899 search results for “diverse prevention” in the Staff website
Researchers from Leiden visit Indonesia on knowledge mission
A delegation from Leiden University recently embarked on a knowledge mission to various NGOs, universities and government organisations in Indonesia. New partnerships were formed and important knowledge exchanged, and researchers from Leiden gave guest lectures.
Save the date COI conference 2025
AI versus the fire
A Minecraft village is about to go up in flames! Save it using artificial intelligence and predict where the next fire will break out. This way you can prevent the spread of fires and bring the forest back to life.
OSCoffee: Building a data competence center for Population Health Management
Intervening in International Justice: Third States and Ukraine v. Russia
Between 21 and 28 July 2022, Latvia, Lithuania, and New Zealand have sought to intervene before the International Court of Justice in Allegations of Genocide under the Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide (Ukraine v. Russian Federation), leading a potential avalanche…
Rewarding healthy behavior: policy and science perspectives
World Peace: visions from Tolstoy
Debate, Seminar
Young Interfaculty Live Lunch
You are cordially invited to join this live lunch session that will focus on workload and mental health of early career academics. We will use the insights from the session to inform the Healthy University Leiden (HR) and create a blog in which we aim to provide you with tips on how to tackle work-pressure…
Aukje Nauta: 'Shame in the workplace can lead to stress, conflict and even burnout'
Aukje Nauta's professorship at Leiden University has been extended for another five years. She will further research how connectedness in the workplace helps people to be their full self and perform better. Her conviction: for a healthy work culture, we need to be willing to feel a bit more ashamed…
How Brexit is bringing policymakers and researchers closer together
Rector Magnificus Carel Stolker will retire on 8 February. If there’s one theme running through his career, it’s the links between the University and society. In this series of pre-retirement discussions, Stolker will talk one last time to people from within and without the University. This time he…
Working together in the Leiden Healthy Society Center: ‘It’s only when you make your research visible that you find each other'
As coordinator and lead promoter respectively of the Leiden Healthy Society Center, psychologists Sandra van Dijk and Anke Klein use interdisciplinary collaboration to resolve the major health problems of the present day. How are they going to do that in the coming period?
BHV-ers faculteit
Even voorstellen BHV-ers van faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid
Leiden University researchers receive Vidi grants
The Dutch Research Council (NWO) has awarded Vidi grants to Leiden researchers.
How does the government spend taxpayers’ money fairly?
Public procurement is not a hot topic for the average citizen. That’s a pity, says PhD candidate Erik Plas, who did research on the fair spending of public money: 'If a council project goes completely haywire, because it costs more than expected, it could even mean that local taxes will have to be r…
Medical Delta professor: ‘You can talk about collaboration until the cows come home but at some point, you actually have to start doing it’
Patients and healthcare providers use Remote Patient Management platforms to exchange information with each other. New methods like this are desperately needed to future-proof our healthcare systems. Professor Maaike Kleinsmann is working to scale up these systems and implement them nationwide.
Network of student well-being officers create connections
It’s an important theme at the University and beyond: student well-being. Even before coronavirus, research showed that loneliness and the pressure to succeed were causing particular problems for students, and these problems have only increased since the pandemic. Work is underway to improve the sit…
Can extreme antisocial behaviour be traced back to the brain?
The brain structure of young people with conduct disorder differs significantly from that of their typically developing peers. This is the conclusion of an international study that analysed more than two thousand MRI scans, recently published in The Lancet Psychiatry. Dr Moji Aghajani, one of the principal…
‘A culture of dignity and respect takes constant work and attention’
As staff, we can help every day to create a culture of dignity and respect, says HR specialist Bregje Speet. ‘It boils down to the question of how to treat each other normally. And what we consider normal to be.’
New Professor Hanneke Hulst is a team player
Hanneke Hulst has held the new Leiden chair in Neuropsychology in Health and Disease since 1 September. From 1 January she will also be chair of the Health, Medical and Neuropsychology (HMN) unit. ‘HMN is my new base. I’m curious to find out about the people who work here, what they do and what motivates…
Reading list - our favourite books this summer
Did you also read a lot this summer? We made some real headway on our bookshelves. After all, nothing beats reading a beautiful or thrilling book outside. In this reading list, you'll find our favourite books for the summer of 2022. If you have any suggestions, let us know via Twitter, Facebook or I…
Volgens hoogleraar Sarah Wolff zijn EU-migratiedeals een slechte oplossing voor een niet bestaand probleem
Nu in heel Europa rechtse partijen hoog scoren in de peilingen is de verwachting dat de discussie omtrent migratie flink opgeschud gaat worden. Desondanks maant hoogleraar Sarah Wolff tot kalmte.
The person behind the truck driver
Most people talk about truck drivers rather than to them. That’s an error of judgement, says PhD candidate Anke van der Hoeven, who explains why we should be making their lives easier. ‘People just don’t realise it, but they’re an invisible group that keeps the European economy running.’
The annual interview is changing: from scores and numbers to more human dimensions
Speaking with your manager more often, focusing explicitly on well-being and giving more recognition and rewards for teamwork and team performance: the annual Performance & Development (P&D) interview will have a new format and also a new name. With the acronym GROW (Gesprekken over Resultaat, Ontwikkeling…
Success with NWO for social and behavioural scientists
Ten Leiden social and behavioural scientists have successfully applied for the NWO Open Competition. With this Open Competition, NWO gives researchers the chance to start small, high-risk, innovative or promising research projects.
Hester Bijl: ‘On-campus teaching is a big step forward, so take care’
‘We’re going to see each other again on campus. We’re so pleased, but we do have to say safe.’ Rector Magnificus Hester Bijl is looking ahead to the new academic year, which begins on 6 September. No more 1.5m distancing, but we do have to take responsibility for other people’s safety.
Ten Leiden researchers awarded ERC Starting Grants
Ten scientists from Leiden University will receive a Starting Grant from the European Research Council. This will allow them to launch their own project, form their own research team and implement their best ideas.
One in five prisoners overlooked by professionals
Prisoners deserve better professional support when preparing to return to society. PhD candidate Amanda Pasma: ‘You can’t imprison everyone for life. Society will have to give prisoners a second chance.’
Staff symposium on student well-being: ‘Building on a healthy, engaged and learning community’
Over 200 staff from Leiden University discussed student well-being with one another and students at the Staff Symposium on Student Well-being. In various workshops and lectures, lecturers, student advisers, student counsellors and other staff members discussed how they could contribute to our students’…
Annetje Ottow on a safe (and unsafe) environment: ‘An open dialogue is crucial’
Revelations about unacceptable behaviour and sexual misconduct in the TV and sporting world have rekindled the public debate about a safe environment. At Leiden University we are coming together to prevent unacceptable behaviour and provide proper care and support for victims. According to President…
Afraid of the dark? Anke Klein: 'Let your child have a say in finding a solution'
On Sunday night 25 September, all the lights in Leiden will switch off and we will see the starry sky above us twinkling in all its glory. A unique opportunity for all residents of Leiden to experience the vastness of the cosmos and view the impressive artwork that hangs over our heads every night.…
‘Cancer treatment should be a six-week life event’
When internist Christian Blank made his very first discovery, his field of immunotherapy was the underdog of cancer research. Now, over 20 years later, Blank has been appointed Professor By Special Appointment of Internal Medicine for his clinical research into immunotherapy and will give his inaugural…
A shared path to well-being: ‘Someone has to be the first to say: let’s do things differently’
How do we offer students a helping hand without losing sight of our own well-being? This was the question that study advisers, lecturers, deans and student support staff tried to answer at the Staff Symposium on Student Well-being.
Work balance: 5 tips from education coaches
Work balance is an important issue within the Faculty of Humanities. Education coaches Astrid Van Weyenberg and Maarten van Leeuwen also deal with this regularly during their coaching sessions with lecturers. They have listed their most important tips.
SSH labs: a place to be inspired by your colleagues
The new SSH labs will offer great opportunities for FSW and FGW staff engaged in experimental research. The labs will be a place of inspiration, not only because of the state-of-the-art equipment, but also as a result of the increased interaction with colleagues in other disciplines.
From the Spanish flu to Trump's handling of the coronavirus crisis: 'Government intervention can have unexpected effects'
From the Spanish Flu during WWI to COVID-19: the role of the American government in these Pandemics. Professor Giles Scott-Smith, who together with Dario Fazzi and Gaetano Di Tommaso completed the book project Public Health and the American State, discusses a century of American responses to health…
As a parent, you have a big influence on your child’s anxiety (though there’s no need to worry about it)
How do parents communicate anxiety to their child via body language and words? Psychologist Cosima Nimphy studied this question for her PhD research. Experiments show that children of anxious parents are not more sensitive to their parents’ signs of anxiety.
Last starlight for space telescope Gaia
ESA’s space telescope Gaia, which maps the Milky Way, completes its active phase of scanning the sky on 15 January. Over the past decade, Gaia has made more than three trillion observations of about two billion stars and other cosmic objects. ‘Gaia is already the discovery machine of the decade,’ Leiden…
IPBES: Positive outcomes for people and nature are feasible, but we must act now
Changes to halt further biodiversity loss are more urgent than ever and feasible, says IPBES, the United Nations biodiversity panel. In two reports released this week, the panel calls on governments worldwide to develop coherent policies that address biodiversity, climate change, water, food and health.…
Science & Cocktails: Why do People Fight?
Why do people start and support violence against other groups? Why do people attack others? How are game theory and evolution biology used to study such phenomena? How is the choice to attack influenced by hormones? With dwindling resources (due to climate change), can we expect more violence?
Striking Back: The End of Peace in Cyberspace and How to Restore It
In their October monthly seminar, The Hague Program on InternationaL Cyber Security welcomes Lucas Kello, Associate Professor of International Relations at Oxford University. He will present his new book Striking Back: The End of Peace in Cyberspace - And How to Restore It.
Dutch Network Science Society Symposium 2022
The Dutch Network Science Society brings together researchers in network science in the Netherlands from various disciplines, including math, physics, computer science, social sciences, economics and health sciences. There will be a program of invited talks from across the spectrum of research…
Adriaan Gerbrands Lecture by Jason De León
The 11th Adriaan Gerbrands Lecture will be delivered by Professor Jason De León as part of the TAKING CARE conference.
Who's Watching Brussels? Why the EU deserves better watchdogs
Lecture, European Union Seminar
Jan Kleijssen, Hans Franken-lecture 2023
IMPACT with science communication
Communication, Outreach
Narratives of Vulnerability
Lecture, Research Seminar
Staff symposium on student well-being – A shared path to well-being: students and staff
Work Stress Week 2023
Family Matters
This dissertation describes the findings of six studies on mental health problems in the family context, specifically focusing on the associations with the parent-child relationship, parenting behaviors and experiences of childhood maltreatment. The aim is to better understand the risk factors, development…
'Butts off our campus' day at Pieter de la Court
Although smoking has been banned at the University since August 2020, cigarette butts still litter our campus and the surrounding area. To raise awareness of this problem, we will be holding a ‘butts off our campus’ day on Thursday 6 October at the Pieter de la Court building. About ‘butts off our campus’…