1,658 search results for “data” in the Staff website
Transferable skills
Transferable skills are skills that students develop during their studies and can use later in a variety of work contexts.
- Submitting grades to the SSC
The first FSW policy and SOPs for research subject to the WMO (Wet medisch-wetenschappelijk onderzoek met mensen) are currently in development.
Iconclass for Image Analysis
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Campus The Hague Career Event 2025
Course, Career Event
New potential cancer drugs and where to find them
Cancer research generates massive amounts of data, but traditional tools often fail to fully harness their potential. How can we unlock this data to provide better treatments for cancer patients? PhD candidate Marina Gorostiola González explored this by using advanced data analysis techniques to guide…
- Monitor Onderwijsdata
Privacy and Security at the Faculty of Archaeology
ICT, Security
Synthetic dataset protects privacy in criminological research
The SENSYN project has found a solution to few public datasets for criminological research: synthetic datasets. Marieke Liem talks about this unique innovation
Participation in the Cultural Diversity Barometer: more insight into diversity among staff
Diversity and inclusion are core values for Leiden University, and our aim is to offer all staff and students equal opportunities. As the University lacks adequate information about the cultural diversity of our staff, this spring we are taking part for the first time in the Cultural Diversity Barometer.…
Improving the environment of people with dementia with the help of new software
Can we improve the living environment of people with dementia with software and smartwatches? Daniela Gawehns did research in a care facility for people with dementia as part of the project 'Dementia back in the heart of society'. This way, she tried to find out whether an open living environment leads…
Bestuur laat burger verdwalen in de jungle van de gegevensverwerking
Wat kun je als burger doen wanneer de overheid je persoonsgegevens gebruikt en daarmee besluiten neemt waar je het niet mee eens bent? Fatma Çapkurt promoveerde op een onderzoek hiernaar. Burgers moeten verwerking van hun gegevens beter kunnen beoordelen.
Fed up with having to log in all the time? Here’s why it’s essential
It can be irritating, all that logging in to university systems: entering your password for the umpteenth time and confirming in an app or with a code that you are the one who is trying to log in. Find out why we really do need to do this.
Anne Urai on her Veni subsidy and open science
Neuroscientist Anne Urai has been awarded a Veni subsidy to further develop her ideas over the coming four years on how the brain makes choices. Why did she receive the award? Urai answers five questions about her Veni grant for young researchers.
Reliable research with virtual patients
The right medicine in the right dosage for every patient, that is something medical science aspires. 'Personalised medicine' is the term for that. But it does require a lot of research with patient data and that can be hard to get due to privacy legislation. Researchers Laura Zwep and Coen van Hasselt…
How a Dutch man collecting 400,000 pieces of litter ended up on a scientific paper
Anti-litter activist Dirk Groot photographed, tagged, and collected more than 400,000 pieces of litter in the Netherlands. Now, he and his data are included in a study on urban litter by researchers from Leiden University and Andrea Ballatore from Birkbeck, University of London.
Privacy: don’t wait too long to seek help
eLaw researchers present at MIT
Andreas Häuselmann and Eduard Fosch-Villaronga from eLaw - Center for Law and Digital Technologies wrote an article on the legal and regulatory aspects of emotion data and presented it to the Affective Computing + Intelligent Interaction (ACII ‘23) Conference held at MIT. Andreas Häuselmann also hosted…
A quick call with Eric van Hoof on online privacy, knights’ shields and looking left, right and left again
With Sunday 28 January the annual European Data Protection Day, we are drawing attention to data protection and the right to privacy. Because it’s okay to stop and think before sharing our data or that of others, says privacy officer Eric van Hoof. ‘If you cross the road, you don’t do so without looking…
Scientists discover the largest stellar black hole in the Milky Way
A European team of astronomers has discovered the largest stellar black hole in the Milky Way. It is more than thirty times as massive as our sun and is located in the constellation of Aquila, about two thousand light-years from Earth. The astronomers stumbled upon the black hole by chance while preparing…
GDPR error? Report it! ‘We’re not here to rap people on the knuckles’
Starting four years ago, the same privacy laws apply throughout the European Union: the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The law also affects our work at the university. As a refresher, we spoke with Privacy Officer Max van Arnhem about privacy in the workplace and what to do if something…
- Daring questions in Islam
From Remindo to Ans
Starting in the 2024-2025 academic year, the entire university will use testing platform Ans for digital testing. For the Faculty of Social Sciences, this means a transition from Remindo to Ans.
Science Skills Platform
Science Skills Platform is a versatile, digital skills learning environment for all teachers and students from the Faculty of Science. With more than 100 skills modules available, students can work on the skills they encounter during their studies whenever and wherever they want. Teachers can integrate…
Archaeologist Amanda Henry traces ancient diets and human adaptability with a Vici grant
Dr Amanda Henry has secured a prestigious Vici grant for her groundbreaking research project, Hominin FoodWays: Changing Diet and Food Processing Across Climate Frontiers. This five-year study, set to begin in September, aims to unravel the dietary adaptations of Eurasian hominins between 1.8 and 0.9…
Journey through a maze: measuring learner-learner interaction
What and how are we measuring in research of learner-learner interaction? Irena Galikyan (PhD candidate at ICLON) defends her dissertation on this subject on 14 April.
Martine van Trigt joins E.M. Meijers Research Institute as funding advisor
Acquiring external funding for research is becoming increasingly important. Proper support for applying for research grants is essential in this process. As of December, the team of the Meijers Research Institute, responsible for the organisation and quality assurance of research at our faculty, will…
Mark de Rooij appointed SAIlS Professor
As of April 2022, Mark de Rooij has been appointed SAILS Professor AI and Data Theory at the Institute of Psychology. This position will enable him to contribute to the goal of the interdisciplinary programme: to build on and expand the current expertise on AI within Leiden University, working from…
Google gift for quantum research
Assistant Professor Vedran Dunjko and his team receive a €100,000 gift from Google to support them in their quantum research. The research focuses on whether quantum computers can provide new ways of understanding the mysteries of high-energy physics. Google is committed to supporting ambitious research…
Intensive Leiden collaboration on ICT for research
Leiden University and the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) have signed an agreement on ICT for research. This is the further concretisation of previous cooperation between the two.
Meet our new Privacy Officer Astrid Gravenbeek: ‘Here to help people feel more resilient’
The past years Wouter Kool has been active as Privacy Officer at the Faculty of Archaeology. This was part of his position as Information Manager. Recently, however, he doubled his responsibilities when taking over the Information Manager position at the FGGA as well. He remains only human though, so…
Travel reveals the mind
Exploring the minds of our primate cousins in the wild, using under-exploited observations of their travel paths. A large set of observations of the travel paths of wild primates provides new opportunities for in-depth insights in the evolution of the mental abilities that primates, including ourselves,…
How smart cities gain legitimacy and trust
A smart city is of no use if its residents don’t trust it. Tanaquil Arduin, Chief Data Officer at the Municipality of The Hague, and Bram Klievink, Professor of Digitalisation and Public Policy at Leiden University, explain how this can be avoided – to some extent. ‘Make sure civil servants and residents…
Anne Meuwese and Bart Custers in Trouw on Covid apps
The more people are vaccinated, the more society can slowly reopen. Technological developments, like the Covid passport and other apps, can play a role in this. Artificial Intelligence could help greatly in developing the vaccine passport and the Covid-19 exposure notification app, Anne Meuwese and…
Bart Schermer about attack on citizens' right to demonstrate
Media outlets Investico, de Groene Amsterdammer and Trouw reported on the wide-scale collection by the Dutch police of personal data of demonstrators and their family members. Bart Schermer, Professor of Privacy and Cybercrime, commented on the issue.
ERC Consolidator grant for Alessandra Silvestri: putting gravity to the test on cosmological scales
Does gravity work the same when you look at the largest scales in our universe? That’s what Leiden physicist Alessandra Silvestri will study with a 2 million euro ERC Consolidator grant. ‘We assume that it does, but we don’t actually know.’
eLaw Research Colloquium 2021; 'Law Gone Digital'
On Friday 10 December 2021, the Center for Law and Digital Technologies (eLaw) of the Leiden Law School, hosted its annual Research Colloquium exploring the theme 'Law Gone Digital'. The event gathered presentations by eLaw PhD candidates and professors on a wide range of topics at the interface of…
What global cities are made of
Understanding what our buildings and cities are made of is an important step in making them more sustainable. Industrial ecologist Tomer Fishman (CML) has received an ERC Starting Grant to map the construction materials used in buildings in the Global South. 'Without the data, you can't formulate po…
How to make AI systems learn better
Artificial intelligence systems are smart. They can recognize patterns better than humans, for example. Yet humans are still very much needed. How can you better steer those AI systems? LIACS lecturer Jan van Rijn wrote a book about this together with a number of colleagues. We asked him a few quest…
Matthew Canfield and Danielle Chevalier receive NWO Grants
Matthew Canfield (Assistant Professor, Van Vollenhoven Institute) and Danielle Chevalier (Assistant Professor Law & Society, Van Vollenhoven Institute) both received XS Grants from the NWO Open Competition SSH for their respective research projects. These grants are a maximum of €50,000 and enable…
October is Cybersecurity Awareness Month: tips for working privacy and security smart
Bart Custers on using genealogical DNA in criminal cases
The Public Prosecutor's Office (OM) and the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) want to use private DNA databases for genealogical research in criminal investigations. The method could be used in serious criminal cases that have stalled and it is already being used in investigations abroad. Whether…
Be aware of the risks of using chatbots like ChatGPT in your work
Van de keukentafel tot de hoogste Haagse kringen: iedereen lobbyt
Je onderdompelen in de wereld van de lobby. Dat kan op donderdag 10 november tijdens de Nacht van de Lobbyist, een publiek event dat de Universiteit Leiden en de Public Affairs Academie voor de 2de keer organiseren. Vijf vragen aan initiatiefnemer Bert Fraussen, universitair docent bij het Instituut…
Are you are using safe software? Use the tool picker to check
ICT, Security
Gianclaudio Malgieri on AI, Privacy and DeepSeek
In a recent interview with Maya Plentz for The Unbrief, Dr Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor of Law & Technology at eLaw, Leiden University, explored the intersection of AI-powered search technologies and privacy rights.
Gianclaudio Malgieri to give keynote speech on fundamental rights and vulnerability at Maastricht University
Dr Gianclaudio Malgieri, Associate Professor of Law & Technology at eLaw and Co-Director of the Brussels Privacy Hub, will deliver a keynote speech at Maastricht University. This keynote is a part of the Maastricht Experience Week focusing on 'The future of privacy, cybersecurity and data management'.…
Hadassah Drukarch receives prestigious 2023 Brinkhof Internet Thesis Award
We are proud to share that Hadassah Drukarch, a graduate of our Advanced LL.M. in Law and Digital Technologies (class of 2022-2023), has been honored with the prestigious 2023 Brinkhof Internet Thesis Award for her thesis research that explores the intricate interplay between data protection regulation…
Digitisation: ignoring it is no longer an option
‘Jelena Prokic, university lecturer and researcher at the Leiden University Centre for Digital Humanities, will be preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the digital world. In September, six modules will start on subjects such as statistics and digitally searching through texts.…