Call for Participation: Winter School Digital Visual Engagements in Anthropological Research
The ERC consolidator project "Food Citizens? Collective food procurement in European cities: solidarity and diversity, skills and scale" will organise a winter school on visual and collaborative methods in anthropological research at Leiden University’s Institute of Cultural Anthropology and Development Sociology from 24 Januari till 4 February 2022. The deadline for application is Friday 27th August 2021.
For graduate students in the social sciences and humanities
The winter school builds upon and disseminates the project’s methodological toolkit for ethnographic research with collective food procurement networks, namely citizens’ initiatives in the area of foraging, short food chains and local food governance. It is aimed at graduate students in the social sciences and humanities who are trained in field research (Masters, Research Masters and 1st year Ph.D. candidates). The goal of the school is to help develop their interests and skills in multimodal anthropology, comparative perspectives and collaborative research (including audiovisual methods) by building on the work conducted by the project team over the last four years. Please consult our project website www.foodcitizens.eu to find out more about the topic and methodology of our research. The school is co-directed by Cristina Grasseni and Federico De Musso.
To apply for selection, please send a one-page CV and a letter of interest of max 500 words before Friday 27th August, stating why you and your research plans would benefit from the project’s research toolkit, to foodcitizens@fsw.leidenuniv.nl. For enquiries we are available at the same email until 29th July 2021. Please note that due to holidays, we will check this email only once a week after that date. Selections will take place in September.
For more information about the programme, admission and equipment, please check the Winter School eventpage.