Arts and leisure - Theater and presentation | Visual arts
An introduction to Performance art (live art)
Monday from 14:30-17:00 h.
- Teacher
- Yvette Teeuwen

For whom
For everyone! English speakers also welcome.
You don't have to be an artist or performer for it. Just have an open curiosity about artistic visual methods with the body!
If you have an affinity with and are attracted to, on the one hand, moving body-oriented art disciplines such as dance, theatre, singing and, on the other hand, to visual art forms such as drawing, painting, photography, sculpture or architecture in the broadest sense of the word, then this course is for you. performance art might be something for you!
Performance art is an 'abstract' mix of both; contains elements of all different art disciplines; moves into the area in between and blazes new trails! You, with your own body, become the work of art!
Nothing is necessary, everything is possible! No experience necessary.
Performance art is physically sensitive. It is playfully investigative. It is intuitive and process-oriented, surprising and adventurous, connecting and innovative.
In this course you will gradually become acquainted with performance art using fun but structured exercises that also leave plenty of room for your own freedom. We start with the simplest and then expand more and more.
First we look at what you can do on impulse with an everyday object that will alienate you from its daily function in poetic context with your own body: in a relaxed, funny group exercise, for example, you place a watering can on/on your body in a funny way. places and the next person impulsively adopts a different attitude, which quickly increases creativity to new unexpected levels in a short time.
Later also exercises with (visual) materials and other attributes that you happen to come across.
One step further, you are playfully challenged to see how you can enter into a physical composition with your body and an object that is already present/hanging/standing/lying in a specific space: together you become 1 (art) image. Then you break away from that space and become a performative sculpture. From these last two steps you will see which performative action can arise naturally and from impulse.
We also go outside to gain other inspiration. With unobtrusive simple actions, and not immediately visible to people walking on the street, we will do a fun duo exercise that allows you to try out everything in a very safe way without people immediately staring at you. We will also take photographs outside on the street in which you become part of the architecture by, for example, using a curved body to interact with the round shape of a building or curb or whatever you encounter. This is a fun form of 'architectural' performative sketching. There is also room to choose a theme or feeling that is close to your heart, which will make you even more involved in doing an inspiring small or large performance action in which you will apply what you have learned from the previous exercises. In addition to enjoying creativity, physical expression and a great sense of freedom, there are also nice other side effects of this course:
relaxation (of body and mind), grounding and anchoring in the peace of the moment, more space for feeling and intuition in your own life, more body awareness (out of the mind and more in your body). You learn to shamelessly enjoy playing and (self) expression, which also builds up more self-confidence and strength, it can provide inspiration for (school) presentations, you develop more courage, courage, originality of expression, and finally it can be mentioned that the personal
vision formation is gaining momentum (dares to make personal statements more easily or even rawer).
Max participants: 10
Yvette Teeuwen graduated as a (multidisciplinary) Visual Artist at the Royal Art Academy of The Hague. After graduating she started immediately as an independent artist, her visual arts began to emerge develop and exhibit frequently at home and abroad (such as in Amsterdam, Dordrecht, Tilburg, Rotterdam and The Hague, and
abroad in Finland, Germany, Belgium and Portugal, among others).
Her art is inter-multi-disciplinary in nature and in recent years has become more so
emphasis will be placed on performative photography, live art performance and
video performance art. Many of her video performances have been shown
during international festivals in India, Mexico, Chile, Philadelphia/US, Brazil, Argentina and more.
In addition to her art (23 years of experience), she has been teaching for 15 years as a museum teacher at the Kunstmuseum Den Haag, occasionally also at the Fotomuseum Den Haag, and she has also given various own workshops in, among other things, intuitive drawing and painting, performance art, photographic-interdisciplinary-workshops, spoken word, etc., to various ages and in various locations.
In her spare time, she has been training privately with various teachers in Taoist Chi-kung for 23 years. She uses a number of basic exercises at the start of each lesson so that everyone can enjoy the lesson openly and relaxed.
Her strength lies in playfully inviting people to experiment, using your feelings & intuition, and following (innovative) impulses. She knows how to create a nice, safe atmosphere in which you can naturally follow and shape the individuality of your creativity. Due to the unique combination of her experiences in art, meditation and Chi Kung, each course has a light mindfulness content that offers the participant points of departure to soften your inner critic that can sometimes get in the way of a creative process.
Please contact if you have troubles registering for the courses. You can also give us a call at 071 527 2317
Through registering you are agreeing to the terms and conditions of the LAK.
Regsiter on time! A course can only start with enough participants (it's decided a week before start)