472 search results for “mental health” in the Student website
Studying with a disability
Studying with a disability may require additional time and effort. Find out what support is available at Leiden University and consider what might be helpful in your particular situation.
S. Valdez
Faculty of Humanities
s.valdez@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
When deciding what to study you undoubtedly read a lot of information about your study programme. Leiden University employs various systems to provide information about programmes and courses and to facilitate communication between lecturers and students.
'It’s the complexity of this group of patients that makes the challenge of improving their quality of life so interesting’
Dialysis patients experience a range of physical and mental symptoms that interact and influence each otherIn her doctoral research, psychologist Judith Tommel wanted to find the optimum approach to help these dialysis patients improve their quality of life. ‘We need to make sure we avoid excluding…
Dignity, respect and well-being
Information for student organisations on dignity, respect and well-being
Network of student well-being officers create connections
It’s an important theme at the University and beyond: student well-being. Even before coronavirus, research showed that loneliness and the pressure to succeed were causing particular problems for students, and these problems have only increased since the pandemic. Work is underway to improve the sit…
- Student well-being
The kick-off of the Ommetje app challenge during the Let's Walk Week
Today marks the start of the Healthy University - Let's Walk Week 2021, a week focused on the mental and physical health of our employees. Including an online program with interesting inspiration sessions, office workouts and sports lessons. And join our walking competition in the Ommetje app!
Leiden2022 Life Sciences and Health Week
Summer School Population Health Management 2022
Maximilian König
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
m.konig@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5276619
Anthropology of health and care in Indonesia
Debate, Roundtable
Parental criticism hurts: a glimpse inside the adolescent brain
It may seem as though adolescents do as they please, but they are more sensitive to their parents’ opinions than they would appear. The adolescent brain reacts strongly to parental criticism or praise. These are the results of a study by an interdisciplinary research group of psychologists and neuroscientists…
Minister Dijkgraaf comes to Leiden University to discuss the impact of the Israel-Hamas war
Minister Robbert Dijkgraaf (Education, Culture and Science) spoke with lecturers and students from Leiden University at Campus The Hague on 27 October about the impact of the Israel-Hamas war. He wanted to know how the conflict was affecting the academic community. Lecturers and students shared their…
Students advise international organisations: 'I mainly learned how to communicate'
Twelve weeks of hard work later, the big moment has finally arrived: the third-year students of International Studies are ready to complete the 'Practising International Studies' (PRINS) consultancy programme by pitching their advice. We were invited to attend the presentations on behalf of Free Press…
Family matters
Brothers and sisters within a family, with the same parents, experience their upbringing differently. As well as the impact of their own negative experiences, the way siblings experience their upbringing also plays an important role in anxiety and depression. This is the conclusion reached by Marie-Louise…
Four projects awarded science communication grants
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has rewarded four projects in which Leiden researchers are bringing science and society closer together. What are these projects?
Hoe felgekleurde pilaren eenzaamheid bij studenten verminderen
Sinds vorig jaar staan er gekleurde pilaren op de universiteitscampus. Met deze ‘Act of Kindness Pillars’ wordt eenzaamheid bij studenten tegengegaan.
Research and current affairs: 2022 in six stories
Life returned to something resembling normal after Covid but other crises soon took its place. These great challenges are also being felt at the University and our researchers are working on solutions. The nitrogen crisis, problems with young people’s services and an increasingly urgent climate crisis:…
Lessons for better education
If you could design your own education, how would you do it? That is what the students of the Bachelor Honours Class 'Rebuilding Education' asked themselves. The students were divided into five groups in which they designed workshops to improve education. They presented their workshops in December in…
Psychology Awards 2021
Psychology teacher of the year is Anouk van der Weiden. The master thesis awards are for Irina Verhülsdonk and Christel Klootwijk. Eliška Procházková receives the PhD publication prize; Katja Cardol and Judith Tommel the PhD wild card: the Open Science Award. Conny Binnendijk earns the OBP prize and…
Leiden Lawcast seizoen 2: Dit zijn de hosts
De Leiden Lawcast: de facultaire podcast door en voor studenten. Iedere aflevering bespreken de hosts een actueel onderwerp met een interessante gast die het onderwerp belicht vanuit hun wetenschappelijke of juridische expertise. Na een mooi startseizoen in 2022 hebben Irem Çakir en Hamza Duprée het…
1K Z1E J3 benches at Faculty of Humanities
As part of Leiden University’s aim to be a safe and healthy environment for all staff and students, several activities and lectures were organised in an action week around suicide prevention. Dedicated benches were also placed at several university buildings, including at the Faculty of Humanities.
‘When you work together, you get a much broader understanding’
At the Capstone Conference, Honours College students of the Humanities Lab presented their final projects. In small groups, they conducted research on relevant societal issues – gathering insights from a multitude of disciplines. ‘The aim is to learn as much as possible from each other.’
Ellen van Reuler
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
a.a.h.e.van.reuler@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 5077
Akinyinka Akinyoade
a.akinyoade@asc.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 6701
Thomas Bäck
t.h.w.baeck@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7108
Simcha Jong Kon Chin
s.jong@liacs.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 7201
Peak performances by teams in the operating theatre: What makes a care professional resilient?
Working in an operating theatre is a highly competitive sport. High work pressure, stress, and unexpected developments during operations. This requires a lot from care professionals who need to be mentally resilient to be able to deliver peak performances time and time again. What makes a care professional…
Study tips
Studying can be quite a challenge. How do you approach studying? Do you start on time and do you already use effective strategies to process information? Or would you like to improve your study skills? Maybe you benefit from some extra help!
‘Scary, huh?’ – The power of parental ‘fear talk’
Parents’ talk about new stimuli such as persons or objects strongly affects how avoidant or fearful their child will react. No stronger effect was found when parents had an anxiety disorder or in children with fearful temperaments. Publication by a team of Leiden psychologists in 'Clinical Child and…
From growth to well-being: EU should look beyond the economy
In a paper, researchers suggest how the next European Commission can develop an alternative policy model that centres people’s well-being.
‘Pretend student’? Tell others and get help
In the documentary ‘Pretend Student’, former students talk about why they let everyone believe they were still studying. How can you make sure you don’t end up in such an impossible situation? Four questions for Leiden Student Dean, Romke Biagioni, who worked on the documentary.
Lowlands as lab: virtual trips in the name of science
While tens of thousands of visitors dance to deafening music, a team of Leiden psychologists are trying to collect data for their research at Lowlands. How do festivalgoers experience a virtual trip? And what role do factors such as too little sleep and whether they have experience with psychedelics…
How slower breathing really helps against stress
People who are often stressed can feel calmer by making certain adjustments to their breathing. Possibly this also positively affects concentration and attention. Psychologist Roderik Gerritsen studied the effects of breathing differently for the first time, and explains them. Gerritsen receives his…
Augustinus receives first Student Well-being Award
A growing number of student organisations are focusing attention on the mental, social and physical well-being of their members. This year, the first Student Well-being Award was therefore presented at the annual reception for new student association board members (’omgekeerde constitutieborrel’) in…
How polluting buildings and machinery make rich countries ever richer
Rich countries are getting richer because of environmentally polluting (construction) investments from the past, largely at the expense of poor countries. This was shown by long-term economic and environmental data. 'The gap between poor and rich countries is widening.' Scientists from the Leiden Institute…
Taarique teaches career planning but doesn’t want students to plan their future too strictly: ‘Keep on experimenting’
In the ‘Educatips’ column, psychology lecturers share their most important insights on teaching. This month: Taarique Debidin thinks making contact with one another is more important than cramming knowledge. ‘I’d get no energy at all from being a formal lecturer.’
Carrot or stick: which is better motivation to exercise more?
Free cinema tickets or a step tracker paid for by your health insurance. Some insurers offer rewards to promote healthy behaviour. But does the threat of losing something like a deposit work better? And what do patients think? This is what PhD candidate David de Buisonjé researched.
Master's students
Studying is already a lot of work, so on this page you'll find the most sought-after information for master's students. Do you feel something important is missing? Let us know via the feedback button, and we'll improve it for the next student.
Health and safety information session for students going abroad
Information session
Opening of the Academic Year: ‘Take care of each other’
After a turbulent Covid year, the well-being of our students and staff has the highest priority. How can we prevent physical and mental health problems? This was the key question at the Opening of the Academic Year in Pieterskerk in Leiden on 6 September.
Student for a Day - Occupational Health Psychology (MSc Psychology)
Study information
Student for a Day - Occupational Health Psychology (MSc Psychology)
Study information
Student for a Day - Health and Medical Psychology (MSc Psychology)
Study information
Student for a Day - Health and Medical Psychology (MSc Psychology)
Study information
Health and safety information session for students going abroad (Leiden)
Information session
Health and safety information session for students going abroad (Leiden)
Information session
Health and safety information session for students going abroad (Leiden)
Information session
Health and safety information session for students going abroad (Leiden)
Information session