526 search results for “mobiliteit en veiligheid in european” in the Student website
New LL.M. in Governance of Migration and Diversity (GMD-Legal) starting September 2024
Starting in September 2024, the Europa Institute will host a new LL.M. on the Governance of Migration and Diversity [GMD].
Short documentary on 50 years archaeology in Oss
In the student-made documentary, our Field School manager, Dr Arjan Louwen, gives a brief introduction on the importance of the excavation in Oss. Watch the documentary below.
Sarah Cramsey: 'We know very little about which systems influence our first thousand days'
It is one of the most personal and simultaneously most universal experiences of human life: caring for a young child. Professor Sarah Cramsey has been awarded an ERC Starting Grant to investigate how factors such as nationality, political systems, and religion influence the first thousand days after…
Field School 2023: We are back in Oss!
Monday, 3 April, the yearly field school for all first-year students at the Faculty of Archaeology will start. The municipality of Oss is welcoming our 120 students and provides an excellent practical learning stage for the basic skills they will need to master for their professional careers.
Tullio Abruzzese
Faculteit Archeologie
t.abruzzese@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Monique van den Dries
Faculteit Archeologie
m.h.van.den.dries@arch.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2383
Iris Jongejan
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
i.k.jongejan@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Tuvana Aras
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
t.aras@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Katie Pentney wins Max van der Stoel Human Rights Award 2021 with master’s thesis
The Max van der Stoel Human Rights Award is presented every two years on 10 December (Human Rights Day) in recognition of outstanding academic works in the field of international human rights.
Call for Participation: Winter School Digital Visual Engagements in Anthropological Research
The ERC consolidator project "Food Citizens? Collective food procurement in European cities: solidarity and diversity, skills and scale" will organise a winter school on visual and collaborative methods in anthropological research at Leiden University’s Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development…
‘Islam is a constant in Europe’: new Humanities podcast delves into the history of Islam
‘Islam and Muslims are not something that happened to Europe; they are part of Europe. In fact, Islam is one the biggest constants in European history,’ argues Professor Maurits Berger in the new eight-part History of Islam in Europe podcast series of the Leiden University Faculty of Humanities.
Roeland Böcker: 'Problems of multilateralism are a never-ending debate'
On 8 December, in honour of Human Rights Week, Roeland Böcker gave a public lecture about his experiences as ambassador to the Council of Europe. Between 2017 and 2021, Roeland Böcker was the representative of the Netherlands in the Council of Europe.
Transnational Socialism, Free Movement, and Migration in the early European Parliament
Lecture, LIMS seminar
‘Forgotten books inspire a love of reading’
The compulsory reading list is infamous among secondary school students, and for all the wrong reasons. This prompted the Faculty of Humanities and the Onderwijsnetwerk Zuid-Holland (South Holland Education Network) to launch the Alternative Reading List Award, in search of books that motivate young…
Education in Ancient Egypt: 'Everyone Used the Same Text'
For hundreds of years, children in Ancient Egypt learned to read using The Satire of the Trades, a text in which a father gives advice to his son through descriptions of different professions. PhD candidate Judith Jurjens investigated how this worked in practice.
Multilingualism of Frisian children: Evelyn Bosma wins Keetje Hodshon Prize
Postdoc and linguist Evelyn Bosma receives the Keetje Hodshon Prize for her dissertation. For her research on the multilingualism of Frisian children, Bosma previously won the Klokhuis Science Prize and the Campus Fryslân Science Prize.
Subsidie voor Shelley van der Veek om peuters gezonde eetgewoonten aan te leren
Het onderzoeksproject heeft als doel ouders te helpen hun kleuters gezonde eetgewoonten aan te leren door het bevorderen van sensitieve voeding tijdens de fase wanneer peuters kieskeurig met eten worden.
Conference Horizon Europe research project TransEuroWorkS: Transforming European Work and Social Protection
The First 20 Years: Reconsidering European Union Enlargement into Central and Eastern Europe
Conference, Conversation
EUniWell Open lectures series | European standards of Human Rights protection of displaced persons fleeing armed conflicts
Lecture, Part of a series
Lecture by geneticist David Reich about the spread of the Indo-European languages
European Strategic Dialogue lecture series: A New Beginning for UK-EU Relations
Bombastic publications encouraged millions of Dutch people to emigrate
After the Second World War almost three million people emigrated from the Netherlands to countries such as Canada and Australia. The government information was anything but objective, Professor by Special Appointment of Dutch Studies/Dutch Literature Ton van Kalmthout concludes in his inaugural lect…
EUniWell Open Lecture Series | Teaching of primary education teachers on European citizenship, environment and migration
Lecture, Lecture part of a series
- Book presentation: Aleydis Nissen - ‘The European Union, Emerging Global Business and Human Rights’
Perceptions of the Legitimacy of Occupational Pension Plans in Six European Countries
European Mining Conference: Developments in Deep-Sea Mining and the EU Critical Raw Materials Act
Protecting Cyberspace in the Indo-Pacific through European and Japanese Cyber Diplomatic Initiatives
Symposium: Inzet van reviews na moord en doodslag in huiselijke kring
Photo report: 'Ground-truthing' on the Veluwe
Dr Quentin Bourgeois and a group of students are currently exploring the Veluwe. In 2019 and 2020 volunteers looked at altitude maps of the Veluwe and indicated potential burial mound locations. Now the team from Leiden is 'ground-truthing', checking on the spot whether we are dealing with an actual…
Debate ‘Tax in the Boardroom’ between students, the business sector, and government
On Monday 10 October a debate was held at the KOG, ‘Tax in the Boardroom’. During this inspiring event, students and tax experts from the business sector and public bodies considered the tax issues that are dominating the public debate. The tax experts were Joost Kutsch Lojenga (Shell), Sebastiaan de…
Exhibition on 50 years of archaeological fieldwork in Oss celebrates an archaeological 'Walhalla'
In 1974 Professor Modderman (founder of the Institute for Prehistory Leiden; predecessor of the present Faculty of Archaeology) executed a small excavation in the city of Oss. The Middle Iron Age cemetery, built over by Roman Period farmhouses, proved to be the start of a unique archaeological regional…
Graduation ceremony: European and International Human Rights Law (Advanced LL.M.)
Graduation ceremony
Femicide: a comparative approach from a Dutch, Italian and European point of view
Russia’s War on Ukraine: Perspectives from and Impacts on Non-European Actors
Work-in-Progress: ‘The Colonial Roots of European cooperation in the interwar period’
Lecture, Histories Connected: Work-in-Progress
From climate to security: 'Students present perspectives I was unfamiliar with'
Cooperation is the solution to international problems, demonstrated the final seminar of the Master Honours Class ‘Smart Regional Integration’ – even when it is sometimes easier said than done. “You can see the students struggle with that.”
authoritarianism"? The case of the Instituto de Capacitación e Investigación en Reforma Agraria ICIRA in Chile 1960- 1979
Jorrit Rijpma: inperken vluchtelingeninstroom is haast onhaalbaar
Het asielbeleid blijft een hoofdpijndossier voor het kabinet. Een akkoord zou bereikt zijn waarin iedere partij een kleine concessie zou doen. De VVD gaat uiteindelijk toch niet akkoord met deze nieuwe asielwet die gemeentes kan dwingen om asielzoekers op te vangen. De VVD fractie heeft moeite met ‘dwang’…
ESA presents first crystal-clear Euclid photos of the cosmos
The first full-colour images of the cosmos from ESA's space telescope Euclid were presented today. Never before has a telescope been able to take such crystal-clear astronomical images of such a large part of the sky and so far into the deep universe. The five images illustrate Euclid's full potential;…
Brussels Visit Career Service 3 December 2024
On 3 December 2024, Career Service FGGA organised an inspiring excursion to Brussels for students of the faculty. The programme provided a unique opportunity to explore European institutions, organisations, and alumni living and working in this dynamic city. The group departed early in the morning from…
Advanced EIHRL LLM Candidates draft report For the UN Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression
Prof. Mark Leiser and a team of thirteen law students from Leiden University’s Advanced LLM programmes in European and International Human Rights Law as well as in Law and Digital Technologies together drafted a report for the UN Special Rapporteur on the Promotion and Protection of the Right to Freedom…
Annetje Ottow and Seda Gürkan visit the College of Europe
Prof. Annetje Ottow and Assist. Prof. Seda Gürkan visited the College of Europe campus in Bruges on 22 March 2024.
Oda Nuij
Faculteit Archeologie
o.m.nuij@arch.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Aad Correljé
Faculty of Humanities
a.f.correlje@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Mahshid Alizadeh
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
m.alizadeh@law.leidenuniv.nl | +31 6 389 80094
Honours Class makes cultural heritage tangible: ‘You are dealing with people’
An Honours Class about the ostensibly unrecognisable worlds of insular Southeast Asia teaches students a fundamental piece of wisdom: "We do not differ much from the people at the other end of the world."
From Modern Marvel to Environmental Tragedy: Grant for Research into Polluted Mines in Africa
At one time, the railway from Kimberley to Kambove in Southern Africa symbolised prosperity and progress. Today, the exhausted mining towns along its route are marked by decay and pollution. Professor Jan-Bart Gewald has been awarded an NWO L grant to investigate the long-term global consequences.
Archaeologist Maikel Kuijpers reflects on academic feud over Nebra sky disc
In a New York Times report on a bitter archaeological feud over the Nebra sky disk, Maikel Kuijpers reflects on its importance. 'It’s really unfortunate if we put all our focus on one exceptional status object. I think that’s not helping our discipline.'
Space telescope Euclid makes first test images - astronomers are full of anticipation
The two instruments of ESA's space telescope Euclid have taken their first test images. The first images indicate that the space telescope will achieve the scientific goals for which it was designed - and possibly much more. Euclid will create a 3D map of a third of the sky, allowing scientists to study…