Rules and regulations
While designing your education you need to be aware of the rules and regulations recorded in the OER: Course and Examination Regulations (Onderwijs- en examenregeling).
Form of assessment
One rule is often overlooked while redesigning your course: that the form (including the weight) of your assessment is recorded in the prospectus. Meaning that you cannot change the way or weight of your assessment once the Prospectus is final.
OER 4.1.1.: The form of the examinations is specified in the Prospectus. In special cases, the Board of Examiners may, in consultation with the examiner, decide to offer the examination in a different form than that specified. In that case, the examiner informs all relevant parties on behalf of the Board of Examiners on the form of the examination at least 25 working days prior to the examination.

Your study programme may have additional rules and regulations, so always discuss your options with your programme director and Board of Examiners when you want to make some major changes.