Projects 2022-2023
In 2022-2023 eight (teams of) teachers received a Grassroots or Grass shoots grant. Here you can read about their projects.

Grassroots projects
Applicant: Rachel Plak (Education and Child Studies)
By listening to podcasts, students can get a unique insight into the experiences of autistic individuals. This introduces them to the diversity of autism. Students will listen to the podcasts in preparation for the lectures. During the lectures, the experiences of people with autism are linked to theory. Mutual exchanges between students during these contact moments are an important part of the program.
Applicants: Karlijn Pieterse and Marije Stoltenborgh (Education and Child Studies)
In the current Education and Child Studies curriculum, we regularly ask students to reflect on their own functioning and learning process. After all, as pedagogical professionals, we are our own instrument in the consulting room. Currently, there is no direct focus on learning the skills required for this. We will build an inspiring blended learning format with knowledge clips, self-study assignments, and teacher-guided assignments that help students develop their reflective skills.
Applicants: Ellen van Reuler and Thomas Scarff (Political Science)
In this project, we develop coherent blended learning writing skills instruction for first- and second-year students. By using activating work forms such as knowledge clips and writing assignments (using online peer feedback and Feedbackfruits), students strengthen their skills in academic reading and editing.
Applicants: Marja Oudega and Marije Stoltenborgh (Education and Child Studies)
In this project we develop a blended learning method in which basic knowledge is made available in the form of short knowledge clips in preparation for a live lecture. During the lectures the students take an online quiz to gain insight into their knowledge level. Then the students work in groups on the material by making assignments. Afterwards, the students take the quiz again to measure their progress.

Grass shoots projects
Applicant: Henk van Steenbergen (Psychology)
In this project, the study materials helps students practice programming in Open Sesame and Python. Through the use of Autograder and Jupyter Notebooks, they will learn programming faster and better because they get immediate feedback on the parts of the material they have not yet mastered.
Applicant: Elise Swart (Education and Child Studies)
This project involves creating a platform for master's students at Education and Child Studies. On this platform they can find information, instructions and frequently asked questions relevant to writing the master's thesis. Also, the interaction between students from different master projects will be stimulated and facilitated.
Applicant: Marieke Bos (Psychology)
The use of interactive video material helps students train clinical skills. A basic case is used as a starting point. On the basis of this case students train skills that are necessary for the entire process that children and adolescents go through within the GGZ (from intake to treatment). Students are thus better prepared for the transition to clinical practice.
Applicants: Tom Louwerse/Tim Mickler and Leila Damerest/Josh Robinson (Political Science)
This project aims to introduce the open source statistical software package R in undergraduate teaching. Working with statistical programming tools like R is a skill that is useful both within and outside academia. R primarily works through writing code. As a result, learning R can initially be perceived as more challenging. It is therefore important that the switch to R is accompanied by detailed and in-depth materials: educational knowledge clips.