Universiteit Leiden

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Corporate presentations

Giving a presentation about the University? There are standard presentations available.

For staff, there are two standard presentations - short and long - about Leiden University, in English and in Dutch. These corporate presentations contain informative slides about:

  • research, teaching and management,
  • facts and figures on - for example - numbers of students and alumni, 
  • information about partnerships and impact.

There are speaking notes under the slides you can draw from. The long version of this standard presentation offers slides with detailed information per subject.




Last update: 10 July 2024

About the data

  • Publications in 2023: as of June 2024 (incl. LUMC).
  • PhDs conferred in 2023: reference date June 2024.
  • Professors incl. at LUMC: reference date June 2024.
  • Spinoza Prizes: total up to and including 2024. Leiden is in the lead.
  • NWO grants awarded in 2023: reference date June 2024.
  • ERC grants awarded in 2023: reference date June 2024.
  • The number of students is part-time + full-time + extraneous; reference date June 2024.
  • Students and number of nationalities of students: reference date June 2024.
  • The number of employees excludes LUMC. Reference date June 2024.
  • Nobel Prizes: total to date.
  • Percentage of students taking Honours courses: measured in March 2022
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