501 search results for “means wellbeing” in the Staff website
Student well-being
Students can sometimes use a bit of extra help with their studies and personal development. Here you can read about how you as a lecturer, study adviser, mentor or other student-facing staff member can support students’ well-being.
Wellbeing and support
Mental fitness is more than physical health alone. An equally important aspect in our general well-being is mental fitness. Mental fitness refers to fitness of the mind.
Background information on student well-being
To find out more about student well-being, check out the information below.
Staff symposium on student well-being 'Today's Students'
Sign up for the staff symposium on student well-being 'Today's Students'
New Student Well-Being Officer for The Hague gets started on student well-being
Student well-being is more important than ever and is high on Leiden University’s agenda. There are many recent new initiatives, such as Well-Being Week and POPcorner The Hague. To streamline all these new initiatives and create new student well-being activities, a Student Well-Being Officer has recently…
Well-being Week also at FGGA
Within FGGA, student well-being is considered to be very important. That is why, at the beginning of this academic year, the Student Support Navigator and the introductory booklet were distributed to students. During the central Well-being Week (11-15 November) in The Hague, attention will be given…
Annegeke Jansen
g.a.j.jansen@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Feifei Wang
f.wang@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Augustinus receives first Student Well-being Award
A growing number of student organisations are focusing attention on the mental, social and physical well-being of their members. This year, the first Student Well-being Award was therefore presented at the annual reception for new student association board members (’omgekeerde constitutieborrel’) in…
Network of student well-being officers create connections
It’s an important theme at the University and beyond: student well-being. Even before coronavirus, research showed that loneliness and the pressure to succeed were causing particular problems for students, and these problems have only increased since the pandemic. Work is underway to improve the sit…
Focus on well-being at PhD event
'Make sure you separate yourself from your work.' And, 'Your dissertation doesn't have to be a magnum opus.' It was raining tips for PhD students at the humanities PhD event on well-being on Tuesday, 5 September.
Leiden University signs Declaration on Student Well-Being
Leiden University and four other parties have signed a declaration in which they agree to improve the well-being of students in Leiden. They signed this Declaration on Student Well-Being on 5 April at the Leidsch Besturendiner, a dinner for student associations, universities, local government and bu…
Bramesada Prasastyoga
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
b.prasastyoga@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
The wellbeing initiatives: 'Care about your own wellbeing'
Would you like to take a walk with a fellow student who you don’t know? That is the idea behind Walk & Talk. With this new initiative, International Studies aims to provide more opportunities for social contact.
Covid has had an impact on academics’ well-being
The Covid pandemic has had a considerable impact on academics’ work and well-being. They have had much less time to spend on their research. The Young Academy and the Dutch Network of Women Professors have conducted research into how the situation has been for academics. The two organisations have recommendations…
‘Are you OK?’ Student rowing club Pelargos wins Student Well-being Award
Are you OK? This question aims to help make unwelcome behaviour easier to talk about. Student rowing club Pelargos made a personal variant on the national campaign, which won them Leiden University’s Well-being Award.
A call with Nienke Jongejan about student well-being and Queen Máxima
Queen Máxima visited University of Applied Sciences Leiden last week. She spoke to students, managers and policymakers about initiatives and opportunities in the field of student well-being. We called student assistant Nienke Jongejan, who got to join one of the discussions with the Queen.
Staff symposium on student well-being: ‘Building on a healthy, engaged and learning community’
Over 200 staff from Leiden University discussed student well-being with one another and students at the Staff Symposium on Student Well-being. In various workshops and lectures, lecturers, student advisers, student counsellors and other staff members discussed how they could contribute to our students’…
From growth to well-being: EU should look beyond the economy
In a paper, researchers suggest how the next European Commission can develop an alternative policy model that centres people’s well-being.
University launches Vision on Student Well-Being: ‘An open culture where we look out for one another’
How can we work together to create a safe study and learning environment and offer students the support that they need? The Vision on Student Well-Being outlines the University’s plans to promote student well-being in the coming years.
A shared path to well-being: ‘Someone has to be the first to say: let’s do things differently’
How do we offer students a helping hand without losing sight of our own well-being? This was the question that study advisers, lecturers, deans and student support staff tried to answer at the Staff Symposium on Student Well-being.
Peter van der Zwan
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
p.w.van.der.zwan@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 8560
Marleen Stolze
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
m.stolze@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Tim Koppert
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
t.y.koppert@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Jeanine de Roy van Zuijdewijn
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
j.h.de.roy.van.zuijdewijn@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9328
Faculty of Science has a wellbeing officer
As of 1 November W&N has a wellbeing officer. Alexandra Blank will commit herself to the wellbeing of our students. Students, but also lecturers and mentors can approach her with ideas and initiatives to support students.
A call about: the staff symposium on Student Wellbeing
The first staff symposium on Student Wellbeing – from abstract idea to practical tips – will take place on 15 March 2022. Why have we chosen a practical approach and what can you expect? Sonja Wagenaar (SEA) is project manager and she tells us more about it.
Tell students about Student Well-Being Week
Organisation, Social
- Register for the Student Well-being Staff Symposium
- Support for students at Student Well-Being Week
A quick call about student well-being
Supporting our students’ well-being is a priority for the University. Last week was our Student Well-Being Week, and throughout the year our students have access to mental health support such as buddy programmes, student support groups and study skills workshops. Each faculty is to have its own well-being…
Meet the Student workgroup D&I Student Wellbeing
On Monday 14 November 2022, our faculty student workgroup Diversity & Inclusion + Student Wellbeing will start working. The workgroup consists of seven motivated student assistants under supervision of the Faculty Coordinator Susanne Deen will get started on making the topics diversity & inclusion and…
What does the outline agreement mean for us?
The outline agreement proposed by the new cabinet will have serious consequences for higher education and research. If the plans go through, there will be significant cutbacks in our sector. We will keep you up to date with developments on this page.
Leiden: the heart of health and well-being
The city of Leiden is enriched by a dense infrastructure of knowledge institutes, with a uniquely strong focus on health and well-being. This gives Leiden "an extremely good starting position to become the healthiest city in the Netherlands," according to Fleur Spijker (Alderman for Economy, Knowledge,…
Student well-being: student pool kick-off
Organisation, Social
Inge Schrijver
i.m.schrijver@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Election debate Student Council: catering, accessibility, and well-being
The student elections for the student representatives of the Faculty Council will take place from 22 to 25 April. Prominent members of four student parties engaged in a debate last Thursday on topics close to students’ hearts.
‘We can learn a lot from one another about student well-being’
Student well-being is an enormously broad subject. Students and researchers can gain inspiration and exchange knowledge at the online EUniWell symposium ‘Good Practices on Student Well-Being’ on 30 September and 1 October. We take a look at the forthcoming symposium with co-organiser Jasper Bitter:…
Alexander van Oudenhoven
a.p.e.van.oudenhoven@cml.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7473
New website and roadmap for staff about student well-being
Student well-being in the spotlight at the EUniWell symposium
‘There’s so much knowledge, research and experience in the field of student well-being. Let’s put this topic on the agenda, work together to promote it, and learn from each other.’ This was the message of the two-day virtual symposium on Good Practices for Student Well-Being.
- Student well-being: tell your (international and Dutch) students about the Winter Weeks
EUniWell Summer School on the impact of covid on health and well-being
Bachelor's and master's students and PhD candidates came together from 10 to 13 July at Campus The Hague for the EUniWell Summer School ‘COVID-19: Impact on European health & well-being’. The participants attended lectures and workshops on the impact of the pandemic on public health. They also discussed…
Call for contributions: FestiWell ‘22 – “Towards global sustainable well-being”
A future based on Wellbeing, Inclusion and Sustainability, rather than economic growth
How can society let go of its obsession with economic growth and focus on goals as wellbeing, inclusion and sustainability? This is one of the core questions which a new 3 million euro European project will tackle the upcoming four years. Leiden University researcher Rutger Hoekstra is project coordinator…
Leiden University signs health and wellbeing agreement for city of Leiden
Healthy and active Leideners and a smoke-free generation. These are the main ambitions of the Leiden Health and Wellbeing Agreement that was signed online by 40 partners on 19 April. Leiden University will also be drawing on its broad expertise to help realise the ambitions.
Marjo de Graauw looks after the wellbeing of student and teacher
Heavy! This is the first word that comes to lecturer Marjo de Graauw’s mind when she looks back on the past year. But with her creativity and experience with educational innovation she was nonetheless able to provide her usual high standard of teaching.
- Student mental well-being: free training sessions for student counsellors (in Dutch)
- is changing to GROW: Conversations on Performance, Development and Well-being