Summative assessments
The goal of summative assessment is to evaluate student learning at the end of the course. The form of this assessment varies and depends on your choices. For example, the final grade might depend only on the final assignment, or it might be calculated from several assignments that took place during the course. It is also a way to standardise the student performances so the results can be compared
If you want to the summative test digitally, you can use Ans. Before you decide if you want to use Ans, you need to think about the impact of it for your students, but it also needs to be feasible to organise it practically. You need to test in the USC.
One consideration: if you want students to code in Ans or provide formulas and calculations, you want to make sure you test their ability to code, apply the formulas and do the calculations – not how well they can do that with in Ans.
Another option that you may consider is to create the test in Ans, let students answer on paper and then scan those answer to grade them digitally in Ans.
Use this decision tree and/or e-mail us to help you decide if digitally testing is a good option for you