New: access to education data
‘Through measurement to knowledge’ was the catchphrase of Heike Kamerlingh Onnes, which is emblazoned on the entrance to this historic building. This credo certainly holds true when it comes to developing sound education policies. The Education Policy department has developed a tool in SharePoint called the ‘Leiden Law School Education Data Monitor’ (in Dutch: Monitor Onderwijsdata FdR). The monitor is used to make education-related management information – such as figures on student intake, graduations and leavers –accessible for everyone at the faculty. Not only does the monitor provide relevant data, it also refers to other sources of education data.

Interested? Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions about the monitor.
The monitor brings together management information in the area of education from various sources. The information includes intake data (registrations, registration forecasts, applications), study progress information (binding study recommendations, dropouts, resit exam passes) and other data (such as key figures for annual study programme reports and audit reports).
Some of the information is retrieved from reports from the Education Information Centre (OIC) and BB/information management, while some is also available on the university’s Education Dashboard, for example. The monitor displays information in an edited, accessible form – such as graphs and charts – and also provides explanatory notes. It also lists other sources of education data.
The monitor only shows aggregate and non-confidential data. In many cases, the data in question is also available on other university sites and dashboards. Cases where this is uncertain are referred to the Privacy Officer. Another key advantage of a SharePoint environment is that it can only be accessed using a ULCN account, and it gives control over who has access and which specific rights each user has.
Though it’s only recently become available, invitations to use the monitor have been sent out to staff working with data, programme directors and colleagues who receive the periodic emails containing intake figures.
Essentially, it’s for anyone who works at the faculty and needs education data. The main target group includes the people specified above, but anyone based at the faculty could gain access.
You can request access by sending an email to the administrator, Jan Jacob Trip, from the Education Policy department. You can also contact Jan Jacob if you have a suggestion or question.
If you already have access to the monitor or want to request it, click here. Currently, the monitor is only available in Dutch.