Dissertation layout requirements
The layout of a dissertation must meet certain requirements. Special rules also apply if the dissertation was written with others or if a commercial edition will be published.
The main requirements for layout are given here. For a complete overview of all the requirements, please see the PhD Regulations. A faculty may set additional requirements (see your faculty tab or Graduate School).
Title page and non-scientific part
The title page of the dissertation has a prescribed format. The non-scientific part comprises the following elements:
- Title page (front and reverse)
- Foreword and/or afterword
- Acknowledgement(s)
- Assignment/assigning party (if applicable)
- Quotation/motto (if applicable)
- Table of contents
- Curriculum vitae
- Propositions
- Summary
- Cover
- Front and back cover of the dissertation volume (outside and inside)
Before reproducing the dissertation (printing or copying), you must first submit the non-scientific part for approval to the Dean, and the title page to both the Dean and the Beadle.
If you have written the dissertation with another PhD candidate, both of you must submit the dissertation with your own title page, curriculum vitae and propositions. You may state on the back of the title page that the PhD research was conducted jointly by two PhD candidates and has resulted in a joint dissertation.
Obtaining a PhD on the basis of articles and earlier publications
The dissertation may be written in the form of either a monograph or multiple articles that have been published or submitted for publication. In the latter case, the articles must be combined in such a way that the complete dissertation has the character of a stitched, glued or bound book. The articles must also have the same format; they will therefore sometimes need to be enlarged or reduced.
The articles must be related in terms of content, and the relationship explained in an introductory and/or concluding chapter. The different faculties may set additional requirements.
When articles are included in the dissertation, this counts as a new publication. It is therefore important to be aware of the copyright of any co-authors. For dissertations in the form of a monograph, references must be given for any previously published parts.
Commercial edition
You may choose to also publish a commercial edition of your dissertation, but only after you have been awarded your PhD. If the commercial edition is also used as the dissertation, a title page must be bound into it. For further requirements, see the PhD Regulations.
Meijers Series
Leiden Law School has its own book series for PhD dissertations (and books resulting from conferences and symposia).
The choice of the publisher/printer is up to the author or editor. The Department of Research has agreements with a number of specialist companies for the lay-out of a publication.
For the lay-out of a PhD dissertation, it is recommended to calculate backwards from the date the book is due to be published. This is particularly important for PhD candidates whose defense date has already been set. In the case of a PhD dissertation, a period of 16 weeks is standard. For the procedure and timeline, see instructions for authors.
The size of the PhD dissertation is in principle maximum 100,000 words (including footnotes and bibliography, excluding the non-academic part). The Dean, on behalf of the Doctorate Board, may grant an extension, following a written request by the supervisor.
Instructions for authors
In the instructions for authors you can find practical recommendations for the submission of a text document, tables and images and guidelines for writing text, footnotes and the list of literature references. These instructions are in line with the Leidraad voor juridische auteurs (Deventer: Kluwer 2022). They also include information on the production process from the moment the final manuscript is ready.
Leiden Law School provides a number of allowances for printing costs (for all PhD candidates) and for lay-out costs (for PhD researchers whose dissertation is published in the Meijers series). More information.
If you have questions or would like to register your publications in the Meijers series, please send an e-mail to Belinda Helder.
Doctorate on the basis of articles
Leiden Law School has its own policy on obtaining a doctorate on the basis of articles. See here: policy.