1,218 search results for “politics geen” in the Public website
In memoriam: Prof. dr. J.T.P. de Bruijn (1931-2023)
On Monday 23 January 2023 J.T.P. (Hans) de Bruijn passed away at the age of 91. Until 1995 he held the Chair of New Persian Language and Culture at Leiden University.
VVIK Lecture: Court politics in the Vijayanagara successor states
Lecture, VVIK Lecture
- GTGC Lunch Seminar: Contested Sovereignty & Politics of Citizenship
Andrew Gawthorpe on ABC Radio about ‘Orbánism’ and the American right
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán addressed the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Texas last week. University lecturer Andrew Gawthorpe explains in an interview with ABC Radio what the embrace of 'Orbánism' means for the American right, and democracy more broadly.
Henk Schulte Nordholt has been appointed extraordinary professor
Dr. Henk Schulte Nordholt, working at KITLV and LIAS, has been appointed extraordinary professor of Indonesian history for a five-year period.
Lars Dorren
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
l.dorren@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9163
Brigitta van den Berg
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
b.s.van.den.berg@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Katie Hudson
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
k.i.s.hudson@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2727
Jon Collins
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
j.e.collins@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Karolina Kudlek
Faculty of Humanities
k.kudlek@umail.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Sjoerd Keulen
Faculty Governance and Global Affairs
s.j.keulen@fgga.leidenuniv.nl | +31 70 800 9500
Radostina Sharenkova-Toshkova
Faculteit der Sociale Wetenschappen
r.p.sharenkova@fsw.leidenuniv.nl | 070 8009512
Eva Pfanzelter
Faculty of Humanities
e.p.pfanzelter@hum.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5273115
‘You end up in a completely different world’
What did psychology student Jessie learn while working at a psychiatric hospital in The Gambia? And why is Noman from Yemen now studying political science in Leiden? Thanks to donations from alumni, students have the opportunity to spend time abroad funded by a LUF grant. Jessie and Noman talk about…
Making Facebook data available to researchers
Political scientist Rebekah Tromble (Leiden University) has been appointed as an academic advisor to the Social Science One research commission. She will assist the commission in its new partnership with Facebook, which aims to facilitate in-depth studies of the role of social media in elections and…
Transforming Caste: Circus and Body Politics in Colonial Malabar
Lecture, COGLOSS
The PolSci Bookshelf: books released in 2023
The end of the year often means looking back with lists, overviews and stories. This combines nicely in a list of all the books published this year by various political scientists at Leiden University. Indeed, in terms of books, these scholars have certainly not been idle. A unique collection of stories,…
Leila Demarest receives LUF research grant
Leila Demarest, Assistant Professor of African Politics at Leiden University, has recently been awarded with a Leiden University Fund research grant to study adolescents’ political attitudes and inter-group tolerance in Lagos, Nigeria.
Alternative story forms: a fresh approach to historical case material
Students taking the new bachelor’s course ‘Social Movements and Political Violence’ are about to do something new. In addition to studying textbooks and academic articles, they will actively work with multimedia materials and engage in online storytelling. Course instructor Corinna Jentzsch (Leiden…
‘Je kan door een stage veel beter aan jezelf werken‘
Oberon Janszen, alumnus Bestuurskunde, ging na zijn studie als stagiair bij de Inspectie der Rijksfinanciën aan de slag
‘Do the Russians want to participate in the electoral performance?’
Although it is already certain that Vladimir Putin will win the Russian presidential election on 18 March, it is still significant for him, argues Russian expert André Gerrits. ‘The support of the people reinforces Putin's position of power.’
Preventing terrorism... At which cost?
Preventing terrorism before it happens seems like an idea no one would disagree to. But is it possible? How do counter-radicalisation policies look like? And are there dangers of unintended consequences? Francesco Ragazzi, Assistant Professor at Leiden University’s Institute of Political Science, has…
Promotie Jan de Vetten - In de ban van goed en fout
Jan de Vetten brengt zijn promotieonderzoek ook uit in boekvorm. ‘In de ban van goed en fout’ beschrijft voor het eerst - op basis van archiefonderzoek en interviews - op samenhangende wijze de bestrijding van de CP en CD, en ook de reactie daarop van die partijen. Waarom werden ze zo fel werden bestreden?…
Lotte Melenhorst wins ICA Top Student Award
Lotte Melenhorst, PhD candidate at Leiden University’s Institute of Political Science, has been granted a Top Student Award by the International Communication Association's (ICA) Political Communication Panel for her paper on the role of the media in the legislative process. This was announced in May…
Herman Paul
Faculty of Humanities
h.j.paul@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2757
Political Factors Affecting European Union Legislative Decision- Making Speed
PhD defence
Ties Dams
Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
t.t.c.dams@law.leidenuniv.nl | 071 5272727
Rens Tacoma wins Research Prize Italian Studies Working Group
Associate professor Rens Tacoma has won the 2021 Research Prize for Historical Sciences. The prize is awarded annually by the Italy Studies Working Group for the best scholarly publication in the field of Italy Studies in Dutch or Flemish academia.
Leiden Researchers Participate in the Fourth International Conference on Legislation and Law Reform, Washington D.C.
On 17 and 18 November 2016 the World Bank in Washington, D.C. hosted the Fourth International Conference on Legislation and Law Reform.
Andrew Gawthorpe in The Guardian about the Republicans’ more radical agenda
University lecturer Andrew Gawthorpe argues in The Guardian that the Republican's new agenda for a second Trump term is more radical than the first. He says that they seek to take control of federal agencies by replacing civil servants with ‘American First footsoldiers’.
A legal solution to avoid a Hard Brexit: Armin Cuyvers on UK Constitutional Law Blog
In his blog, Armin suggests two legal tools that may jointly help avoid a hard Brexit: delayed exit and decreasing membership.
Changing power relations and rising stars
The norms, institutions and power relations that have defined the last decades of international political and economic relations in the European Union are undergoing major transformations. With the return of competition between great and ambitious powers, like the US, China, EU and Russia, the need…
Jan Erk elected Smuts Memorial Fellow at Cambridge University
Jan Erk, political scientist at Leiden University, has been selected as the 2016-2017 Smuts Memorial Fellow at the University of Cambridge. During his residency at the renowned British academy, he will work on his research project ‘The Enduring Impact of Africa’s extinct kingdoms and invisible chief…
Conference ‘Power and Counterpower in Democracy: Multidisciplinary Perspectives'
As both old and new democracies experience increasing democratic backsliding, there is a critical societal need to rethink the design and effectiveness of democratic checks and balances. In this conference on Friday 9 June, the aim is to explore multidisciplinary insights about what makes the checks…
‘Woolly’ King's Speech reflects broad coalition
The 2018 King's Speech was a string of statements containing little or no substance. It was obvious that, in an attempt to keep all the coalition parties happy, the speech covered more issues than in 2017. This is confirmed by an analysis of the speech carried out by public administration experts Gerard…
What norms and values do international banks uphold during financial crises?
The 22nd of march 2023, political scientist Lukas Spielberger will defend his dissertation ‘Lessons from Europe for the study of international bank cooperation’. He wrote his thesis about the cooperation of central banks during international financial crises: ‘central banks pay more attention to shared…
The link between The Hague bonfires and different types of citizenship
For the third year in a row, the bonfires in the Duindorp and Scheveningen neighbourhoods in The Hague during New Year's Eve have been cancelled. According to Professor Henk te Velde, the fight for the bonfires represents something bigger: angry citizens.
In the media: Martijn Nouwen's research into EU tax body
In het onderzoek van docent Martijn Nouwen wordt voor het eerst aan het grote publiek blootgelegd hoe de ‘geheime’ Europese Gedragscodegroep er niet in is geslaagd om verschillende vormen van schadelijke belastingconcurrentie uit te bannen.
Talent for languages test: National Linguistics Olympiad puts language sense to the test for high school students
How would you convert Egyptian hieroglyphs into Latin script? And what is actually the correct translation of dishes on a Vietnamese menu? On Saturday 28 January, high school students from all over the Netherlands will come to Leiden to ponder a series of language-related puzzles. Their goal? To win…
Edwin Bakker discusses the possible IS prisoner breakouts on Dutch news website NOS.nl
This week the Turkish army invaded North East Syria. The Turkish invasion might well have had an unintended side effect: the escapement of thousands of Islamic State terrorists held in captivity. Experts on terrorism and politicians fear a resurrection of the terror group.
How the rise of AI is creating new opportunities for computational linguists
With the rise of AI, interest in computational linguistics and language models has taken flight. But machines are far from being able to go it alone. In her inaugural lecture, Professor Carole Tiberius will stress the importance of research on word combinations. ‘We know a great deal but there is a…
Lips pouted or not? How improved speaker recognition can help forensic investigations
Police investigations use wiretapped phone recordings as investigative material fairly regularly. But how do they know that the voice on the recording actually belongs to the suspect? PhD student Laura Smorenburg is trying to answer that question.
In Memoriam professor Wim Jiskoot (1961-2021)
Afgelopen zondagavond, 22 augustus, is na een kort ziekbed onze zeer gewaardeerde collega professor Wim Jiskoot, Hoogleraar Technologie van toediening van medicijnen, overleden. Wim werd twee weken geleden onverwachts geconfronteerd met het feit dat hij een vergevorderd stadium van kanker had, waarvoor…
Sara Polak: 'We have seen a failed attempt at a revolution'
A flood of news reports, push notifications and even extra news broadcasts: on Wednesday, the world was shocked by the storming of the Capitol in Washington. Americanist Sara Polak discusses the events.
President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, Wants to Suspend the Polish Disciplinary Chamber Urgently
The controversial Disciplinary Chamber of the Polish Supreme Court is one of many other judiciary reforms which the PiS, the Polish nationalist ruling party, carried out since 2015. The Disciplinary Chamber allows for judges to be fined, degraded and discharged. Von der Leyen expects the highest European…
CPP/LCCP Colloquium 'Meritocratic democracy: A cross-cultural political theory'
Where does the hegemony lie in the 21st century?
The book: Hegemony and World Order: Reimagining Power in Global Politics will be published this week. Jan Aart Scholte: 'We hope that students, lecturers and policy makers will start to think differently because of this book'
Why is it now that the Left has momentum in Latin America (and how long it will last)
The left is gaining more and more ground on the political map of Latin America, with the elections in Colombia as the most recent example. But what’s behind this pull to the left? Professor of Modern Latin American History Patricio Silva talks about the current political situation in the region.
CPP/LUCIP Colloquium 'Meritocratic democracy: A cross-cultural political theory'
Joris Larik on BBC World Service Radio about Brexit
Joris Larik was interviewed by BBC World Service radio on the state of Brexit negotiations, the Irish border issue and ongoing Dutch preparation.