Psychology Awards 2021
Psychology teacher of the year is Anouk van der Weiden. The master thesis awards are for Irina Verhülsdonk and Christel Klootwijk. Eliška Procházková receives the PhD publication prize; Katja Cardol and Judith Tommel the PhD wild card: the Open Science Award. Conny Binnendijk earns the OBP prize and Lotte van Dillen wins the Leiden Psychology Blog Award. Congratulations!

Scientific director Andrea Evers opens the presentation of the annual psychology awards. Online, we've gotten used to that in 2021. The advantage is the wide interest from the workplace at home, which sometimes extends to the fields. There Lotte van Dillen receives the Leiden Psychology Blog Award while walking. Stay healthy and move into nature in 2022.
Education Award
Anouk van der Weiden has been our colleague in Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology for two years now. Really what you call an overwhelming start as a teacher. She came, saw and won the education prize, presented by Madelief van den Wildenberg, student member of the Psychology Executive Board and the Board of Education.
Master thesis award
Irina Verhülsdonk: Prevalence of psychiatric disorders among refugees in immigration detention: a systematic review with meta-analysis
Jury member Roy de Kleijn: Irina conducted a meta-analysis into psychological disorders in detained refugees and forced immigrants. She found alarmingly high levels of anxiety, depression and PTSD. Her main findings were accepted for publication in the British Journal of Psychiatry Open, with Irina as first author.'
Research master thesis award
Christel Klootwijk: Adolescents’ school motivation during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis: A daily diary study
Roy de Kleijn: 'With a daily diary study during the first COVID-19 lockdown, Christel Klootwijk focused on the effects of online vs. in-person teaching on motivation and mental health of high school students. Her work was accepted for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Research on Adolescence. In addition, Christel was also involved in an Instagram account @samenleren2021 for the general public.'
PhD Wild Card: Open Science Award
Katja Cardol and Judith Tommel: ‘Detecting and treating psychosocial and lifestyle-related difficulties in chronic disease: development and treatment protocol of the E-GOAL eHealth care pathway’
PhD publication Award
Eliška Procházková: ‘Physiological synchrony is associated with attraction in a blind date setting’
Lara Wierenga on behalf of the jury: 'The project itself was a winning idea from a out-of-the-box dream project pitch competition. We would like to compliment the supervisors to facilitate this opportunity for PhD candidates. This is a great example of how freedom of scientific research and encouragement can be very fruitful.' Publication in Nature Human behaviour.
OBP prize Psychology
Conny Binnendijk
Director of Studies Pascal Haazebroek calls the OBP staff the glue of the organisation. This certainly also applies to Conny Binnendijk, who has been around for a long time and with her HR background knows what to do with difficult questions. The money matters of the Social, Economic and Organisational Psychology unit are also in good hands with her. She is a source of information for her colleagues who can count on her for extra attention.
Leiden Psychology Blog Award
Lotte van Dillen: No need to be scared; appealing to fear to change behavior
Winner of the Leiden Psychology Blog Award 2020 Gert-Jan Lelieveld: 'Fear appeals sometimes do more harm than good, according to the blog of Lotte van Dillen. It was chosen as the best blog because it was very widely read. Lotte is not only critical, but also comes up with a concrete suggestion for how things can be done differently in the current pandemic.'