Faculty Network on Education and Innovation

The FNEI is a faculty network for enthusiastic lecturers explicitly engaged in education (and innovation). The network, established by the Faculty Board, consists of lecturers from all FSW institutes and promotes multidisciplinary cooperation, teaching innovations and initiatives within our faculty. The idea for establishing the network came from the Vision and Strategy Plan in the context of teacher professionalisation and was further elaborated in the implementation recommendations of the faculty working group Vision on Blended Education.
Join us to work on this years' theme
The FNEI meets every month, alternately physically (1.5 hours) and online (45 minutes) for exchange, inspiration and critical reflection on educational innovation and vision. Within the sessions, they work on a common theme. This year, that theme is: in the context of the current financial climate, how can we use educational innovation to increase efficiency while maintaining or improving educational quality. Anyone with a heart for education (innovation) is welcome to become a member.
Want to know more or join the network?
Contact Mieneke van der Salm