hybrid education.
At FGGA, we have chosen to use the examination software ANS. This is very user-friendly software that enables lecturers to easily set and check online exams. Using tips and tricks provided by ANS, the FLO team offers lecturers the opportunity to set up an examination according to their own preferences. In addition, Brightspace also offers options and variations for setting online exams. The teaching support tool overview also includes information on ANS.
Assessment framework
FGGA has an assesment framework setting out the general testing policy of the faculty. Testing policy is taken to mean: a coherent set of measures and provisions with which the quality of testing and the vision on testing within a programme can be realised.
What rules and regulations apply when teaching. More information can be found here.
When using publications and other material there are restriction, even if it is for teaching purposes only. The University Library's Copyright Information Point has a website with guidelines for the proper use of publications in education.
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
Personal data is any data that can be traced back to a person. You can read more about what to look out for here.
Codes of conduct
Code of Conduct Lecturer - Student FGGA Code of Conduct Code of Conduct Remote Teaching
Education and Examination Regulations (OER)
For the educational programmes at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Rules and guidelines (R&R)
For the institutes at the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs. Institute of Public Administration ISGA International Relations and Diplomacy Liberal Arts and Sciences: global challenges House Rules Written Examinations