Universiteit Leiden

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Bachelor recruitment strategy

It goes without saying that recruiting new bachelor’s students is important to our university. Our recruitment efforts are focused both on schools and on the pupils themselves.

The key target groups are pupils in the final three years of VWO (‘pre-university education’) and young people with an HBO (University of Applied Sciences) qualification, but school careers advisers, teachers and parents are another important target group.

Course brochures and magazines

Every August, each bachelor’s degree programme produces a course brochure containing information about matters such as the subjects taught during the programme, the admissions criteria and how the courses prepare students for the employment market.

The more general magazine Leiden University Bachelor's Programmes also offer information about choosing a programme, the university itself, the programmes we offer, the city and student life. The brochures can be downloaded on the website. Flyers of each programmes are handed out on information events like Open Days. 

The brochures are produced and edited by the Strategic Communication and Marketing Directorate, while the faculties provide the content.

Online marketing

The most important tool in online marketing is the website https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/en/education/bachelors. This web page links to information about the various information events. We use website statistics (Google Analytics and Google Data Studio) to track visits to these recruitment sites. If you have a suggestion relating to your programme or faculty, you can e-mail us at wervingsite@bb.leidenuniv.nl


We also use e-mail as a marketing tool, for example by sending prospective students newsletters about information events.

Social media

We use Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, LinkedIn and YouTube to keep prospective students up to date on our recruitment activities.


The departments that are involved in recruiting bachelor’s students include:

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