What distinguishes a documentary from other formats is that it uses people and situations in real life to give voice to different opinions, provide a statement on a societal phenomenon and/or give insight into a world that is not easily accessible. If you want to record a documentary, it is important that you have one or several location(s) in mind which will enrich and enhance the content of your topic.
Documentary ‘Four Centuries of Freedom’
When to use this format? When you:
- Want to apply and analyse different theories.
- Want to derive and reflect various assumptions & opinions.
Keep in mind that:
- You are very dependent on the people that play a role in your documentary.
- Your visual content has to be relevant and should match your educational content.
- You need to describe the visual content in a clear and understandable fashion.
Recording a documentary needs a strong storyline, in combination with an extensive video crew. Contact your video coordinator to find out what the options are at your faculty.