1,282 search results for “sociale richt” in the Public website
Liever een verre vreemde dan een valse buur
Mensen werken niet alleen liever samen met leden van hun eigen ingroup, ze concurreren er ook liever mee, lieten Leidse onderzoekers in een sociaalpsychologische studie in 51 landen zien. Dit ‘nasty neighbor’- effect was een grote verrassing voor de onderzoekers, totdat ze in studies over dieren doken.…
Catia Antunes
Faculty of Humanities
c.a.p.antunes@hum.leidenuniv.nl | +31 71 527 2735
Alternative story forms: a fresh approach to historical case material
Students taking the new bachelor’s course ‘Social Movements and Political Violence’ are about to do something new. In addition to studying textbooks and academic articles, they will actively work with multimedia materials and engage in online storytelling. Course instructor Corinna Jentzsch (Leiden…
‘How expensive is migration?’
Migrants are expensive. Or are they? Professor Olaf van Vliet collaborated on a big research project from Leiden University to map the costs of migration. During the last episode of this season of the podcast Open Geesten (Open Minds), he talks about the initial results. Do migrants really put a lot…
University working hard to create a safer work and study environment
Since the demonstration over a year ago on the Wijnhaven campus, Leiden University has developed plans and initiatives to create the safest possible work and study environment for our university community. The Executive Board would like to explain what has happened since and what else we can expect…
Dancing around the throne: networking in the time of King William I
Showing your face at dinners and parties at court: it was the way to get noticed by the king in William I's time. Joost Welten's latest book reveals how, during the reign of William I, the elite danced around his throne both literally and figuratively.
Publication MSCA project on Legal and Ethical Aspects of Healthcare Robot Technology
On Saturday 9 March 2019, Dr. Eduard Fosch-Villaronga got his first publication for his Marie Skłodowska Curie project on the Legal and Ethical Aspects of Healthcare Robot Technology.
Social Network and Radical Innovation
PhD defence
The social ties that bind
PhD defence
Empirical Analysis of Social Insurance
PhD defence
Anne Miers investigates public speaking anxiety treatments with new grant
Developmental psychologist Anne Miers of Leiden University is involved in a large-scale research project investigating the efficacy of interventions regarding social skills, resilience and insecurity. The project is funded by a grant from The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research - Health…
Eveline Crone in the media
In the Dutch media lots of articles have recently appeared based on interviews with Eveline Crone about the adolescent brain.
- Open Science Week - at the Social and Behavioural Sciences Faculty
The coastal site of Butrint is situated on a peninsula in south-western Albania, opposite the island of Corfu and Apulia in southern Italy (across the Adriatic Sea). In Medieval times, Butrint served as a connecting bridge between East and West – between Byzantium and the Latin world.
Topic: Stigmatization in patients with chronic health conditions
Imagine that you have a chronic skin condition, characterized by red patches of itchy, scaly skin. You regularly notice people staring at your skin and sense their reluctance to shake your hand. Or imagine that you have Parkinson's Disease, causing your hands to tremble and making it difficult for you…
Managing Diversity: Supervising Functions in Managing Colonial Workplaces
Managing Diversity: Supervising Functions in Managing Colonial Workplaces
What works in suicide prevention? Lessons from the 113 Helpline
113 Suicide Prevention gave a guest lecture about suicide prevention at the Spanish Steps in Wijnhaven
'Researching research is not a luxury; it’s a necessity'
It sounds credible: ‘Research has shown that…’, but is it really? Read in the research dossier ‘From data to insight: the importance of sound research methods’ how Leiden University contributes to more reliable social science research.
‘You get the impression that Elon Musk is acting based on personal motivations’
It increasingly seems that Elon Musk has taken it upon himself to decide what can and cannot be said on Twitter. He bought the platform with the message that there would be room to say whatever you desired, but he himself is casting doubts on that principle.
Marieke Liem releases podcast NRT DOCS: Hotel met tralies
What does it mean to be in a Dutch prison? What is true about the prejudices about being in jail? Criminologist Marieke Liem has released a podcast on Dutch national broadcaster NPO Radio 1: Hotel met tralies.
Leiden researchers win public award in Smartest Project contest
A research project by Developmental Psychology professor Carolien Rieffe and researchers of the Leiden Institute of Advanced Computer Science has been voted Smartest Project of the Netherlands 2016.
Discover insights and advice from Leiden scientists on bullying, how to stop and prevent it. Learn why people bully, how bullied children can get help and what it takes to create a safe environment. Find out how anti-bullying programmes work in schools and why bullying is a serious problem that needs…
Onderzoek naar de toekomst van de arbeidsmarkt ontvangt 3,4 miljoen euro
Een internationaal consortium onder leiding van Olaf van Vliet heeft een Horizon Europe subsidie van 3,4 miljoen euro gewonnen. In het onderzoek staat centraal hoe wereldwijde sociale veranderingen zoals migratie, digitalisering en de klimaattransitie de arbeidsmarkt beïnvloeden en wat daar de gevolgen…
Self-employed workers uneasy about approach to sham self-employment
The Dutch Tax and Customs Authority is planning to start enforcing income tax and contribution obligations again following a moratorium lasting several years. The tax authority is doing this in a move to combat sham self-employment; a dossier that continues to be a huge obstacle for the Dutch House…
Employees in stronger position to negotiate terms of employment
Employees are now in a better position to negotiate the terms and conditions of their employment. This is mainly visible in wage increases and fringe benefits. Olaf van Vliet, Professor of Economics at Leiden University, spoke to NU.nl about workers' improved negotiating position.
European subsidy for Ellen de Bruijn: ‘Hormonal fluctuations in women have been ignored for too long in brain research’
Psychologist Ellen de Bruijn studies the effects of hormonal fluctuations on behaviour and on the brain over a woman's life course. With an ERC Consolidator grant, she and 3 PhDs and a postdoc will further her EEG research on the different stages at which girls and women experience strong hormonal f…
‘The dream of studying abroad kept me going’
Ukrainian Yana Rudenko lived through the Russian occupation of Bucha in March 2022 and thereafter came to Leiden to study. thereafter De Oekraïense Yana Rudenko (24) jaar heeft in maart 2022 de Russische bezetting van Boetsja meegemaakt en is daarna gaan studeren in Leiden.
Research: Verbal abuse and clip around the ear common in Caribbean Netherlands families
People from the Dutch islands of Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius say that violence (mainly verbal) is fairly common in families. This is according to research by Leiden University, the University of Curaçao and UNICEF Netherlands. The researchers make recommendations for preventing such violence over…
Netflix hit a metaphor for South Korea: ‘You have to achieve’
South Korean smash hit Squid Game is on track to becoming the most successful Netflix production ever. The series is number one in over 90 countries. Professor and Korea expert Remco Breuker can see why South Korean pop culture is becoming so popular, also outside Asia.
Don’t underestimate the developing child brain
Children’s brains react in the same way to social feedback as adults’ brains. But handling frustration or aggression after being rejected is a different matter, developmental psychologist Michelle Achterberg has discovered. Using fMRI techniques, the development of the child brain has now been studied…
50 jaar Universiteit Leiden in Oss
Republiek op drift?
PhD defence
MRI for planning and characterization of uveal melanoma patients treated with proton beam therapy
PhD defence
Being deaf at the playground: the effect of hearing loss on children's social participation
PhD defence
Kiem project investigates link between violence and other health problems
‘Violence as a Population Health Problem’ is one of 33 interdisciplinary projects that have been launched thanks to a Kiem grant. The project team will analyse a large patient database to identify links between violence and other health problems. ‘Violence can also be an expression of other factors,’…
Psychologist Zsuzsika Sjoerds takes over the Twitter account @NL_Wetenschap
Zsuzsika Sjoerds seems to be busy with her research, her teaching, and open science advocacy. She will also take over the Twitter account for Dutch scientists. Folllow our cognitive neuroscientist at @NL_Wetenschap from 30 September till 6 October 2019.
Social Europe in the context of the green and digital transition
Lecture, Seminar
The role of shame and guilt in the development of aggression
Adolescents with autism or hearing loss report fewer feelings of guilt and shame than their peers. However, guilt does still serve a ‘corrective function’ in this group. This is what Evelien Broekhof’s dissertation reveals. PhD defence on 4 June.
Psychology Connected on inequality: 'More diversity in research? Then also recruit participants differently'
In our collective journey to bridge social, economic, and cultural inequality in society, we must al play a part, says Wilco van Dijk. Unfortunately, notes Carolien Rieffe, minority groups are often not included in this 'we.' This became a focal point of discussion during the fifth Psychology Connected…
Marieke Liem in The Economist on drug-related murders in Europe
Marieke Liem, professor at ISGA, discusses how the number of drug-related murders has not decreased in the last years
Leiden archaeologists in international media on early form of money in the Bronze Age
People in the Early Bonze Age used bronze artefacts as a means of payment. This is the conclusion reached by archaeologists Maikel Kuijpers and Catalin Popa in a PLOS ONE article published on 20 January. The discovery led to a surge of media reports.
Leiden archaeologists discover an early form of money from Prehistoric Central Europe
People in the Early Bonze Age used bronze artefacts as a means of payment. This is the conclusion reached by archaeologists Maikel Kuijpers and Catalin Popa in a PLOS ONE article published on 20 January.
Four Vici grants for Leiden University researchers
Four researchers from Leiden University have been awarded prestigious Vici grants the Dutch Research Council (NWO) has announced. The honoured applications are from researchers at the Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden Observatory, the LUMC and the Faculty of Archaeology.
Conference on the gap between government and citizens
It’s often said that citizens have lost trust in their governments. But who exactly are these ‘citizens’? And which aspects of people’s contact with government agencies work better than others? These questions will be discussed at the Crafting Resilience conference (working language is English) on…
Male researchers mostly share their work with men
The scientific world is a competitive place. Even so, researchers are often prepared to share their findings with colleagues. This applies particularly to men as a group: women are much less willing to share their work, whether it is with other women or with men. This discovery was made by Leiden and…
Interdisciplinary research: labour market on the move
Migration, globalisation, technological developments, climate change: the greatest challenges of our time all affect our labour market. But how exactly? And can we influence this? Professor of Economics Olaf van Vliet regards it as his job to reveal how things really are. ‘That way, we can work on solutions…
‘In transformation’: trust, participation, and new socialities around collective food procurement networks in Gdańsk
PhD defence
- PhD Drinks – for PhDs from Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Lunch lecture: ‘Geo’-Politics and Animist Social Contracts in the New Himalayas
Situated on the west coast of modern Turkey, the site of Ephesus is one of the largest excavations in Turkey and one of the most visited tourist attractions. Only one tenth of the city has been exposed until now although the Austrian Archaeological Institute in Vienna (ÖAI) has been excavating here…