Universiteit Leiden

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Action lines

In order to realize our lifelong development ambitions, we distinguish four action lines, with various actions under them.

  • We appoint an lifelong development ambassador for the university.
  • We increase our knowledge of labor market needs.
  • We explore with faculties and institutes what lifelong development opportunities we see and want to explore further.
  • We respond to external (grant) opportunities.
  • We stimulate development of continuing education financially.
  • We present ourselves as Leiden University Academy.
  • Leiden University Academy will support new initiatives logistically and administratively.
  • Existing lifelong development centers and Leiden University Academy will cooperate in various areas.
  • Lifelong development will be an integral part of the existing governance structure of our university.
  • We are making our organization ready by removing various organizational obstacles and organizing it more in line with initial education. And we are making the relevant ICT applications suitable for lifelong development.
  • We make the costs and benefits of our continuing education transparent.
  • We start a lifelong development learning community, and are active in relevant external networks.
  • We explore and meet needs for lifelong development teacher professionalization.
  • We provide a testing ground for innovative projects.
  • We offer tools for start-up and scale-up of initiatives (budgetting, collaborating etc.).
  • We explore appropriate forms of quality assurance for continuing education and look for opportunities to pilot with promising developments in this framework, such as micro-credentials. 
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