From Remindo to Ans
Starting in the 2024-2025 academic year, the entire university will use testing platform Ans for digital testing. For the Faculty of Social Sciences, this means a transition from Remindo to Ans.

The FSW project team is working with the university project team to ensure a smooth transition from Remindo to Ans - with as little extra work as possible for our lecturers. On this page we will keep you updated on the transition to Ans and what this means for you as a faculty member.
Update September '24: Migration Semester 1 (almost) compete
Completed migration activities
This summer, all questions from the Remindo question banks have been transferred to Ans. Duplicate/unwanted questions have been removed in Ans in agreement with the course coordinator. Remindo IDs, subcategories and question properties have been added as Tags to the questions in Ans. As a course coordinator you will now be able to find your S1 courses and questions bank in your Ans Dashboard.
Log in to Ans
Points of attention after migration
In the coming period, the Digital Testing team will still perform checks on the migrated questions. Among other things, they will check whether images and special question types (fill-in questions, graphical connection question, etc.) have been migrated correctly. Exclusions of questions will also be repaired manually. Once these checks have been performed, the Label of the questions in the question bank will be set to ‘Accepted’ by the DT-team.
A question bank in Ans consists of Exercises that can contain one or more (sub)questions. It is required to provide an Exercise title. All transferred questions have been given a working title “universiteitleiden:[RemindoID].” This title can be adjusted to your own preference.
Tip: Use the View button to quickly view Exercises:

Get to know the new testing system
In the online Ans Basics workshop, SOLO's Mieneke van der Salm will guide you through Ans in an hour using the test cycle, so that you can easily find your way around the new testing system when compiling the next exam. The workshop will be given several times from September 11 onwards, see dates and more information.
The university manuals for using Ans for both teachers and students will be available from September 6 onwards via Screensteps.
Exam support and procedure
As a teacher at FSW, you can expect the same support from the DT team in the coming months as in the Remindo era. Walk through the online module Digital Assessment with Ans @ FSW for more information about all the necessary steps before, during and after a digital exam.
Migration Semester 2
Alongside the finalisation of the Semester 1 migration and implementation of the new testing system the DT-team is busy preparing the clean-up of Semester 2 question banks. Course coordinators from Semester 2 courses will receive the necessary information and instructions regarding the cleaning up of their question banks by the end of September.
Migration schedule
The migration of the exam questions will be executed in stages and is roughly divided into semester 1 courses, semester 2 courses and courses that are tested in semester 1 and semester 2. The schedule below contains the most important dates for course coordinators.
- 22 April: you will receive information and instruction regarding the cleaning up of the questions.
- 31 May: deadline for you as course coordinator: quality check in Remindo & send reaction to cleaning of the question bank to the DT-team.
- 1 June: the DT-team will start exporting questions from Remindo, no more changes possible.
- 30 August: import in Ans finished, any needed corrections and cleaning actions carried out by the DT-team.
- 2 September: you can access your new question bank in Ans!
- 14 June: you will receive information and instruction regarding the cleaning up of the questions.
- 31 July: deadline for you as course coordinator: quality check in Remindo & send reaction to cleaning of the question bank to the DT-team.
- 1 August: the DT-team will start exporting questions from Remindo, no more changes possible.
- 30 August: import in Ans finished, any needed corrections and cleaning actions carried out by the DT-team.
- 2 September: you can access your new question bank in Ans!
- 31 July: deadline for you as course coordinator: quality check in Remindo & send reaction on cleaning up of the question bank to the DT-team.
- 1 August: the DT-team will start exporting questions from Remindo, no more changes possible.
- 39 September: you will receive information and instruction regarding the cleaning up of the questions.
- 15 November: deadline for you as course coordinator: send reaction to cleaning of the question bank to the DT-team.
- 13 December: import in Ans finished, any needed corrections and cleaning actions carried out by the DT-team.
- 16 December: you can access your new question bank in Ans!
Older news
- 2 Jul 2024 | From Remindo to Ans: an update
- 27 Feb 2024 | Four questions about Ans, our new testing platform as of September 2024
The faculty’s Digital Testing team (DT-team) will migrate the questions. To ensure that the desired questions are transferred in the correct version we informed the course coordinators on the following points:
- Only approved questions will be transferred to Ans. Questions in Remindo with a status other than ‘approved’ will not be included in the migration.
- To learn how to change a question’s status to ‘approved’, please see Changing the status of a question.
- Quality check before migration. Psychometric data will not be transferred from Remindo to Ans. Therefore, we strongly advise you to check the quality of your questions – and consequently your question bank – based on the psychometric data before the migration. See the migration schedule below to discover until when you perform this check for your question bank(s).
- Guidelines for evaluating exam questions in Remindo can be found in the attached Guide to item analysis for FSW examiners.
- The faculty offers lunch workshops to support this quality check before the migration to Ans. More information and registration.
- Cleaning up question banks. The migration offers the chance to start with a freshly-organised question bank in Ans. This will need some cleaning activity in the current question banks. The biggest focal point here should be deduplicating questions that have been entered multiple times in the past years of intensive Remindo use. The DT-team will send you an overview of all the questions in your question bank in an Excel document. Following the instructions provided, you will indicate which questions should not be transferred. See the migration schedule below to discover when you will receive the question overview for your course(s) and by which date your reaction is needed to be processed in Ans.