Tip: Enjoy the cool breeze and save energy with a fan
Did you know that an electric fan uses less electricity than air conditioning? Twenty times less! And the climate impact of a fan is much lower because it doesn’t contain any coolant. Aircon cools inside but moves heat outside whereas the airflow from a fan makes you feel cooler without cooling the air.

Reason therefore to choose a fan rather than a portable air conditioner if you are in a building that doesn’t have a central air conditioning system.
Anneke Vermeulen who works at the Oude UB building is pleased to know that fans have such a low environmental impact. ‘In the past I was irritated that we didn’t have aircon but now I know that they guzzle energy I’m all too pleased to use the fan.’
Are you energy smart?
Leiden University is doing all it can to save energy. You’ll find more information about our energy campaign along with energy-saving tips on the staff website. Want to connect with colleagues who are committed to a sustainable university? Join the sustainability network in Teams!