350 search results for “romantiek attraction” in the Staff website
Eliska Prochazkova
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
e.prochazkova@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
‘Heart rate and skin conductance predict romantic attraction’
Synchronised heart rates and skin conductance tell us that people are attracted to each other. This explains why we feel a romantic ‘click’ with some people and not with others. This is the result of research by psychologist Eliska Prochazkova from the Leiden Institute for Brain and Recognition, which…
The Hague aims to attract legal tech start-ups
In an interview with Jaap van den Herik, Professor emeritus Law and IT, legal magazine Mr. writes that The Hague municipality wants to attract more legal tech start-ups. The municipality has therefore commissioned the Leiden Centre of Data Science (LCDS) of Leiden University to conduct a study into…
Tour of the South Cluster attracts more than 100 interested colleagues
The South Cluster - the former Van Wijkplaats/Van Eyckhof on Witte Singel - is currently undergoing an impressive transformation. On 25 October, more than 100 enthusiastic colleagues witnessed the progress of the renovation during a series of tours of the building.
years’ time, we’ll ask ourselves how we can make the Netherlands more attractive for migrants’
When politicians claim they can make major differences with their migration policies, they’re raising false expectations. The opportunities for the government to restrict migration are in fact very limited. And what about the little room they do have? Mark Klaassen’s advice is to make use of those opportunities…
Looking for love: how we can fool ourselves when we are into someone
Can we truly assess whether someone finds us attractive? Cognitive psychologist Iliana Samara conducted her PhD project on romantic attraction and discovered that men, in particular, tend to overestimate the interest of their date. She explains why this may be.
Online exhibition Tourism in the Dutch East Indies
From travel stories, travel guides and hotel vignettes to postcards, drawings, menus, brochures, posters and photos. The collections of Leiden University Libraries (UBL) hold many sources that provide insight into the development of tourism in the Dutch East Indies, present-day Indonesia, from 1870…
Social security and insurances
As an employee of Leiden University, you are eligible to take out various insurance (schemes) at an attractive discount. On this page, you will also find more information about pension and unemployment.
Collaborating with renowned researchers
Leiden University is one of the world's top universities in leading international rankings. As a postdoc, you will be working with internationally renowned researchers, often as part of a specific research project. As such, the University cultivates an attractive research climate with excellent facilities.…
Presenting skills for researchers 'Stop performing, start connecting'
Communication, Research
Human Resources
Here you will find information about our HR policy. From salary scales to career guidance, and from confidential counsellors to various insurance (schemes) at an attractive discount.
Career policy for academic staff
Leiden University wants to attract the best academics. What requirements does it set for new academic staff members? What requirements must you meet for a career in academia? Read more about our career policy for academic staff.
Our commitment to top-level education and research means that internationalisation plays a key role at Leiden University. We work with diverse partners worldwide and do everything in our power to attract talented international staff members.
Animation is a fun way to explain complicated theories and concepts, in which the visual aid plays a central role and is based around a storyline. An animation can be a stand-alone video with a voice-over but can also be used as part of a talking head video or screencast.
Development of Humanities Campus
Our aim with the Humanities Campus is to create a sustainable and attractive campus with ample green spaces and opportunities for interaction, complemented by modern and future-proof facilities. The campus is being developed in stages. On this page, you can find information about the planning, latest…
New interim dean Henk te Velde: ‘I don't have to do it alone’
Professor Henk te Velde started as interim dean of the Faculty of Humanities on 1 March. Mark Rutgers' successor is faced with the task of getting the faculty back to financial health.
Talent to the top
Leiden University wishes to attract and retain talented researchers, both male and female. This is not something that happens by itself, which is why we prioritise the theme of diversity.
UTQ training programmes for lecturers (BKO)
Lecturer events
Gain new ideas for your teaching and get inspired by fellow teachers during lunch bytes, workshops, and courses. Explore the offerings below.
Iliana Samara
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
i.samara.2@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Work disability insurance
Many people suffer a decrease in income as a result of partial or full work disability. To protect you against this loss of income, the University has taken out general collective work and other disability insurance policy at ABP. You can take out supplementary work disability insurance via Loyalis.…
Workshop How to present in a relaxed way
Study support, Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Internal communication tools
An organisation the size of Leiden University requires careful internal communication.
Research in the media
How can you ensure that your research hits the headlines? How can you bring your research output, such as PhD research or a publication, to the attention of the public?
Strategic plan
In our new strategic plan (Innovating and Connecting – 2022-2027) we focus on stronger connections: between disciplines, with society and within our university community.
Herman Paul new Scientific Director of the Institute of History: ‘A good working atmosphere is important’
Professor Herman Paul has been appointed Scientific Director of the Institute of History from 1 February. ‘Especially in these times, transparency is essential.’
Leiden Healthy University
Leiden University is committed to making your work safe, healthy and enjoyable and joined the Healthy Universities international network in 2018.
Fact or fiction? Debunking 5 common love myths with researcher Iliana Samara
'You’ll know right away when you meet your true love’ or ‘Opposites attract’: Some persistent beliefs exist about love and attraction, but are they true? Researcher Iliana Samara investigates the dynamics of attraction and explains which love myths we can let go of.
BA in Italian Language and Culture to continue
Leiden University will continue to offer its BA in Italian Language and Culture. The Board of the Faculty of Humanities has reversed its decision to stop admitting new students as of the 2026/2027 academic year.
Overview of terms and conditions of employment
Leiden University offers its staff members an attractive package of benefits including a holiday allowance of 8% and a end-of-year bonus of 8.3%. Using the Individual Choices Model it is also possible to opt for personalised benefits. Here we have summarised the most important terms and conditions.
- Leiden University strike with Teach-Out at The Hague city hall
Olaf van Vliet in Trouw on purchasing power and effects of inflation on labour market
The Dutch Government recently announced measures to limit the loss of purchasing power. These include, for example, raising the minimum wage and healthcare benefits. Another way for households to maintain purchasing power is to work more. Olaf van Vliet, Professor of Economics, explains the effects…
Being able to host international organisations by taking that extra step
The number of international organisations has increased over the last decades. As has the number of cities interested in housing these organisations. International organisations bring wealth to cities and help improve their reputation. They often act as a magnet for other international corporations.…
Leiden researchers receive Ig Nobel Prize for research into romantic click
Cognitive psychologists Eliska Prochazkova and Mariska Kret from Leiden University have won an Ig Nobel Prize for their research into the romantic click between people. They discovered that attraction between people can be predicted by synchrony in heart rate and skin conductance.
How to improve the workplace for bi+ people
People who are attracted to more than one gender often experience a disadvantage in the workplace and labour market. How can the workplace can be improved for bi+ people.
Love, war and... football: 2024 in Leiden stories
A new government, conflicts around the world and obviously a lot of science: these are the five stories about Leiden University that you enjoyed reading in 2024.
Green islands around the University buildings to entice threatened insects
The number of insect species is plummeting, which is why the University is creating a more biodiverse environment around its buildings. Annetje Ottow, President of the Executive Board, planted the first bee-friendly plants in the front garden of Oude UB on 20 September.
Annelinde Vandenbroucke: 'Science for and by youth'.
Annelinde Vandenbroucke received the new science communication grant for NeurolabNL Young in December 2020. This grant will help her in her mission: to make science attractive for and by youth. Vandenbroucke tells Humans of Psychology why youth is important to science and vice versa,
Evolutionary change in protective plant odours
Plants can’t run away from enemies. Still, it would like to keep life-threatening herbivores at a distance. This can be done with odours. Klaas Vrieling of the Institute of Biology Leiden found out with his team how plants change odour production to keep the munchers at a distance.
Many national and international research funders can provide financing for your research project.
An introduction to Performance art (live art)
Arts and leisure, Arts and leisure
Junior / Medior System Administrator
Science, Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science (LIACS)
Giving a lecture
Giving an effective lecture requires not only careful preparation of the content, but also clear structures, visual support and presentation techniques. Some guidelines and tips to keep your lectures engaging and well structured are presented here.
Academic Director Douglas Berger: ‘I want to help my fellow philosophers flourish’
The Institute for Philosophy has a new Academic Director: on 1 February, James McAllister was succeeded by Douglas Berger. We asked him about his plans.
Demolition of Van Eyckhof/Wijkplaats nearly completed, renovation to start as soon as possible
The dust clouds are slowly settling in Van Eyckhof/Van Wijkplaats (Cluster South). The demolition work and circular dismantling that started in autumn are almost completed. In the meantime, the invitation to tender for the renovation ois taking slightly longer than expected and, therefore, the start…
Aleydis Nissen and Co-Author on K-pop in The Diplomat
Brandon Valeriano (Cato Institute) and Aleydis Nissen (Leiden University) publish an article on the soft power of K-pop in The Diplomat.
Development of broad Languages and Cultures BA programme to change to ‘Renewing and Strengthening Language Programmes’
As you may know, a draft profile for a broad BA programme in Languages and Cultures has been in development for some time. On 21 December 2021, the Faculty Board decided to end the design process of that broad bachelor’s degree programme. However, as the Faculty Board and partners in the discipline…
The Humanities Campus development continues: North Cluster design process begins
Now that the South Cluster is reaching its concluding phase, we are looking ahead to the next building to be developed in the context of the Humanities Campus: Matthias de Vrieshof (working title: North Cluster).
Who deserves a Spinoza or Stevin Prize?
‘Leiden is the place to be for digital archaeology’
Archaeology is also digging with computers. This digital quest to find out how we humans lived in the past is what Karsten Lambers likes doing most. He is the first Professor of Digital and Computational Archaeology in the country. ‘A dream come true.’