Universiteit Leiden

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Accessible lectures

Would you like to update an existing lecture or design a completely new one? Would you like to know what all your students need to understand lecture materials? Please attend the online module Accessible lectures in three steps and find out how to tailor your lecture to the neurodiverse group of students in your course.

Various lecturers from FSW with extensive teaching experience have created the module. Based on scientific literature, we selected a variety of teaching techniques that you can immediately implement in your lecture. You will be able to check the accessibility of your lecture and you can also ask your students about their experiences. Both the accessibility checklist and the student-feedback form to evaluate a lecture can be downloaded in the module.

About this project

"Accessible Lectures in Three Steps" is part of the Comeniusproject "Effective Education for All Students". This project has been awarded by NRO and the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science to Dr. Suzanne Mol, as a senior fellowship within the Comeniusprogram 2020 (file number: 405.20865.438). For questions, she can be reached at: comenius.toegankelijkonderwijs@FSW.leidenuniv.nl

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