No more standby mode: Turn off devices with time switches
If you work in a lab with a lot of equipment, it could be worth connecting this to time switches. Then you can be sure that everything turns off properly at the end of the day, and thus save a lot of energy. Equipment in standby mode still consumes power. This can mount up if it is every night and weekend.

Anneloes works in a lab as an analyst and set up time switches when she realised that she and other staff sometimes forgot to switch off equipment at the end of the day. ‘Understandable because you’ve been concentrating all day and want to get home. Then you forget at times. Setting up the time switches did take a bit of time, but each device now has its own one. It feels good to know that everything really is switched off at the end of the day and week.’
Are you energy smart?
Leiden University is doing all it can to save energy. You’ll find more information about our energy campaign along with energy-saving tips on the staff website. Want to connect with colleagues who are committed to a sustainable university? Join the sustainability network in Teams!