Universiteit Leiden

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Contact about internationalisation

International Relations and related staff advise on and support internationalisation in education in a wide variety of areas.

Subject Contact
Setting up research partnerships, network agreements, cotutelle/joint PhD agreements Anneke Hendriks
Setting up or management of exchange partnerships with university-wide partners outside of Europe Hung-Wah Lam

Setting up or management of exchange partnerships with European or faculty partners outside of Europe

Faculty Coordinator

EU subsidy advice on international cooperation projects    

Theodore Poumpalov

Incoming or outbound exchange students

Gaye Eksen of uw Faculty coordinator
Student councellors: guidance on non-academic matters     Studenten councellors

Psychological support (counselling services) 

Euroscholars Usha Mohunlol

(foreign) Student loans and scholarships

Student loans and scholarships

Housing for international students

Housing website


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