675 search results for “hoe project” in the Public website
Integrated Project on physical violence and public order 2021
The first year students of Bachelor Security Studies finished their final block with the course Integrated Project 1. As part of the programme's teaching philosophy ‘Explore, Understand, Do’, students were required to combine the knowledge and understanding they’d gathered throughout their first year,…
International outreach project IAU100 awarded with Dutch Communication Award
The international astronomy outreach project IAU100 has won the first Communication Award by the Dutch Research Council (NWO). The initiative was founded by Leiden team manager Pedro Russo and team members Jorge Rivero González, Bethany Downer, Lina Canas and Marieke Baan.
Five project grants awarded to Leiden Law School researchers
Each year the LUF Committee for Academic Expenditure awards grants to research and education projects. These grants for academic talent are often an important step towards grants from NWO and other institutions.
New project funded to study Alzheimer's disease
Researchers from Leiden University will develop a new approach to study the biomarkers of Alzeimer’s disease. This approach focusses on the molecular messengers of the cells. The project, led by Thomas Hankemeier and coordinated by Yuliya Shakalisava (Leiden Academic Centre for Drug Research, LACDR),…
New project uses artificial intelligence in drug development
In health care, artificial intelligence is quite normal: it is used, for example, as an aid in making diagnoses. However, artificial intelligence is not yet used as much in drug development. A new prestigious partnership is therefore going to investigate how artificial intelligence can contribute to…
EU-FP7 project IDREEM featured on Euronews TV
IDREEM (Increasing Industrial Resource Efficiency in European Mariculture) is a European research project launched in 2012 to protect the long-term sustainability of European aquaculture. This project has recently been featured on Euronews TV
New round of The Hague Southwest Thesis Project
With their thesis research, Master’s students from Leiden, Rotterdam and Delft help solve real-world problems in The Hague Southwest. That is the aim of the Thesis Project. We spoke to two students who are participating in the project.
Awards for three Leiden Partnership projects with industry sector
NWO is funding three partnership projects with the industry sector. The projects relate to speeding up the search for new medicines, studying the changes in proteins as medicine and developing analytical techniques for research on the building blocks of life.
Large-scale European project identifies risks of nanoparticles
The large-scale project NanoInformatics will assess the risks associated with nanoparticles. The project will be funded by the EU with 6.8 million euros and was launched at the beginning of this year. Three scientists from Leiden are involved. 'For the first time, this project combines the various experts…
New research project makes the internet even better
How is it that the internet works so well, with billions of users sending millions of gigabytes all together every day? That's because the foundation of the internet is solidly set up. Yet sometimes there are problems on the internet. For example, when certain systems misbehave and disrupt the routing…
Interview with Markus Davidsen on his Comenius project
Assistant professor Markus Davidsen has received the Comenius grant, with which he wishes to improve secondary education on religion. In this interview, he will tell more about the content of his project and its aims.
Canal Cups project 59th in Trouw newspaper’s Sustainable 100
Canal Cups, Auke-Florian Hiemstra and Liselotte Rambonnet’s project to rid Leiden of disposable plastic cups and its canals of litter, has taken 59th place in Trouw newspaper’s Top 100 sustainable initiatives.
ISGA gains major European cyber project: EU Cyber Direct
Dennis Broeders, professor of global security and technology at ISGA (Institute of Security and Global Affairs), together with two partners, has been granted a major European project: EU Cyber Direct. Together with EU ISS and Carnegie Europe, ISGA forms a new consortium for 3 years with a total budget…
NWO-multiple project for Prof. Harry Fokkens
The Netherlands Organisation of Scientific Research has honored the application of Prof. Harry Fokkens for the research project entitled
Leiden University hosts closing symposium of HERA-CARIB Project
On 26 and 27 September 2016, the Faculty of Archaeology of Leiden University hosted the closing symposium of the HERA-CARIB project “Caribbean Connections: Cultural encounters in a New World setting”.
Archaeologists visit Ethiopia for material culture studies project
Annelou van Gijn and Diederik Pomstra took part in the Shire Project in Tigray, northern Ethiopia, to contribute to an exciting mix of lithic and use-wear analysis, as well as ethno-archaeological and experimental studies.
NWA subsidy for four Leiden science communication projects
A festival that combines music and science, and a digital 'time machine' for science history: four Leiden projects that focus on science communication have been awarded a subsidy in the context of the National Science Agenda.
eLaw hosts second co-creation workshop of the BIAS project
eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies at Leiden University, has hosted the second Horizon Europe BIAS Project co-creational workshop geared towards discussing fairness in the hiring process and identifing desirable requirements and functionalities of the Debiaser.
Nine Leiden projects awarded first NWO Science Diplomacy Fund
The projects of nine researchers at Leiden University have received funding through the new NWO Science Diplomacy Fund. The Fund is for scientific activities that will improve relations between the Netherlands and other countries.
Donations for research projects with relevance to society
Psychologists Marieke Tollenaar, Anne Miers and Esther van den Bos received donations from the Leiden University Fund and Stichting Praesidium Libertatis to take crucial first steps in research projects that may eventually contribute to the well-being of vulnerable youth.
Student project Computer Science for Volvo Ocean Race
Seven bachelor students in Computer Science at Leiden University are participating in a research project on big data and event management. Their work should eventually result in a system that can be applied at the finish of the Volvo Ocean Race in The Hague in June next year.
Wim Voermans on laser message projected onto Anne Frank House
‘Anne Frank inventor of the ballpoint pen’ was the laser message projected onto the Anne Frank House last Monday. It could be viewed on a video shared via Telegram channel ‘The Laser Nazi Bunker’. The suggestion behind the text was that Anne Frank did not write her diary herself.
First authors meeting COI book project November 2023
On November 21, 2023, participants in the Leiden Institutions for Conflict Resolution (COI) book project met up for their first authors meeting.
Three Leiden Science projects receive computing time on national supercomputers
A night sky of more than 40 petabytes in size, simulating young star clusters and understanding how the body inhibits viruses: three Leiden projects have received computing time on one of the national computer systems.
Grants for journalistic projects Leiden students and lecturers
Three projects affiliated with the university will receive grants from the Leids Mediafonds (Leiden Media Fund ed.). The money is to be spend on creating a journalistic production in collaboration with a local media partner.
The Receiver Grows Restless: Perceiving and projecting musical silence
On November 5, 2021, Guy Livingston will present at an International Colloquium at the University of Lorraine (France), entitled:
Partnership of ISGA in the LIFE SECURDOMINO project
With a Kick Off Meeting on 10 December 2021, we are proud to present the partnership of Leiden University’s Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA) in the LIFE SECURDOMINO project!
Archaeological Project Sheds Light on Ancient Water Management in Udhruh
In 2011, the Udhruh Archaeological Project was launched, bringing together teams of Jordanian and Dutch archaeologists to investigate the region and reconstruct ancient water harvesting techniques in the extremely arid landscape of Udhruh. Access to fresh water remains one of the most pressing global…
Electric boats will make University construction projects cleaner
No more smelly lorries disposing of building waste or delivering building materials to the centre of Leiden. That’s Leiden University’s ambition for its future renovation or construction projects in the city centre. Electric boats should make the process cleaner and less inconvenient for the people…
Largest research project on sustainable hydrogen production kicks off
It is one of the energy carriers of the future: hydrogen. But how can hydrogen be produced in a sustainable way? With over 50 million euros in funding from the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research(NWO) and industry, a research project involving 58 partners from both the Netherlands and abroad…
PRE-Class Psychology concludes with project presentations on emotions
At this year's conclusion of the PRE-Class Psychology, the central hall of the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences became a hub of knowledge exchange revolving around a central theme: emotions.
Archaeologist Mark Driessen’s book and project in royal spotlights
On September 28, 2022, dr.ir. Mark Driessen presented a publication about the ancient Roman frontier in Jordan. Venue for the book launch was the residence of the Dutch Ambassador in Amman. The event was attended by Prince Hassan bin Talal and his wife Princess Sarvath el Hassan, members of the Jordanian…
PROACT project improves security of Internet of Things devices
Prof. Nele Mentens and her team are going to investigate how we can better secure our electronic and mobile devices connected to the Internet of Things. For this PROACT project she will receive no less than 1.8 million euros from NWO. They will use this money to develop chips that make the Internet…
First NWO Communication Award for Leiden Wall Formula project
Sense Jan van der Molen and Ivo van Vulpen have been awarded the first ENW Communication Award by funding agency NWO for their Wall Formula project. The award aims to encourage scientists to communicate about their research. It consists of a sculpture and a 10 thousand euro sum for science communica…
Jiang Wu receives NWO scholarship for PhD project
Jiang Wu receives an NWO scholarship for his PhD project
Presentation of the e-SIDES project by Magdalena Jozwiak
On September 21st Magdalena Jozwiak, researcher at eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies, gave a presentation of the e-SIDES project at a lunch event organized within the Interaction Between Legal Systems (ILS) research theme.
Leiden Chinese heritage collections digitised in Pagode-Europeana-China project
Leiden University Libraries (UBL) recently participated in the Pagode-Europeana-China project as an associated partner. As a result, almost two hundred items related to China from the UBL Special Collections are now available via the Europeana website. The UBL was the only library to participate in…
Leiden research projects awarded NWO Open Competition grants
Various researchers from Leiden University have been awarded NWO (Dutch Research Council) Open Competition funding. Nine social sciences and humanities projects will receive the funding.
Master projects continue thanks to lab automation
The fact that corona has created a wave of creativity is evident when walking around in the lab of pharmacologist Coen van Hasselt from the LACDR. Suddenly there were far fewer master's students permitted in the lab for their research. So Van Hasselt came up with smart solutions to enable lab work to…
Grants awarded for five innovative psychology research projects
Researchers from the Institute of Psychology have secured NWO Open Competition XS grants, each worth up to €50,000. One of the projects explores how making music together can enhance cooperation. Discover more about all five research projects.
Leiden research projects awarded NWO Open Competition grants
Six researchers from Leiden University have been awarded NWO Open Competition funding.
Successful Pilot Project targeted at career development for PhDs
Six PhD candidates from the Institute for History took part in a pilot project targeted at career development. Between September and December 2016 group meetings and individual coaching sessions helped them position themselves better on the job market outside of academia.
Kantorowicz received a seed grant for conducting a project
Together with a group of researchers from TU Delft and Erasmus University, Leiden University have received a seed grant for conducting a project “Perceived Risk of Terrorism and its Implications for (Counter-Terrorism) Communication Strategies”.
NWO-XS grants for two innovative research projects
Two Leiden Science researchers received an NWO-XS grant for their research. Both projects are highly promising, but also high-risk. Macrophages that trap bacteria and data storage made from 2D materials convinced the board of their potential.
Three awarded research projects in NWO-XS call
Cryogenic memories, antibiotic treatment for urinary tract infections and recycling plastic sustainably. These are the subjects of the three NWO-XS grants awarded to Leiden Science researchers.
Start of new sound impact project on fish
On the 1st of October a new project funded by the Joint Industry Programme (JIP) started at the IBL on the potentially negative effects of sound on fish. Behavioural biologist and bioacoustic specialist Dr. Hans Slabbekoorn leads the international research team.
Second Chance Project to be discussed at Brisbane Conference
The TRI Leiden Second Chance Project aims to promote recovery and re-integration of entrepreneurs who have recently undergone bankruptcy. The Project Team, Jan Adriaanse, Mark Dechesne and Jennifer van Kesteren, have been accepted to speak at the Personal Insolvency Conference themed ‘A Fresh Look at…
TEMPORAL project helps improving hearing of the deaf
Electrical inner ear prostheses like Cochlear Implants (CIs) help deaf and severely hearing-impaired persons to regain many of their communication abilities. The performance of CI in social environments is, however, not optimal. The new
TEMPORAL project helps improving hearing of the deaf
Electrical inner ear prostheses like Cochlear Implants (CIs) help deaf and severely hearing-impaired persons to regain many of their communication abilities. The performance of CI in social environments is, however, not optimal. The new "Machine learning To Enhance teMPoral cOding foR cochleAr impLants“…
New project on musical robots for people with dementia
Under the umbrella of a recently NWO grant focused on using AI to increase quality of life for people with dementia, Rebecca Schaefer’s Music, Brain, Health Technology group will collaborate with TU Delft to co-create social agents focusing on musical interactions together with people with dementia.