3 October University given a makeover
Try to resolve the nitrogen problem, go on a regeneration journey or take part in psychological research: discover this and more at the new and improved 3 October University, ‘WetenschapsWarenMarkt’.
Leiden University has a special bond with Leidens Ontzet (Relief of Leiden) on 3 October: in gratitude for the courage shown by the people of Leiden, William of Orange gave the city the university as a gift after its liberation from the Spanish occupation. For the past nine years, Leiden University has been holding its 3 October University to share knowledge and bring the university and the people of Leiden closer together.
Until last year, 3 October University was a series of lectures in Van der Werffpark. But after eight years it’s time for something new. ‘We want to involve the public more in our research and give people the chance to talk to our researchers’, says Science Communications Adviser Marieke Epping.
So this year’s 3 October University has a very interactive programme, packed with activities with and about science. Leiden University is once again organising the event in collaboration with the LVVS Augustinus student association. Together they are putting on a market full of stalls with facts, scientific games and interactive tours. Visitors can take part in real psychology research, for instance, in the Psychology Lab on Wheels. This is investigating what goes on in your body when you feel a connection with someone.
‘We want to involve the public more in our research and give people the chance to talk to our researchers.’
You can also do a city walk to spots that reveal links between Leiden and Africa. in 1742 a man from Ghana was awarded a PhD in the Academy Building for his dissertation on slavery? Or that Nelson Mandela received an honorary doctorate from Leiden University in 1999?
Another option is to go on a regeneration journey. Regeneration means that the body heals itself. Take how a lizard, for example, can detach its tail to distract a predator and simply regrow a new one. We can use regeneration to people heal. Come and discover how this works!
Or how about trying to resolve the nitrogen crisis? In the NitroGenius game you and the other players try to reduce the amount of nitrogen. Will you manage to hit the target before 2030?
Discover this and more at 3 October University. Hope to see you there!