Grants for journalistic projects Leiden students and lecturers
Three projects affiliated with the university will receive grants from the Leids Mediafonds (Leiden Media Fund ed.). The money is to be spend on creating a journalistic production in collaboration with a local media partner.
The Leiden Mediafonds awards grants to journalists during a spring and a fall round. These grants are meant for journalistic productions about the Leiden region. In addition, there is a special category for students, in which a maximum of 500 euros per production is awarded. In this round, grants have been awarded to the following projects.
Leidsche leerschool van het leven (Leiden School of Life ed.)
Boukje van der Vos, Daphne Stolwijk and Mandy Meijer are students of the minor Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media (Journalism and New Media ed.). For Sleutelstad TV they will be creating a ten-part series with the goal of making academia more accessible to non-academics. In short episodes, people get to ask questions about topics that were never covered in school. An academic will then answer these questions.
Grant: € 500
PhD voor dummies (PhD for dummies ed.)
Student of history Fenna IJtsma dreams of a career in academia, with a PhD track as the first step. But is that a good idea? One third of PhD students run the risk of psychological complaints, chances of obtaining a permanent contract in academia are small. In her podcast she delves into the world of PhDs. Is this what she really wants? Or will she settle for less?
Grant: € 3.910
Hello Leiden
‘Hello Leiden’ is the first English-language TV programme of Sleutelstad. Each week, two guests get to meet each other and the city of Leiden. The speakers are students, refugees or expats: what all of them have in common is that they are new to Leiden. The driving force and presenter of the programme is Zamira Abassanova. She is a refugee journalist, born in Armenia and raised in Azerbaijan with work experience in the United States, Great-Britain and the Netherlands. The project was developed in collaboration with Jaap de Jong, professor of journalism and new media at Leiden University, Sleutelstad and a group of journalists from the Netherlands as well as Azerbaijan and Pakistan. Internships are available for students of Journalistiek en Nieuwe Media (Journalism and New Media).
Grant: € 15.640